Chapter 2. The Basics

Table of Contents

2.1. Accounting Concepts
2.1.1. The 5 Basic Accounts
2.1.2. The Accounting Equation
2.1.3. Double Entry
2.2. Data Entry Concepts
2.2.1. Files
2.2.2. Accounts
2.2.3. Transactions
2.3. Interface
2.3.1. Tip of the Day
2.3.2. Account Tree Window
2.3.3. Account Register Window
2.3.4. Toolbar Buttons
2.3.5. Menu Items
2.3.6. Menu Shortcuts
2.4. Getting Help
2.4.1. Help Manual
2.4.2. Web Access
2.4.3. Topic Search
2.5. Storing your financial data
2.5.1. Creating a file
2.5.2. Saving data
2.5.3. Opening data
2.5.4. Duplicating an Account Hierarchy
2.6. Backing Up and Recovering Data
2.6.1. Backup file (.gnucash)
2.6.2. Log file (.log)
2.6.3. Lock files (.LNK and .LCK)
2.6.4. File Management
2.7. Migrating GnuCash data
2.7.1. Migrating financial data
2.7.2. Migrating preferences data
2.8. Putting It All Together

This chapter will introduce some of the basics of using GnuCash. It is recommended that you read through this chapter, before starting to do any real work with GnuCash. Next chapters will begin to show you hands on examples.