GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures | Enumerations
import-backend.h File Reference

Generic importer backend interface. More...

#include "Transaction.h"
#include "import-settings.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  GNCImportMatchInfo
struct  GNCImportLastSplitInfo


enum  GNCImportAction {


Non-GUI Functions
gboolean gnc_import_exists_online_id (Transaction *trans, GHashTable *acct_id_hash)
 Checks whether the given transaction's online_id already exists in its parent account. More...
void split_find_match (GNCImportTransInfo *trans_info, Split *split, gint display_threshold, gint date_threshold, gint date_not_threshold, double fuzzy_amount_difference)
 The transaction matching heuristics are here. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_init_matches (GNCImportTransInfo *trans_info, GNCImportSettings *settings)
 Iterates through all splits of trans_info's originating account match list. More...
gboolean gnc_import_process_trans_item (Account *base_acc, GNCImportTransInfo *trans_info)
 /brief – Processes one match according to its selected action. More...
GdkPixbuf * gen_probability_pixbuf (gint score, GNCImportSettings *settings, GtkWidget *widget)
 This function generates a new pixmap representing a match score. More...
Getters/Setters for GNCImportTransInfo
GNCImportTransInfo * gnc_import_TransInfo_new (Transaction *trans, Account *base_acc)
 Create a new object of GNCImportTransInfo here. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_delete (GNCImportTransInfo *info)
GList * gnc_import_TransInfo_get_match_list (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the stored list of possible matches. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_remove_top_match (GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Remove the first match in the list of possible matches.
Transaction * gnc_import_TransInfo_get_trans (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the transaction of this TransInfo. More...
gboolean gnc_import_TransInfo_is_balanced (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns if the transaction stored in the TransInfo is currently balanced. More...
Split * gnc_import_TransInfo_get_fsplit (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the first split of the transaction of this TransInfo. More...
GNCImportMatchInfognc_import_TransInfo_get_selected_match (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the currently selected match in this TransInfo. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_selected_match_info (GNCImportTransInfo *info, GNCImportMatchInfo *match, gboolean selected_manually)
 Sets the currently selected match in this TransInfo. More...
gboolean gnc_import_TransInfo_get_match_selected_manually (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns if the currently selected match was selected by the user. More...
GNCImportAction gnc_import_TransInfo_get_action (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the currently selected action for this TransInfo. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_action (GNCImportTransInfo *info, GNCImportAction action)
 Set the action for this TransInfo. More...
Accountgnc_import_TransInfo_get_destacc (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the 'other account' of this transaction. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_destacc (GNCImportTransInfo *info, Account *acc, gboolean selected_manually)
 Set the 'other account' of this transaction (used for auto-balance if needed). More...
gboolean gnc_import_TransInfo_get_destacc_selected_manually (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns if the currently selected destination account for auto-matching was selected by the user. More...
guint32 gnc_import_TransInfo_get_ref_id (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the reference id for this TransInfo. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_ref_id (GNCImportTransInfo *info, guint32 ref_id)
 Set the reference id for this TransInfo. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_import_TransInfo_get_price (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the exchange rate for this TransInfo. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_price (GNCImportTransInfo *info, gnc_numeric lprice)
 Set the exchange rate for this TransInfo. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_import_TransInfo_get_dest_amount (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the destination split amount for this TransInfo. More...
gnc_numeric gnc_import_TransInfo_get_dest_value (const GNCImportTransInfo *info)
 Returns the destination split value for this TransInfo. More...
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_last_split_info (GNCImportTransInfo *info, GNCImportLastSplitInfo *lsplit)
 Sets additional parameters to be used to generate the closing split.
void gnc_import_TransInfo_set_append_text (GNCImportTransInfo *info, gboolean append_text)
 Set the append_text for this TransInfo. More...
Getters/Setters for GNCImportMatchInfo
Split * gnc_import_MatchInfo_get_split (const GNCImportMatchInfo *info)
 Get the split ('this-side split') of this MatchInfo. More...
gint gnc_import_MatchInfo_get_probability (const GNCImportMatchInfo *info)
 Get the probability (confidence level) of this MatchInfo. More...

Detailed Description

Generic importer backend interface.

Copyright (C) 2002 Benoit Grégoire
Christian Stimming
Copyright (c) 2006 David Hampton

Definition in file import-backend.h.