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A variety of financial reports can be selected on the "Reports" menu:
Balance Sheet: shows Assets, Liabilities and Equity.
Net Worth Barchartshows your net worth in a graphical environment. If you examine just assets or liabilities, barcharts showing data over time are available, as are piecharts.
Profit And Loss State: shows Income and/or Expenses over a selectable period.
Transaction Report shows transactions in an account, presented in a variety of ways.
Stock Portfolio provides a quick summary of your stocks, their current value, and profits made. The Stock Price Tracker lets you track the price of a particular stock over time.
Tax Report / TXF Export: shows tax related Income and Expenses. Can export a .TXF file that can be imported to TaxCut or TurboTax.
Balance Tracker tracks the balance of one or more accounts over time, with the option of displaying both tables and a bar chart.
Once you select a report, a report will appear. This may appear as a seperate top-level window, as a notebook tab, or in the main window, selectable for viewing through the "Window" menu. This is controllable using the MDI interface.
The report is displayed in a resizable, scrollable window. To control the report, you can use the toolbar buttons at the top of the window:
Back and Forward allow you to view the previous contents of the window, just like a web browser
Options pops up a dialog box allowing you to change the information presented in the report:
See the help for the individual reports for details of options available.
Export allows you to export the contents of the report as a HTML file for later viewing or printing.
Close closes the report window.
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