3.1. Running GnuCash

GnuCash can be run from your desktop main menu by selecting the associated menu entry.

Alternatively it can be run from a shell (command line) with the command gnucash.

During the loading of the GnuCash main window you will see the GnuCash Splash Screen where some information about the program itself and the loading process are displayed.

3.1.1. Welcome to GnuCash dialog

Next you will be presented with the Welcome to GnuCash! dialog with three choices:

  • Create a new set of accounts: Runs the New Account Hierarchy Setup assistant (see Section 3.2, “New Account Hierarchy Setup”). Select this option if you want to be assisted in creating a set of accounts.

  • Import my QIF files: Runs the Import QIF Files assistant (see Section 3.3, “Import QIF Files”). Select this option if you already have Quicken files (.qif files) from another financial application and wish to import them into GnuCash.

  • Open the new user tutorial: Opens the GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide. Select this option if you are completely new to GnuCash and accounting concepts.


It is possible to run these items after you have made a choice here, but the Welcome to GnuCash! screen will not reappear. To try one of the other choices later, read Section 3.2, “New Account Hierarchy Setup”, Section 3.3, “Import QIF Files” and Section 2.1.1, “GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide” to see how to start them from the GnuCash menu.

This screen is intended for you to use to get up and running quickly. The Cancel button is used to exit the screen. It will then prompt you with Display Welcome Dialog Again?. If you do not want to see the Welcome to GnuCash! menu again click the No button. Click the Yes button or press the keyboard Enter key for the default which is to have the Welcome to GnuCash! screen run again.


Selecting either of these options will leave you with a minimum GnuCash main window. Operations in this window are described in Chapter 4, GnuCash Windows & Menus Options Overview.