def | api_accounts () |
def | api_account (guid) |
def | api_account_splits (guid) |
def | api_transactions () |
def | api_transaction (guid) |
def | api_bills () |
def | api_bill (id) |
def | api_bill_entries (id) |
def | api_invoices () |
def | api_invoice (id) |
def | api_invoice_entries (id) |
def | api_entry (guid) |
def | api_customers () |
def | api_customer (id) |
def | api_customer_invoices (id) |
def | api_vendors () |
def | api_vendor (id) |
def | api_vendor_bills (id) |
def | getCustomers (book) |
def | getCustomer (book, id) |
def | getVendors (book) |
def | getVendor (book, id) |
def | getAccounts (book) |
def | getAccountsFlat (book) |
def | getSubAccounts (account) |
def | getAccount (book, guid) |
def | getTransaction (book, guid) |
def | getTransactions (book, account_guid, date_posted_from, date_posted_to) |
def | getAccountSplits (book, guid, date_posted_from, date_posted_to) |
def | getInvoices (book, customer, is_paid, is_active, date_due_from, date_due_to) |
def | getBills (book, customer, is_paid, is_active, date_opened_from, date_opened_to) |
def | getGnuCashInvoice (book, id) |
def | getGnuCashBill (book, id) |
def | getInvoice (book, id) |
def | payInvoice (book, id, posted_account_guid, transfer_account_guid, payment_date, memo, num, auto_pay) |
def | payBill (book, id, posted_account_guid, transfer_account_guid, payment_date, memo, num, auto_pay) |
def | getBill (book, id) |
def | addVendor (book, id, currency_mnumonic, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email) |
def | addCustomer (book, id, currency_mnumonic, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email) |
def | updateCustomer (book, id, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email) |
def | addInvoice (book, id, customer_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes) |
def | updateInvoice (book, id, customer_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes, posted, posted_account_guid, posted_date, due_date, posted_memo, posted_accumulatesplits, posted_autopay) |
def | updateBill (book, id, vendor_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes, posted, posted_account_guid, posted_date, due_date, posted_memo, posted_accumulatesplits, posted_autopay) |
def | addEntry (book, invoice_id, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price) |
def | addBillEntry (book, bill_id, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price) |
def | getEntry (book, entry_guid) |
def | updateEntry (book, entry_guid, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price) |
def | deleteEntry (book, entry_guid) |
def | deleteTransaction (book, transaction_guid) |
def | addBill (book, id, vendor_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes) |
def | addAccount (book, name, currency_mnumonic, account_guid) |
def | addTransaction (book, num, description, date_posted, currency_mnumonic, splits) |
def | editTransaction (book, transaction_guid, num, description, date_posted, currency_mnumonic, splits) |
def | gnc_numeric_from_decimal (decimal_value) |
def | shutdown () |
gnucash_rest.py -- A Flask app which responds to REST requests
with JSON responses
Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Lofts <dev@loftx.co.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, contact:
Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
@author Tom Lofts <dev@loftx.co.uk>