2016-03-05 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:27:09 <warlord> jralls: thanks. I'll see about getting SNI working on code.
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12:01:15 <linas> jralls -- why reverted? did something break?
12:23:42 <linas> jralls - you said "certificates aren't valid" -- what does that mean? The authenticate just fine to a root CA authority.
12:24:02 <linas> I mean -- authenticates on both chrome and firefox
12:24:13 <linas> haven't tried opera
12:25:01 <linas> maybe older windows or OSX don't have some new bundle of certificates?
12:26:30 <fell> jralls, mikee: can you /op gncbot, please?
12:27:33 <linas> jralls: anyway -- I guess there must be a bug on the gnucsh web-page
12:28:19 <linas> there should not bee any http:// or https:// URLS on that page, that point to our own website.
12:29:02 <linas> and if you have http:// for facebook or g+ or imgur or other outside sites, those should be converted to https
12:29:50 <linas> with that setup, the page should work fine for both http and https and get no https warning
12:30:20 <linas> i.e. http should work, even for broken OSX and Windows browsers
12:40:58 <jralls> linas: http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2016-March/039500.html.
12:47:49 <jralls> It was warlord's suggestion that I saw just before bedtime last night. Once we've figured out what's wrong I can perhaps more selectively restore the href changes.
12:47:53 *** jralls sets mode: +o gncbot
12:47:58 *** jralls sets mode: +o warlord
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13:11:43 <warlord> linas: the issue is that {code,wiki,lists} all go to the same server, which has a cert for lists. So if you say "https://code.gnucash.org/...: you'll get an SSL error.
13:12:23 <warlord> I just need to set up SNI so each of the cnames gets its own cert.
13:17:15 <jralls> warlord: It also seems that that certificate is from an authority that isn't in Firefox's provided set. I had to create an exception for lists.gnucash.org when I went to look for the email link.
13:18:07 <jralls> That's a new development since FF's upgrade a few days ago.
13:20:17 <warlord> Hmm... I wonder if I have to update the intermediate certificate list?
13:20:36 <warlord> When did you update FF? (it works for me on FF44 on Linux)
13:21:34 <jralls> Thursday IIRC. It says it's version 44.02.
13:22:08 <warlord> I had already updated the cert by then. Was the cert working for you on Wednesday?
13:22:24 <warlord> The cert is from StartCom. It's a known root.
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13:26:39 <jralls> warlord: The certificate was working for me the last time I tried to use the mailing list archive, but I don't remember when that was. Chrome 48.0.2564.109m on Win7 agrees that it's legit, so it would seem to be a Firefox problem.
13:27:03 <warlord> okay.
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13:31:10 <jralls> I removed the exception and tried again. The details are "lists.gnucash.org uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. The server might not be sending the appropriate intermediate certificates. An additional root certificate may need to be imported.
13:37:01 <jralls> StartCom is in the browser's authorities. However, Chrome shows the intermediate cert as StartCom Class 1 DV Server CA and Firefox doesn't have an intermediate with that name.
13:39:56 <jralls> Nor do any of the intermediates in FF match the sig. They seem to be older, with dates 2007-2022 rather than 2015-2030 on the one in Chrome.
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13:47:24 <jralls> warlord: Since (aside from FF) the problem is only (code|wiki).gnucash.org, I think I can put back the first change, the one that affected the document paths in www.gnucash.org. Do you agree?
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13:49:36 <warlord> Did the document paths point off to code?
13:49:55 <warlord> I might need to just import the new intermediary certs. Let me take a quick look at that.
13:51:56 <jralls> No. The first change only reset the php base path from http://www.gnucash.org to https://www.gnucash.org, and the path for an icon at www.w3c.org the same way.
13:52:53 <warlord> that should be safe
13:53:42 <jralls> The second one changed all of the other <a> hrefs for *.gnucash.org. I'll leave that one reverted until the cert issue is sorted.
13:54:53 <warlord> thanks.
13:55:19 <warlord> can you undo the override for lists? I think I have a fix in place (well, in about 60 seconds) and would like a test..
13:56:08 <warlord> httpd restarting with correct intermediary cert.
13:56:24 <jralls> I already did, to investigate the certificate. Ready?
13:56:40 <warlord> still restarting...
13:57:24 <warlord> okay, try now.
13:59:48 <jralls> Seems to have worked.
14:00:53 <warlord> yay
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14:08:02 <jralls> Yes, it did. The correct intermediate is now in the authorities in FF.
14:08:20 <warlord> Yay
14:11:39 <linas> well, let me know if I need to do antyhing. I'm kind of crazy busy preparing for SXSW
14:17:43 <jralls> Linas: I don't think you need to do anything.
14:18:10 <warlord> linas: who do you have as your fiber provider?
14:18:53 <jralls> warlord: How long will it take you to get certs for the other aliases?
14:20:41 <warlord> getting them isnt the problem. figuring out how to configure apache is the real time sync.
14:20:51 <warlord> But I need to get 2 sets of biz taxes done first.
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14:29:50 <jralls> Yeah, I've got to do taxes this weekend too. 3 trusts and two individuals, with the big individual still waiting for paperwork.
14:35:09 <warlord> I still have our personal taxes to do, too, but at least I still have another month. But the biz taxes are due in 10 days.
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14:51:21 <jralls> warlord: I just thought of a work-around. I'll do it only for the doc nightlies. https://lists.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-guide/index.html works even when https;//code.gnucash.org... doesn't.
14:54:41 <jralls> Heh. Found another alias, too: svn.gnucash.org.
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15:12:13 <warlord> yep
15:12:17 <warlord> and yes, that will work.
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15:15:20 <jralls> The only iframe links are the docs, everything else seems to just send you to the page. We probably don't really need to change the other links.
15:17:10 <jralls> OTOH, Chrome has said that they intend to default to https unless the user explicitly types http, so we should probably get the certificate issue resolved as soon as you have time.
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15:18:02 <warlord> I'll work on it.
15:18:33 <warlord> I need to do it for other servers, so might as well figure it out sooner rather than later. I've got a couple other projects in the works.
15:19:23 <jralls> OK.
15:21:47 <warlord> Doubt it'll happen this weekend, tho.
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18:12:18 <benbergman> I am attempting to import an ofx file into a credit card account, but the amounts are appearing in the wrong column (charges are showing up as payments and vice versa)
18:12:59 <benbergman> is there some setting I can change, or some post processing I can do on the ofx files, to get credit card statement imports working correctly?
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18:28:47 <benbergman> okay, I found a work around by running a sed script on the ofx file and inverting all the transaction amounts
18:29:40 <benbergman> sed 's/<TRNAMT>/<TRNAMT>-/g' file.ofx | sed 's/<TRNAMT>--/<TRNAMT>/g' > file-inverted.ofx
18:29:54 <benbergman> if there is a better way to do this though, I'm all ears
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18:38:03 <jralls> benbergman: Are you absolutely sure that the amounts are reversed rather than that you created the wrong kind of account for your CC?
18:44:34 <jralls> benbergman: Charges to the CC should be negative amounts, payments, rebates, and such should be positive.
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18:52:11 <benbergman> jralls: yeah, the account is credit card type, and the charges in the ofx are positive and the payments are negative (before I did my scripting)
18:53:08 <benbergman> the bank only recently started offering credit cards, so maybe their system is setup backwards...?
18:53:52 <jralls> Sounds like it. I suggest yelling at them.
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20:16:39 <linas> warlord, its a local company grande communications
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