2018-06-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:06:52 <gjanssens> .
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03:10:48 <chris> jralls how would a stress test of *all* standard-reports and business reports options sound like
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03:54:10 <gjanssens> chris: that would sound like a lot of work ;P
03:54:27 <chris> >:)
03:54:35 <chris> (evil grin emoji)
03:54:48 <chris> I'm hacking a guile testcode generator
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03:55:26 <gjanssens> Oh. Will it be recursive in that it can generate test code to test itself ?
03:55:47 <gjanssens> (That was half-joking)
03:56:16 <chris> no. it'll latch to any standard-report report, run its options generator, and dump all options used. then I'll massage the output to create an all-report options stress-tester. we'll see where this goes.
03:56:40 <gjanssens> In general I would like to see full test coverage of all the non-gui code. That includes the reports.
03:57:28 <chris> from scheme I believe I can do the options stuff... but some parts eg book-split-action setting will be inaccessible
03:57:35 <gjanssens> If stress testing all options helps towards that goal it's worth pursuing
03:58:16 <gjanssens> What do you mean with book-split-action setting will be inaccessible ?
03:58:36 <chris> it means I can query book-split-action status, but cannot toggle its setting from within scheme
03:58:57 <chris> therefore cannot test report output
03:59:47 <gjanssens> Ah, I see. There are a number of read-only parameters in there.
04:00:08 <gjanssens> Can you override the query function during testing ? (I believe this is called stubbing)
04:01:25 <gjanssens> That is, redefine the function that queries book-split-action status right before calling the tests.
04:02:15 <chris> perhaps... sounds hackish
04:02:19 <gjanssens> I don't know if that's currently feasible due to the module load order.
04:02:53 <gjanssens> I rather thought it was an advanced testing technique.
04:03:47 <gjanssens> You are not testing the book-split-action query function while testing the report. You just want to be able to control its output to be able to test all aspects of your report.
04:04:13 <gjanssens> But I'm not sure our current module load system would allow this.
04:04:57 <chris> yeah I have no idea how things run aside from what I'm currently producing (ie. knowledge of scheme side only)
04:05:25 <gjanssens> Ok, though I was thinking scheme side only here.
04:06:11 <chris> the way it can be done is ,for example, by redefining the TR renderer to set the BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION to either the proper query, or to a #:keyword argument which sets it during testing only
04:06:22 <chris> this means the renderer is now 'aware' of being tested ;)
04:07:42 <chris> but for now i plan to generate a megalist of report-guid/option-section/option-name/allowable values
04:07:57 <gjanssens> I was thinking more of adding a clause near the top of each report like this meta code (if under-test (load test-support))
04:08:21 <gjanssens> And the test-support module would implement the necessary overrides
04:08:39 <gjanssens> From how I understand this should happen *after* any module loading
04:09:18 <gjanssens> I'm pretty sure guile allows redefinition of functions as a function is just another object to guile
04:09:41 <chris> yeah well i haven't touched any module stuff at all - too scary
04:10:06 <gjanssens> Even guile's own use-modules ?
04:10:28 <chris> yeah i was struggling to even instsall guile-json
04:11:17 <gjanssens> Indeed, but that's mostly due to the install aspect. Once installed properly it's fairly straightforward no ?
04:11:56 <chris> perhaps
04:12:07 <chris> that may be the next project
04:12:08 <gjanssens> But anyway, the options based autogenerated tests would already cover a big chunk so please follow your idea.
04:12:30 <chris> yeah just want to make sure a report blows up when changing the innards
04:12:35 <chris> *doesn't
04:12:43 <gjanssens> :)
04:13:55 <chris> I'll also rebuild multicol from ground up... shame, i was proud of this code... but it'll have to wait
04:13:58 <gjanssens> which would require full coverage ;)
04:14:19 <gjanssens> That was for your second to last message
04:15:46 <chris> what i won't be able to test is the correctness of report output; this will require individualised tests like test-transaction.scm
04:15:59 <chris> one step at a time
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04:59:05 <gjanssens> Right.
04:59:50 <gjanssens> chris: have you been following the discussion on reporting of parent accounts with transactions ? (Thread called "The two modules")
05:00:41 <gjanssens> How hard would it be to report a parent account both as itself and as a summary (total) of itself and its children ?
05:00:58 <gjanssens> So as a subheading account ?
