has several options to change the way the register looks so transactions can be seen more
clearly. The default style is the Basic Ledger. This presents a single line view of transactions to allow
the most concise view with all the relevant details.
The default view or style can be changed by going to Register Defaults tab of the GnuCash Preferences.
menu, three radio buttons will select the desired option. When the window closes the style will revert to the Basic Ledger style. To make this change permanent change the style in theThe default one line per transaction style. Splits are shown as a summary. The icon and → are enabled.
This style will automatically expand the splits in any transaction selected.
This style expands all transactions so the complete transaction can be seen.
This check-box changes any of the above styles so that an additional line for notes about the transaction is added.
The two other options to change the view of the register are; to restrict displayed items with the Section, “Account Register - . Menu”
→ , and changing the sort order → .