29 #ifndef GNC_SLOTS_SQL_H 30 #define GNC_SLOTS_SQL_H 35 #include "gnc-sql-object-backend.hpp" 90 const std::string subquery,
91 BookLookupFn lookup_fn);
93 void gnc_sql_init_slots_handler (
void gnc_sql_slots_load_for_sql_subquery(GncSqlBackend *sql_be, const std::string subquery, BookLookupFn lookup_fn)
gnc_sql_slots_load_for_sql_subquery - Loads slots for all objects whose guid is supplied by a subquer...
void load_all(GncSqlBackend *) override
Load all objects of m_type in the database into memory.
bool commit(GncSqlBackend *, QofInstance *) override
UPDATE/INSERT a single instance of m_type_name into the database.
gboolean gnc_sql_slots_save(GncSqlBackend *sql_be, const GncGUID *guid, gboolean is_infant, QofInstance *inst)
gnc_sql_slots_save - Saves slots for an object to the db.
globally unique ID User API
void create_tables(GncSqlBackend *) override
Conditionally create or update a database table from m_col_table.
Encapsulates per-class table schema with functions to load, create a table, commit a changed front-en...
gboolean gnc_sql_slots_delete(GncSqlBackend *sql_be, const GncGUID *guid)
gnc_sql_slots_delete - Deletes slots for an object from the db.
void gnc_sql_slots_load(GncSqlBackend *sql_be, QofInstance *inst)
Loads slots for an object from the db.
Slots are neither loadable nor committable.
The type used to store guids in C.
Main SQL backend structure.