05:01:12 <chris> not difficult.
05:01:31 <gjanssens> Something for your future balance sheet work ?
05:02:44 <chris> something like the 3rd column of https://screenshots.firefox.com/3AGgKiSkmdebjOsf/null ?
05:03:03 <chris> I've annotated '+' to show these amounts contain children amounts too
05:03:21 <chris> the only change is that we want to display parent own-amount in a separate row
05:03:34 <chris> ... and for that multicol-acct-table must be rebuilt
05:03:58 <gjanssens> Yes that's the idea
05:04:08 <chris> ... because I'd spent most of my time trying to make the multilevel subtotals work
05:04:40 <gjanssens> I'll note that the commercial packages I have used so far always report totals on top instead of below.
05:04:41 <chris> in other words they want 3rd column, with parent-own amounts (if any)
05:05:33 <chris> perhaps I'll make a few small changes and remove multilevel subtotals completely (snif)
05:05:37 <gjanssens> So there would be a total next to Assets totalling all accounts reported under assets
05:06:25 <chris> it does make work easier due to xaccAccounGetBalancesIncudingChildren or something
05:06:30 <gjanssens> And a total next to bank1 for all accounts reported under bank1 (which may include bank1 itself as reported under bank1)
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05:08:07 <chris> this means I strip out everything to do with multilevel subtotals, and add an 'account-has-children-but-amounts-too' row
05:09:15 <gjanssens> Life can be hard...
05:09:42 <gjanssens> But before you start let's hear what others think of such an idea
05:10:04 <gjanssens> It's how things are done here, but maybe other parts of the world do it differently
05:10:40 <gjanssens> That's the downside of international acclaim...
05:10:50 <chris> Ok
05:21:36 <chris> perhaps the parent accounts will be annotated eg "Total Assets:Bank" immediately followed by "Assets:Bank" instead of "+" to denote children amounts
05:22:37 <gjanssens> Yes that would help make it clear
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05:32:07 <chris> I had a logic to detect if a price was missing, eg commodity GBP, report currency USD, balance converted = $0 - it'd hide that cell and 'taint' the multilevel subtotal upwards as 'incomplete due to incomplete pricing'. I doubt this logic exists in xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency...
05:33:25 <chris> biab
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07:08:40 <chris> latest iteration https://screenshots.firefox.com/SzeQeQcyTTTGtb1a/null
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07:49:40 <gjanssens> chris: nice
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07:50:26 <gjanssens> A single report currency option is also available ? And can accounts with 0 balance or no movements in a given period be excluded ?
07:50:33 <gjanssens> (As an option that is)
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07:52:18 <chris> Yes, Yes, Yes already implemented :D
07:53:30 <chris> Just needs lots of testing with real data
07:54:45 <chris> common-currency currently broken needs fixing
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08:49:36 <chris> \o/ I've reimplemnted the missing-price logic - or rather, missing price means the converted amount would be $0, will just disable conversion, therefore preventing incorrect total amounts
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10:09:56 <gjanssens> chris: cool. I suppose there's an indicator in that case of the missing exchange rate ?
10:19:36 <chris> for now, the only indicator is that most of the figures are in the target currency, except a currency can't be exchanged https://screenshots.firefox.com/SmbaQZiLxTElXK2S/null
10:20:36 <chris> I'll try to print an 'exchange rates used' later on
10:23:04 <chris> now off to bed...
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11:26:06 <warlord> .
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11:33:51 <warlord> Oops, I guess gncbot was already here.
11:34:34 <warlord> fell, jralls -- just a reminder that the 3.2 milestone/version wont translate over unless there are existing bugs that use it. The importer generates those based on the bugs' settings.
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14:33:01 <warlord> fell: should be back now.
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14:45:25 <fell> almost just in time ;-)
14:46:09 <warlord> fell: yeah.
14:46:28 <darix> We totally did not break warlord's internet on purpose
14:47:03 <warlord> darix: hahaha
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15:46:34 <jralls> warlord: T-14 and counting. Are you ready?
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15:55:26 <jralls> warlord: T-5
15:56:02 <warlord> jralls: I am ready.
15:56:09 <warlord> And network is working.
15:56:42 <jralls> Yay... good that Comcast got out of the way!
15:56:56 <warlord> Yep.
15:57:06 <warlord> I've got my fetch script all queued up.
