Capitolo 12. Valute multiple


12.1. Concetti base
12.2. Impostare i conti
12.2.1. Valute definite dall’utente
12.3. Recording and Updating Currency Exchange Rates
12.3.1. Aggiornare manualmente i tassi di cambio
12.3.2. Aggiornare automaticamente i tassi di cambio
12.3.3. Come disabilitare il recupero della valuta
12.4. Recording Purchases in a Foreign Currency
12.4.1. Purchase of an Asset with Foreign Currency
12.4.2. Purchasing Foreign Stocks
12.5. Tracking Currency Investments
12.5.1. Purchasing Currency
12.5.2. Vendere un investimento in valuta
12.6. Reconciling Statements in a Foreign Currency

This chapter will show how to set up GnuCash accounts to use multiple currencies.