GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
1 /********************************************************************\
2  * gnc-import-tx.cpp - import transactions from csv or fixed-width *
3  * files *
4  * *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
8  * the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
9  * *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
13  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
14  * *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
16  * along with this program; if not, contact: *
17  * *
18  * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
19  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
20  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
21  * *
22 \********************************************************************/
24 #include <guid.hpp>
26 #include <platform.h>
28 #include <windows.h>
29 #endif
31 #include <glib/gi18n.h>
33 #include <algorithm>
34 #include <exception>
35 #include <iostream>
36 #include <map>
37 #include <memory>
38 #include <numeric>
39 #include <optional>
40 #include <string>
41 #include <tuple>
42 #include <utility>
43 #include <vector>
45 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
46 #include <boost/regex/icu.hpp>
48 #include "gnc-import-tx.hpp"
49 #include "gnc-imp-props-tx.hpp"
50 #include "gnc-tokenizer-csv.hpp"
51 #include "gnc-tokenizer-fw.hpp"
54 G_GNUC_UNUSED static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_IMPORT;
56 const int num_currency_formats = 3;
57 const gchar* currency_format_user[] = {N_("Locale"),
58  N_("Period: 123,456.78"),
59  N_("Comma: 123.456,78")
60  };
66 {
67  /* All of the data pointers are initially NULL. This is so that, if
68  * gnc_csv_parse_data_free is called before all of the data is
69  * initialized, only the data that needs to be freed is freed. */
70  m_skip_errors = false;
71  file_format(m_settings.m_file_format = format);
72 }
77 {
78 }
88 {
89  if (m_tokenizer && m_settings.m_file_format == format)
90  return;
92  auto new_encoding = std::string("UTF-8");
93  auto new_imp_file = std::string();
95  // Recover common settings from old tokenizer
96  if (m_tokenizer)
97  {
98  new_encoding = m_tokenizer->encoding();
99  new_imp_file = m_tokenizer->current_file();
100  if (file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH)
101  {
102  auto fwtok = dynamic_cast<GncFwTokenizer*>(m_tokenizer.get());
103  if (!fwtok->get_columns().empty())
104  m_settings.m_column_widths = fwtok->get_columns();
105  }
106  }
108  m_settings.m_file_format = format;
109  m_tokenizer = gnc_tokenizer_factory(m_settings.m_file_format);
111  // Set up new tokenizer with common settings
112  // recovered from old tokenizer
113  m_tokenizer->encoding(new_encoding);
114  load_file(new_imp_file);
116  // Restore potentially previously set separators or column_widths
117  if ((file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::CSV)
118  && !m_settings.m_separators.empty())
119  separators (m_settings.m_separators);
120  else if ((file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH)
121  && !m_settings.m_column_widths.empty())
122  {
123  auto fwtok = dynamic_cast<GncFwTokenizer*>(m_tokenizer.get());
124  fwtok->columns (m_settings.m_column_widths);
125  }
127 }
129 GncImpFileFormat GncTxImport::file_format()
130 {
131  return m_settings.m_file_format;
132 }
145 void GncTxImport::multi_split (bool multi_split)
146 {
147  auto trans_prop_seen = false;
148  m_settings.m_multi_split = multi_split;
149  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_settings.m_column_types.size(); i++)
150  {
151  auto old_prop = m_settings.m_column_types[i];
152  auto is_trans_prop = ((old_prop > GncTransPropType::NONE)
153  && (old_prop <= GncTransPropType::TRANS_PROPS));
154  auto san_prop = sanitize_trans_prop (old_prop, m_settings.m_multi_split);
155  if (san_prop != old_prop)
156  set_column_type (i, san_prop);
157  else if (is_trans_prop && !trans_prop_seen)
158  set_column_type (i, old_prop, true);
159  trans_prop_seen |= is_trans_prop;
161  }
162  if (m_settings.m_multi_split)
163  m_settings.m_base_account = nullptr;
164 }
166 bool GncTxImport::multi_split () { return m_settings.m_multi_split; }
177 void GncTxImport::base_account (Account* base_account)
178 {
179  if (m_settings.m_multi_split)
180  {
181  m_settings.m_base_account = nullptr;
182  return;
183  }
185  m_settings.m_base_account = base_account;
187  if (m_settings.m_base_account)
188  {
189  auto col_type_it = std::find (m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
190  m_settings.m_column_types.end(), GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT);