16:00:23 <jralls> OK, project is closed to bugs. Fetch away!
16:00:43 <warlord> pulling...
16:01:18 <warlord> 8677 bugs..
16:02:23 <darix> faster
16:04:32 <warlord> darix: it pulls as fast as it can. At least I cached all the bugs -- it took me 4 days to pull them all down the first time!
16:05:15 * jralls wonders how long it will take to do the updates...
16:05:29 <warlord> Downloaded 2 bugs so far..
16:05:44 <warlord> Done with bugs. Now downloading users.
16:05:49 <warlord> 5084 users.
16:05:50 <darix> warlord: I just wanted to cheer you on
16:06:28 <jralls> I wait on the updates till you're done fetching so as not to slow things down.
16:07:54 <warlord> darix: haha
16:08:10 <warlord> jralls: Yes, please... or in case something failed and I have to restart.
16:08:43 <warlord> I'll let you know as soon as the fetch is done..
16:10:35 <warlord> Users done. Doing final data pulls.
16:11:06 <warlord> DONE!
16:11:12 <warlord> Go run your script!
16:11:41 <jralls> Running.
16:12:23 <jralls> I neglected to include any user entertainment so there won't be any play-by-play. ;-)
16:13:33 <jralls> Though if you haven't turned off bugmail you'll should start getting it any minute.
16:13:42 <jralls> s/you'll/you/
16:14:02 <warlord> I have not turned it off.
16:15:32 <warlord> OOPS:
16:15:34 <warlord> Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has been disabled.
16:15:50 <jralls> Huh?
16:16:04 <warlord> The import failed with that error.
16:16:38 <fell> Were you identified correctly?
16:17:00 <fell> Same script as last time?
16:17:23 <warlord> fell: The issue is that JRalls turned off creating new bugs..
16:17:36 <warlord> .. which pulled down... and copied over... and stops the script.
16:17:47 <warlord> SO.... now I need to manually revert it back.
16:24:41 <warlord> Note to self --- next time, do NOT turn off new bugs until AFTER the fetch! ;)
16:25:10 <jralls> We hope there won't be a next time.
16:25:47 <warlord> Yeah.. And besides, "next time" we will have access to the DB to dump/load.
16:27:34 <jralls> Yeah. I figured out how to entertain myself: I can run a query on bugs changed today. 510 so far, about 15 minutes, so I guess it will take about 2 hours.
16:28:05 <warlord> That's not too bad!!
16:28:15 <warlord> Better than how long it took me to pull all the data
16:28:22 <jralls> No. Better than 4 days!
16:28:33 <warlord> Exactly.
16:30:02 <warlord> Dry run succeeded. Not importing.
16:30:05 <warlord> NOW importing..
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16:36:45 <warlord> Import complete. Reverting code...
16:39:00 <warlord> Done.
16:40:27 <jralls> So bugs.gnucash.org is ready to use?
16:41:11 <warlord> It should be. Feel free to take it for a test drive before you announce it.
16:41:57 <warlord> I should probably set up a script to make a daily DB backup.
16:44:14 <jralls> Yes, that seems wise.
16:48:29 <jralls> As for announcing, there's some housekeeping to do first with the pseudo-addresses and milestones.
16:49:05 <warlord> jralls: okay. I leave that up to you :)
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16:55:24 <warlord> First DB dump is only 164MB ....
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17:25:21 <jralls> warlord" Think we could apply https://github.com/GNOME/bugzilla-gnome-org-customizations/tree/master/skins/contrib/Gnome for a more familiar look?
17:28:32 <fell> But without the gnome logo
17:29:01 <darix> just curious ... why not moving to gitlab too?
17:29:26 <jralls> fell: Indeed, it would be nice to have our favicon too.
17:29:28 <warlord> darix: no point. We don't use gitlab for anything else.
17:30:10 <warlord> jralls: If someone wants to give me a tarball to install in skins/contrib/GnuCash --- I'll be happy to install it :)
17:30:19 <warlord> (I can pull from github if necessary)
17:31:06 <warlord> Or I can just put this in place for now..
17:32:11 <warlord> (I put the Gnome one in place for now)
17:32:21 <warlord> Jralls -- can you engage it?
17:32:33 <jralls> Engage it?
