GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C_GncEmbeddedWindowThe instance data structure for an embedded window object
 C_GncPeriodSelectPrivate Data Structure
 C_GncPluginAccountTreeThe instance data structure for an account tree menu plugin
 C_GncPluginBasicCommandsThe instance data structure for an basic commands menu plugin
 C_GncPluginClassThe class data structure for a menu-only plugin
 C_GncPluginFileHistoryThe instance data structure for a file history plugin
 C_GncTreeModelAccountThe instance data structure for an account tree model
 C_GncTreeModelClassThe class data structure for a generic tree model
 C_GncTreeModelCommodityThe instance data structure for a commodity tree model
 C_GncTreeModelOwnerThe instance data structure for an owner tree model
 C_GncTreeModelPriceThe instance data structure for a price tree model
 CAccountAccount in Gnucash
 CAccountInfoHolds an account guid and its corresponding integer probability the integer probability is some factor of 10
 CAccountProbabilityIntermediate values used to calculate the bayes probability of a given account where p(AB) = (a*b)/[a*b + (1-a)(1-b)], product is (a*b), product_difference is (1-a) * (1-b)
 CAccountTreeFilterInfoStructure passed to "filter tree accounts" function to provide it information
 Caction_owners_structMap actions to owners
 Caction_toolbar_labelsA structure for defining alternate action names for use in the toolbar
 CadditionThis data structure holds the information for a single addition to the preferences dialog
 CBasicCellAbstract base class defining the handling of the editing of a cell of a table
 CBudgetAccumulationInfoAction for when a selection in a gnc budget view is changed
 CCheckboxCellThe CheckboxCell object implements a cell handler that will toggle between yes and no values when clicked upon by the mouse
 CCloneBudgetData_tData structure for containing info while cloning budget values
 CComboCellThe ComboCell object implements a cell handler with a "combination-box" pull-down menu in it
 CCompletionCellThe CompletionCell object implements a cell handler with a "combination-box" pull-down menu in it
 Ccopy_dataThis data structure is used while building the preferences dialog to copy a grid from a glade file to the dialog under construction
 CDateCellThe DateCell object implements a date handling cell
 CDoclinkcellThe Doclinkcell object implements a cell handler that will cycle through a series of single-character values when clicked upon by the mouse and will return a glyph if font can show it
 CDraftTransactionThe final form of a transaction to import before it is passed on to the generic importer
 CFormulaCellThe FormulaCell is a register-table cell which can contain a formula involving numbers, formula markup and strings denoting either functions or variables
 CfsParseDataStruct passed around as user-data when parsing the FreqSpec
 Cfull_acct_balances_tStructure to hold start/end balances for each account
 Cgnc_commodityAn article that is bought and sold
 Cgnc_commodity_namespaceA gnc_commodity_namespace is an collection of commodities
 Cgnc_commodity_tableA gnc_commodity_table is a database of commodity info
 Cgnc_numericAn rational-number type
 CGncABTransTemplA template for an AqBanking transaction
 CGncAccountSelectorC++ wrapper for GncAccounSel, see gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-account-sel.h
 CGncAmountEditC++ wrapper for GncAmountEdit, see gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-amount-edit.h
 CGncBudgetThe budget data
 CGncBudgetViewPrivatePrivate budget view structure
 CGncCsvImpParseErrorException that will be thrown whenever a parsing error is encountered
 CGNCCurrencyAccAn accumulator for a given currency
 CGncCustomerCredit, discount and shipaddr are unique to GncCustomer
id, name, notes, terms, addr, currency, taxtable, taxtable_override taxincluded, active and jobs are identical to ::GncVendor
 CGncDateGnuCash Date class
 CGncDateEditC++ wrapper for the GncDateEdit control (see gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-date-edit.h)
 CGncDateImplPrivate implementation of GncDate
 CGncDateTimeGnuCash DateTime class
 CGncDbiSqlConnectionEncapsulate a libdbi dbi_conn connection
 CGncDbiSqlResultAn iterable wrapper for dbi_result; allows using C++11 range for
