2.1. Accessing Help

When GnuCash is running and this documentation is installed, this window is accessed by

The complete help menu is explained in Section, “Account Tree - Help Menu”.

Operating System and Help Viewer

Depending on your operating system we use different programs to display this help document:

Gnome Yelp
default web browser
Windows help viewer

See their respective manuals to get help about help.

2.1.1. GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide

This guide is the counterpart to this help. It explains the concepts used in GnuCash and has a tutorial that takes you through using GnuCash to manage your accounts. It will appear if you choose Open the new user tutorial in the Welcome to GnuCash! menu.

To open this Guide manually go to HelpTutorial and Concepts Guide or press Ctrl+H.


It is strongly recommended to read this guide if you are new to GnuCash or unfamiliar with accounting concepts.

2.1.2. GnuCash Wiki

An immense amount of less-formal, but often more recent documenation, both of GnuCash itself and its maintenance and development may be found in the GnuCash Wiki; the Frequently Asked Questions page should be a first stop whenever you encounter difficulty using GnuCash.

2.1.3. GnuCash On-line Assistance

Mailing List

The primary source of user support is the user mailing list. If English is not your primary language, see wiki:user mailing listsfor local lists. If you prefer a web forum-like presentation, you can use it via Nabble. One must subscribe before posting, even if using Nabble.


Several of the developers and experienced users monitor the #gnucash channel at irc.gnome.org. They're usuall doing something else, too, and of course aren't always at their computers. Log in, ask your question, and stay logged in; it may be several hours before your question is noticed and responded to. To see if you missed anything check the IRC logs.

The GnuCash web site has more details on these channels. You will also find pointers there to additional useful resources such as the bug tracking system.