17:33:50 <warlord> Make it the default skin
17:34:42 <gjanssens> warlord, darix: I haven't written of gitlab yet, but this is not the time to discuss or evaluate it.
17:36:01 <jralls> warlord: It's not showing up in the list. The docs say that there's a checksetup.pl that sets the permissions.
17:36:09 <gjanssens> written off*
17:36:22 <warlord> Ah. Let me rerun.
17:36:46 <warlord> jralls: try again
17:37:33 <fell> IMHO a better browse.cgi is more important than skins.
17:38:37 <jralls> fell: If you want the Gnome one it should be in the same repo.
17:39:01 <fell> It might be in https://github.com/GNOME/bugzilla-gnome-org-customizations/tree/master/extensions/Browse
17:39:55 <warlord> I do not see a browse.cgi
17:41:15 <fell> I do not understand how extensions works, but see there familiar strings.
17:44:20 <gjanssens> Am I correct the tracking users aren't set up yet ?
17:44:41 <jralls> warlord: OK, the Gnome skin is applied. The only problem is that it shows the Gnome foot in the header. Maybe remove lines 7 and 8 from global.css
17:44:44 <gjanssens> I tried to follow gnucash-all-main@gnucash.bugs but got an error this isn't found
17:44:53 <gjanssens> gnucash-all-maint*
17:45:37 <jralls> gjanssens: They're set up, but I changed the names, removing gnucash- and -maint as being redundant. The "all" one is all-bugs@gnucash.bugs.
17:45:39 <fell> gjanssens: the names are shorter now
17:46:10 <gjanssens> Ah, that should be communicated on the ML then. I took the names from there.
17:46:50 <warlord> jralls: Are you should about lines 7 and 8? That's the end of the comment and the fonts.css import.
17:46:53 <gjanssens> But that name worked. Thanks.
17:47:17 <gjanssens> And I like shorter names :)
17:47:24 <jralls> warlord: Oops, 27 and 28.
17:47:55 <jralls> gjanssens: Yeah, I was considering it last night and fell pushed me off the fence.
17:48:34 <warlord> jralls: done.
17:48:55 <jralls> gjanssens: I'll include the change in the announcement in a minute.
17:49:20 <gjanssens> Perfect
17:49:26 <warlord> If we (someone) wants to modify the skin or, better yet, create a GnuCash skin -- I'll gladly put it in place.
17:49:34 <jralls> warlord: Looks good.
17:49:49 <warlord> Anyways, I still can't find a browse.cgi script.
17:50:02 <fell> Ask in the announcement for a favicon, ...
17:50:40 <jralls> I'll solicit a skin in the announcement. Shouldn't we use the green "cents" favicon that we use everywhere else?
17:50:43 <warlord> IIRC the favicon is hardcoded ...
17:50:57 <warlord> I have to replace the icon in-place.
17:51:26 <jralls> It's not the usual "favicon.ico" in the TLD?
17:51:52 <gjanssens> That's my recollection as well from an installation I managed years ago...
17:52:40 <warlord> jralls: nope. it's in BZ_HOME/images
17:53:24 <fell> While working with several windows, it is better to have different icons,
17:54:16 <warlord> Hmm. I changed it, but it hasn't updated.
17:55:37 <warlord> I suspect it's locally cached here.
17:57:00 <warlord> Okay, the URL is correct, images/favicon.ico gives me the right thing, but the actual icon is being cached in my browser so it's still the 'zilla icon. Must be me.
18:01:32 <jralls> Hmm, I'm not getting a favicon at all.
18:02:09 <gjanssens> Neither do I
18:02:31 <gjanssens> jralls: Have you closed all bugs on gnome's bz already ? Or is this still ongoing ?
18:03:07 <warlord> No favicon???
18:03:09 <jralls> gjanssens: It's not quite halfway done. Looks like it will be more like 4 hours.
18:03:09 <warlord> :(
18:03:41 <gjanssens> jralls: ok. No rush for me.
18:04:00 <jralls> Not like I can do anything to speed it up!
18:04:01 <warlord> OKay, I put the original favicon.ico back in place. Do you get a favicon now?
18:04:10 <gjanssens> I started getting notifiication mails so I rushed to disable them.
18:04:50 <gjanssens> I was just wondering if I could expect the full batch, but if the script hasn't finished yet I probably won't
18:05:06 <gjanssens> Which is better
18:05:07 <jralls> Yeah, I get Mozilla on purple.