 CGncGUIDThe type used to store guids in C
 CGNCLedgerDisplayThe GNCLedgerDisplay struct describes a single register/ledger instance
 CGNCLotIdentifies that something sold at one time was bought at another
 CGncMainWindowThe instance data structure for a main window object
 CGncMainWindowClassThe class data structure for a main window object
 CGncMainWindowPrivateThe instance private data structure for an embedded window object
 CGncNumericThe primary numeric class for representing amounts and values
 CGncOptionRepresents the public interface for an option
 CGncOptionAccountListValueSet one or more accounts on which to report, optionally restricted to certain account types
 CGncOptionCommodityValueClass GncOptionCommodityValue Commodities are stored with their namespace and mnemonic instead of their gncGUID so that they can be correctly retrieved even if they're deleted and recreated
 CGncOptionDateValueA legal date value is a pair of either a RelativeDatePeriod, the absolute flag and a time64, or for legacy purposes the absolute flag and a timespec
 CGncOptionDBHolds all of the options for a book, report, or stylesheet, organized by GncOptionSections
 CGncOptionGtkUIItemClass GncOptionGtkUIItem Gtk-specific Interface class for Option Widget
 CGncOptionMultichoiceValueMultichoice options have a vector of valid options (GncMultichoiceOptionChoices) and validate the selection as being one of those values
 CGncOptionRangeValueUsed for numeric ranges and plot sizes
 CGncOptionSectionClass GncOptionSection The upper-level classification implementation
 CGncOptionUIFactoryFactory class that keeps track of which GncOptionValueType needs which WidgetCreateFunc and calls the appropriate one when required
 CGncOptionUIItemHolds a pointer to the UI item which will control the option and an enum representing the type of the option for dispatch purposes; all of that happens in gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options and gnucash/gnome/business-option-gnome
 CGncOptionValueThe generic option-value class
 CGncOwnerDeleterClass GncOptionGncOwnerValue
 CGncPluginMenuAdditionsPerWindowPer-window private data for this plugin
 CGncPluginPageThe instance data structure for a content plugin
 CGncPluginPageClassThe class data structure for a content plugin
 CGncPluginPagePrivateThe instance private data for a content plugin
 CGncPluginPrivateThe instance private data for a menu-only plugin
 CGNCPolicyThe Policy routines try to encapsulate the FIFO/LIFO-specific parts of the cap-gains routine, and can be replaced by something else for other policies
 CGNCPricePrice of commodity on a given date
 CGNCPriceDBData type
 CGncPriceImportThe actual PriceImport class It's intended to use in the following sequence of actions:
 CGncRationalRational number class using GncInt128 for the numerator and denominator
 CGncSqlBackendMain SQL backend structure
 CGncSqlColumnInfoInformation required to create a column in a table
 CGncSqlColumnTableEntryContains all of the information required to copy information between an object and the database for a specific object property
 CGncSqlConnectionEncapsulate the connection to the database
 CGncSqlObjectBackendEncapsulates per-class table schema with functions to load, create a table, commit a changed front-end object (note that database transaction semantics are not yet implemented; edit/commit applies to the front-end object!) and write all front-end objects of the type to the database
 CGncSqlResultPure virtual class to iterate over a query result set
 CGncSqlRowRow of SQL Query results
 CGncSqlSlotsBackendSlots are neither loadable nor committable
 CGncSqlStatementSQL statement provider
 CGNCSummarybarOptionsOptions for summarybar
 CGncTaxTableModtime is the internal date of the last modtime
See libgnucash/engine/TaxTableBillTermImmutability.txt for an explanation of the following
Code that handles refcount, parent, child, invisible and children is identical to that in ::GncBillTerm
 CGncToolBarShortNamesA structure for defining alternate action names for use in the toolbar
 CGncTreeModelPrivateThe instance private data for a generic tree model
 CGncTreeViewPrivatePrivate Data Structure
 CGncTxImportThe actual TxImport class It's intended to use in the following sequence of actions:
 CInvoiceWindowThis data structure does double duty
 CKvpFrameImplImplements KvpFrame
 CKvpValueImplements KvpValue using boost::variant
 CLoanAssistantDataThe UI-side storage of the loan assistant data
 CLoanDataData about a loan repayment
 CLoggerMessages for later display to the user
 Cmenu_updateThis data structure is used to describe the requested state of a GAction, and is used to pass data among several functions
 CNumCellThe NumCell object implements a number handling cell
 COptionClassifierThis class is the parent of all option implementations
 CPageCashThe Cash page collects the cash account (usually corresponds the broker's cash management account), the amount of cash, and the memo for the cash split
 CPageDividendDividend page, collects an amount, an INCOME account, and a memo
 CPageFeesFees page
 CPageFinishFinish page
 CPageStockAmountStock Amount page
 CPageStockValueStock Value page
 CPageTransDeetsTransaction Details page
 CPageTransTypePage classes generate the several pages of the assistant
 CParserNumData Types
 CPriceCellThe PriceCell object implements a cell handler that stores a single double-precision value, and has the smarts to display it as a price/amount as well as accepting monetary or general numeric input
 CQofBookQofBook reference
 CQofFakeQueryFake object providing functionality similar to QofQuery
 CQofObjectThis is the QofObject Class descriptor
 CQofParamThis structure is for each queryable parameter in an object
 CQofQueryA Query
 CQofQueryPredDataNo extended comparisons for QOF_TYPE_INT32, QOF_TYPE_INT64, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN
 CQuickFillCellThe QuickFillCell implements a text cell with quick-fill capabilities
 CRecnCellThe RecnCell object implements a cell handler that will cycle through a series of single-character values when clicked upon by the mouse
 CRepayOptDataThe data relating to a single "repayment option" – a potential [sub-]transaction in the repayment
 CRepayOptDataDefaultThe default repayment options data
 CRepayOptUIDataThe UI-side storage of the repayment options
 CRevRepaymentRowA transient struct used to collate the GDate and the gnc_numeric row-data for the repayment review schedule
 CSchedXactionA single scheduled transaction
 CSplitSplit in Gnucash
 CSplitRegisterThe type, style and table for the register
 CStockAssistantModelAvailable transaction types based on the state of the account, the collection and validation of input data from the StockAssistantView and conversion of the data into a GnuCash transaction
 CStockAssistantViewContains the pages and manages displaying them one at a time
 CStockTransactionEntryHolds the configuration information from the fieldmask and the data to create a single split
 CStockTransactionFeesEntrySpecialized Entry for fees, taxes, commissions, and so on
 CStockTransactionStockCapGainsEntrySpecialized Entry for the stock account's capital gains split
 CStockTransactionStockEntrySpecialized StockTransactionEntry for the stock split
 CSXTmpStateDataJust the variable temporal bits from the SX structure
 CTableLayoutType definitions
 CTabWidthThis data structure allows the passing of the tab width and whether the tab layout is on the left or right
 Ctest_price_prop_type_strFunctor to check if the above map has an element of which the value equals name
 Ctest_prop_type_strFunctor to check if the above map has an element of which the value equals name
 CTestErrorStructStruct to pass as user_data for the handlers
 CTestLogHandlerHolds a handler instance with its TestErrorStruct, handler id, and whether it's a list handler
 CtoCreateSXA transient structure to contain SX details during the creation process
 CTokenAccountsInfoTotal_count and the token_count for a given account let us calculate the probability of a given account with any single token
 CTxnTypeInfoClass TxnTypeinfo has no functions
 CVirtualCellHolds information about each virtual cell
 CVirtualCellLocationThe VirtualCellLocation structure contains the virtual location of a virtual cell
 CVirtualLocationThe VirtualLocation structure contains the virtual location of a physical cell
 Cwrite_objects_tData-passing struct for callbacks to qof_object_foreach() used in GncSqlObjectBackend::write()