5.8. Reconciling an Account to a Statement

Reconciliation of Accounts in GnuCash with statements from a bank or other institution is a way of double checking the accuracy of your (and your banks) transactions and the balance of your accounts. It also is useful to track uncleared checks and other outstanding transactions.

The reconciling process in GnuCash involves two dialogs: the Section 5.8.1, “Reconciling Information” dialog followed by the Section 5.8.2, “Reconcile” window. They provide access to various GnuCash functions to make it easy to enter and update account information during the reconciliation.


The Reconcile window is accessed from the account tree window or the account register window by going to ActionsReconcile... or using the menu shortcut Alt+A, R.

The Summary Bar at the bottom of the Account Register Window indicates the amounts of Present (Balance), Future (Balance), Cleared (Transactions), Reconciled (Transactions) and Projected Minimum. On-line account information can be used to mark which transactions the bank has processed by changing the R (reconciliation status) column in the register from n (new) to c (cleared). The bank statement is then used with the Reconcile window to reconcile the account which changes the R field to y (reconciled).

5.8.1. Reconciling Information

The Reconcile Information dialog is used to indicate the closing Statement Date and the Starting Balance (fixed from last reconciliation) and Ending Balance from the statement. The Include Sub-accounts check-box is used if one or more subaccounts are used to track the account you are reconciling. The Enter Interest Payment button is used to add a transfer to the accounts for an interest payment. If selected a dialog will be displayed to add the Section, “Interest Payment” to the account.


The Enter Interest Payment button is shown only if you are reconciling an account of Bank type.

When you have entered all relevant data, press Ok to proceed to the Section 5.8.2, “Reconcile” dialog or Cancel to discard the reconciliation process. Interest Payment

There are three panes in the Interest Payment dialog. At the bottom is a button called No Auto Interest Payments for this Account which will cancel the dialog. The top pane contains the Payment Information.

  • Amount: Enter the amount of the interest payment.

  • Date: Select the date for the interest payment.

  • Num: Enter a number for the transaction (optional).

  • Description: Enter an informational description for the transaction.

  • Memo: Enter a note about the transaction (optional).

The Reconcile Account pane highlights in the tree the account that the interest payment will be transferred to or from.

The Payment From pane contains a list of accounts where you can select the source account.


If the payment is for a credit or loan account then usually the payment would be from an Expense account. If the payment is for a checking or savings account then usually this would be from an Income account.


The Show Income/Expense check-box shows or hides the Income and Expense accounts.

Select OK to enter the interest transaction (or Cancel the payment) and return to the initial reconciliation screen.

5.8.2. Reconcile


For a detailed description of menu items and buttons on the reconcile window, see Section 4.5, “Reconcile Window”.

The Reconcile dialog is where the actual process of matching your statement to GnuCash data takes place on a per transaction basis.

The Reconcile dialog is composed by a toolbar and three panes; Funds In on the left, Funds out on the right and a balance pane.


If you enabled the option Use formal accounting labels in the Accounts section of the GnuCash preferences, you will see Debits and Credits panes instead of Funds In and Funds Out panes.

The Funds In and Funds Out pane shows all unreconciled deposits to the account. Both panes are composed by five columns.


To order the listed transactions with a preferred criteria, click on the relevant column header. To reverse the selected order click a second time on the column header.


The date of the unreconciled transaction.


The number of the unreconciled transaction.


The Description of the unreconciled transaction.


The Amount of the unreconciled transaction.


Shows a green tick if the transaction will be reconciled when done.

To mark a transaction as reconciled just click on it and a green checkmark will appear on the relevant R column.


Under each pane a Total for reconciled transactions is shown.

The balance pane shows a summary of the balances used in reconciliation.

Statement Date

The date on the statement set on the Section 5.8.1, “Reconciling Information”.

Starting Balance

The balance at the end of the last reconciliation.

Ending Balance

The balance entered from the statement.

Reconciled Balance

The balance of selected transactions.


The difference between the Reconciled and Ending balances.

The set of unreconciled transactions in the Funds In and Funds Out panes can be changed by using the menus and Toolbar to access the account and transaction information. You can create a New transaction, Edit a selected transaction, add a Balance transaction (of the same amount as listed under Difference in the balance pane), and delete the selected transaction.


To modify a listed transaction, double click on it.

By pressing the Open icon the register of the account to reconcile will be opened.

If you wish to postpone the reconciliation until later use the ReconcilePostpone menu item (menu shortcut Ctrl+P) or pressing the Postpone icon. If you wish to cancel the reconciliation use the ReconcileCancel menu item or press the Cancel icon.

All previous command are also available in the Reconcile dialog menu.

Select each unreconciled transaction matching a transaction on the statement so a green tick appears in the R column. The Balance pane changes to reflect each selected transaction until the Ending Balance equals the Reconciled Balance and the Difference is zero. Once this is done select the Finish button or ReconcileFinish (menu shortcut Ctrl+F) to finish the reconcile process.