18:05:50 <gjanssens> Same here (on the page's tab)
18:05:56 <warlord> jralls: Okay, so the original icon works.
18:06:03 <warlord> Ours does not.
18:06:31 <fell> Some size restriction?
18:06:43 <jralls> gjanssens: First bugmail! And one that might interest you: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796691
18:06:49 <warlord> Maybe, but ours is smaller.
18:07:13 <warlord> -rw-r-----. 1 root apache 4150 May 16 2016 favicon.ico
18:07:13 <warlord> -rw-r-----. 1 root apache 1406 Jun 29 18:06 favicon.ico-GNC
18:07:41 <warlord> (I touched the GNC version -- it had been from 2005)
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18:13:30 <warlord> Oooh. I found https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bgo-maintainers/bugzilla.gnome.org/3.4/view/head:/browse.cgi
18:13:34 <gjanssens> warlord: this SO article states it's usually enough to put favicon.ico in the root of the website's directory
18:13:38 <gjanssens> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2729401/favicon-for-all-the-pages-in-my-website#2729430
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18:13:58 <warlord> gjanssens: yes, but BZ forces something else.
18:14:07 <gjanssens> Naughty BZ
18:14:33 <gjanssens> jralls: interestingly I didn't get that bugmail
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18:15:24 <fell> gjanssens: were you subscribed?
18:15:42 <warlord> gjanssens: try now to see if the favicon works?
18:16:15 <warlord> For kicks I put one in the top-level as well. Just In Case..
18:16:27 <gjanssens> Perhaps not yet. I set my subscription to all bugs at 23:47 PM CEST
18:16:49 <jralls> warlord: Success!
18:17:17 <warlord> jralls: great. Mine is still cached with the purple BZ..
18:17:59 <jralls> gjanssens: The update was 00:01 CEST, so you should have gotten it. Hmm.
18:18:08 <gjanssens> warlord: still seeing the purple bug...
18:18:48 <fell> I got the green ¢ in a new session
18:19:00 <gjanssens> No after clearing the cach I get the green sign as well
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18:19:04 <fell> desktop
18:19:11 <gjanssens> So favicon is working
18:19:26 <warlord> gjanssens: okay, great.
18:19:41 <gjanssens> jralls: perhaps the mail is still greylisted...
18:19:45 <warlord> Great.
18:19:55 <jralls> gjanssens: You mean at your end?
18:20:02 <fell> bugzilla eating the green ¢ would be nice.
18:20:09 <warlord> fell: LOL
18:20:38 <warlord> I got jralls' email 7 minutes ago.
18:21:07 <gjanssens> jralls: yes at my end
18:22:04 <gjanssens> Got jralls' mail just now
18:22:08 <gjanssens> But no bugmail
18:23:10 <fell> BTW, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=GnuCash returns: Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has been disabled.
18:23:35 <gjanssens> I don't think greylisting is at play here.
18:23:40 <warlord> fell: yes, you cannot create new bugs at GnomeBZ.
18:24:02 <gjanssens> I received several trial mails yesterday from jralls' experiments.
18:24:30 <gjanssens> Not I have only subscribed to all-bugs@gnucash.bugs (which bugzilla autocompleted for me)
18:24:34 <warlord> FYI, right now the "bugs-admin" email address does not go anywhere.
18:24:34 <gjanssens> Note*
18:24:54 <gjanssens> Which means replies to bugmails go lost ?
18:25:38 <warlord> gjanssens: currently, yes... and sender-verify might fail, too.
18:25:43 <warlord> I also see these in the mail logs:
18:25:44 <warlord> Jun 29 18:01:06 code postfix/smtp[14689]: 626EE8482D1: to=<all-bugs@gnucash.bugs>, relay=none, delay=0.02, delays=0.02/0/0/0, dsn=5.4.4, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=gnucash.bugs type=AAAA: Host not found)
18:27:55 <jralls> Hmm. Do you see a similar one for general@gnucash.bugs? Maybe I should turn off bugmail for those users. Also, is there a send of that mail to gjanssens?
18:28:09 <gjanssens> That address is not supposed to be used as a real mail address, right ?
18:28:23 <jralls> Right.
18:28:45 <warlord> jralls: Yes, I think you should turn off bugmail for those users.
18:28:59 <warlord> Although.... if we do that --- will watchers still get bugmail?
18:29:12 <warlord> (maybe we should have tested this before the migration)
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18:30:04 <fell> *@gnucash.BUGS are this pseudo users.
18:30:09 <warlord> jralls: yes, I see 2 bounces for general@ ...
18:30:55 <jralls> Right, one for my change and one for Frank Bennett's. Is there a send to gjanssens?
18:31:41 <gjanssens> My mail address in info@kobaltwit.be in bz
18:32:46 <warlord> There are several, but I'm trying to match those to BZ entries.
18:33:08 <jralls> Should be all the same msgid, no?
18:33:54 <warlord> I see one at 17:40
18:34:02 <jralls> Bugmail is off for all the pseudos.
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18:34:30 <gjanssens> It should be around 18:01
18:34:39 <warlord> gjanssens: 17:40 is the only bugs-admin email I see to you.
18:34:52 <gjanssens> That's when I requested a password reset
18:35:11 <warlord> Okay. I've not seen anything else to you.
18:35:15 <warlord> Did you set up watchers?
18:35:31 <gjanssens> I did set up all-bugs@gnucash.bugs
18:36:10 <warlord> gjanssens: at what time?
18:36:11 <gjanssens> jralls: did you receive bugmail for my reply on that bug ?
18:36:27 <gjanssens> Around 23:47 (see above)
18:36:43 <gjanssens> which should be around 17:47 at your location
18:36:57 <jralls> Yes. but I have a separate CC on it because I've been working it.
18:37:14 <warlord> Hmm. There was one at 18:01 ... but you didn't get it.
18:37:14 <gjanssens> Oh right. Me too from now on...
18:37:39 <gjanssens> As in it was not sent to me ?
18:37:52 <warlord> No. It was sent to all-bugs, but not to you.
18:38:05 <warlord> (or anyone else)
18:38:09 <gjanssens> So something is not right with our watch mails logic
18:38:24 <gjanssens> Anyway I have to leave. High time for bed.
18:38:31 <gjanssens> Good luck figuring it out!
18:38:35 <warlord> Yeah, and I need to step away for dinner.
18:38:52 <jralls> gjanssens: I took us both off. Good night!
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18:46:01 <jralls> Hmm, I set up all-bugs as a watcher of all of the others. Maybe watches don't cascade and I need to put all-bugs on all of the CC lists instead.
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18:57:48 <jralls> All-bugs is now on the default-CC for all components. Maybe that will work better.
18:59:12 <fell> IMHO warlord has to adjust something on the mail server for the pseudo users, but I do not recall what.
19:04:58 <jralls> I just got a bugmail for the "test case", having removed myself from the CC list and put all-bugs on it. So that's working. The bad news is that I need to set all-bugs on all of the CCs so I'll turn off mail for a few minutes while I do that.
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19:14:42 <jralls> fell: Just to make sure mail is really disabled, did you get any in the last couple of minutes?
19:17:12 <fell> I am only watching documentation
19:18:34 <fell> , jralls, but got no mail.
19:19:12 <jralls> Yeah, I'm changing every single bug to add all-bugs to the CC list. BZ says it sent you mail but I have the mail send set to none. Just wanted to make sure that's working.
19:20:30 <fell> Why do you not set all as QA ?
19:21:36 <fell> We have assignee and QA per component
19:22:18 <fell> jralls?
19:24:56 <jralls> We actually have assignee, qa, and CC per component. The primary pseudo is set on assignee and qa; we don't actually use qa so I've set it to be hidden in the UI, and we can use assignee to indicate that someone has actually taken charge of fixing a bug.
19:26:31 <fell> we still have hundreds of dead assignments
19:27:32 <jralls> Yeah, I'm going to fix those while I'm at it.
19:27:59 <fell> But now we might run a script for retired devs.
19:29:50 <jralls> We can do pretty much anything from the ui. What do you have in mind?
19:33:45 <fell> reset assignee/QA to default for them.
19:38:37 <jralls> Done that already in the UI.
19:48:56 <jralls> There. All done, and mail is turned back on. I didn't change the closed bugs, I don't think that they matter much.
19:49:37 <fell> Nice and yes.
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19:52:23 <jralls> Now to see about dinner...
19:52:58 <fell> Buona Apetit!
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20:40:45 <warlord> fell: what do you think I need to do?
20:41:12 <warlord> jralls: can't you just add it as a globalwatcher ?
20:41:58 <warlord> globalwatchers
20:41:58 <warlord> A comma-separated list of users who should receive a copy of every notification mail the system sends.
20:42:30 <warlord> From Admin -> Parameters -> Email
20:47:29 <fell> warlord: about https://code.gnucash.org/logs/2018/06/29.html#T18:25:44 you might need postfix configuration for *@gnucash.bugs
20:48:21 <fell> IIRC etc/[mail/]virtual or similar
20:56:54 <warlord> fell: must we support them?
20:57:04 <warlord> I.e., must they be valid? I don't see why they have to be.
20:57:49 <warlord> I mean, sure, I can just send the mail to /dev/null, but I dont see why BZ Watchers would care whether or not the email address is valid.
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20:58:41 <warlord> But I also want to make sure jralls isn't touching every bug.
20:58:55 <fell> warlord about https://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2018/06/29.html#T17:39:55: the browse product url was https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=GnuCash, now I get for https://bugs.gnucash.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=GnuCash: The requested format does not exist with a content type of html.
20:58:56 <warlord> We don't see the all-bugs meta-user added to every bug.
20:59:33 <warlord> fell: it wasn't. It was browse.cgi, not browse.html. And there is no browse.cgi.
20:59:41 <warlord> That's a gnome extension.
20:59:46 <fell> It depends on what you expect to see in your log files.
20:59:56 <warlord> And it's not in the Gnome BZ Extensions github repo
21:00:03 <warlord> Honestly, I don't care what's in the log files.
21:00:25 <warlord> I care about users getting it... and I care about NOT modifying every bug to add the meta-user explicitly to the CC
21:02:59 <fell> I think, jralls found a way to adjust the meta users via ui
21:03:24 <warlord> No, he didn't. He added the meta users explicitly to the CC list on every bug.
21:03:36 <warlord> E.g. https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101456 was modified TONIGHT.
21:03:38 <warlord> DAMMIT
21:04:02 <warlord> That just completed F..D up the modified times..
21:04:28 <warlord> Honestly, I want to go dump the database and reload it again.
21:04:33 <warlord> That's not the way to do this.
21:07:07 <fell> No snapshot for rollback?
21:13:03 <fell> So, changes below https://bugs.gnucash.org/editcomponents.cgi?product= result in bug history entries?
21:19:40 <warlord> fell: The last snapshot was taken at 16:54 (so 5 hours ago.
21:20:22 <warlord> fell: No, but take a look at https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_activity.cgi?id=101456
21:20:44 <warlord> Adding all-bugs to the explicit CC DOES change the modification time.. And frankly is the wrong thing to do.
21:24:20 <fell> OK, we can discuss it, after jralls returns.
21:24:37 <warlord> I've added all-bugs as a global watcher, which is what we want to do.
21:25:20 <fell> where is he hidden in the UI?
21:25:32 <warlord> (I fully admit we should have tested the watchers before the migration)
21:26:16 <warlord> I already answered that.. Admin -> Prefs -> Email
21:26:38 <warlord> (you may not have access to that, but I know jralls does)
21:26:52 <warlord> Oh, no, you do too.
21:27:02 <warlord> As does Geert
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21:36:12 <fell> Ah, in Params, not Prefs.
21:37:24 <warlord> Sorry, yes, Params. I think I said that the first time.
21:37:45 <warlord> Yes, at 20:42 -- I said: <warlord> From Admin -> Parameters -> Email
21:39:52 <warlord> I'm stepping away from my laptop for an hour or so. I'll be back.
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21:49:53 <fell> It is highly recommended that you set the attachment_base parameter if you turn allow_attachment_display on.
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22:04:41 <warlord> fell: I know, but when I did it failed to work properly.
22:05:38 <warlord> jralls: A few GnomeBZ bugs lost their target milestone. E.g. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314554
22:06:23 <warlord> Not sure why the script removed that when it added the new message.
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22:20:01 <fell> At that time we have also some strange resolved->closed->verified history, but that is not related.
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22:33:26 <warlord> fell: where do you see that?
22:38:03 <fell> warlord: in the history, but I found it a few days ago while scanning old bugs not resolved.
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23:28:03 <fell> It seems, phil longstaff mass edited the bugs in 2009
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