191  if (col_type_it != m_settings.m_column_types.end())
192  set_column_type(col_type_it - m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
193  GncTransPropType::NONE);
195  /* Set default account for each line's split properties */
196  for (auto line : m_parsed_lines)
197  std::get<PL_PRESPLIT>(line)->set_account (m_settings.m_base_account);
200  }
201 }
203 Account *GncTxImport::base_account () { return m_settings.m_base_account; }
205 void GncTxImport::reset_formatted_column (std::vector<GncTransPropType>& col_types)
206 {
207  for (auto col_type: col_types)
208  {
209  auto col = std::find (m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
210  m_settings.m_column_types.end(), col_type);
211  if (col != m_settings.m_column_types.end())
212  set_column_type (col - m_settings.m_column_types.begin(), col_type, true);
213  }
214 }
216 void GncTxImport::currency_format (int currency_format)
217 {
218  m_settings.m_currency_format = currency_format;
220  /* Reparse all currency related columns */
221  std::vector<GncTransPropType> commodities = {
222  GncTransPropType::AMOUNT,
223  GncTransPropType::AMOUNT_NEG,
224  GncTransPropType::TAMOUNT,
225  GncTransPropType::TAMOUNT_NEG,
226  GncTransPropType::PRICE};
227  reset_formatted_column (commodities);
228 }
229 int GncTxImport::currency_format () { return m_settings.m_currency_format; }
231 void GncTxImport::date_format (int date_format)
232 {
233  m_settings.m_date_format = date_format;
235  /* Reparse all date related columns */
236  std::vector<GncTransPropType> dates = { GncTransPropType::DATE,
237  GncTransPropType::REC_DATE,
238  GncTransPropType::TREC_DATE};
239  reset_formatted_column (dates);
240 }
241 int GncTxImport::date_format () { return m_settings.m_date_format; }
248 void GncTxImport::encoding (const std::string& encoding)
249 {
251  // TODO investigate if we can catch conversion errors and report them
252  if (m_tokenizer)
253  {
254  m_tokenizer->encoding(encoding); // May throw
255  try
256  {
257  tokenize(false);
258  }
259  catch (...)
260  { };
261  }
263  m_settings.m_encoding = encoding;
264 }
266 std::string GncTxImport::encoding () { return m_settings.m_encoding; }
268 void GncTxImport::update_skipped_lines(std::optional<uint32_t> start, std::optional<uint32_t> end,
269  std::optional<bool> alt, std::optional<bool> errors)
270 {
271  if (start)
272  m_settings.m_skip_start_lines = *start;
273  if (end)
274  m_settings.m_skip_end_lines = *end;
275  if (alt)
276  m_settings.m_skip_alt_lines = *alt;
277  if (errors)
278  m_skip_errors = *errors;
280  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_parsed_lines.size(); i++)
281  {
282  std::get<PL_SKIP>(m_parsed_lines[i]) =
283  ((i < skip_start_lines()) || // start rows to skip
284  (i >= m_parsed_lines.size() - skip_end_lines()) || // end rows to skip
285  (((i - skip_start_lines()) % 2 == 1) && // skip every second row...
286  skip_alt_lines()) || // ...if requested
287  (m_skip_errors && !std::get<PL_ERROR>(m_parsed_lines[i]).empty())); // skip lines with errors
288  }
289 }
291 uint32_t GncTxImport::skip_start_lines () { return m_settings.m_skip_start_lines; }
292 uint32_t GncTxImport::skip_end_lines () { return m_settings.m_skip_end_lines; }
293 bool GncTxImport::skip_alt_lines () { return m_settings.m_skip_alt_lines; }
294 bool GncTxImport::skip_err_lines () { return m_skip_errors; }
296 void GncTxImport::separators (std::string separators)
297 {
298  if (file_format() != GncImpFileFormat::CSV)
299  return;
301  m_settings.m_separators = separators;
302  auto csvtok = dynamic_cast<GncCsvTokenizer*>(m_tokenizer.get());
303  csvtok->set_separators (separators);
305 }
306 std::string GncTxImport::separators () { return m_settings.m_separators; }
308 void GncTxImport::settings (const CsvTransImpSettings& settings)
309 {
310  /* First apply file format as this may recreate the tokenizer */
311  file_format (settings.m_file_format);
312  /* Only then apply the other settings */
313  m_settings = settings;
314  multi_split (m_settings.m_multi_split);
315  base_account (m_settings.m_base_account);
316  encoding (m_settings.m_encoding);
318  if (file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::CSV)
319  separators (m_settings.m_separators);
320  else if (file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH)
321  {
322  auto fwtok = dynamic_cast<GncFwTokenizer*>(m_tokenizer.get());
323  fwtok->columns (m_settings.m_column_widths);
324  }
325  try
326  {
327  tokenize(false);
328  }
329  catch (...)
330  { };
332  /* Tokenizing will clear column types, reset them here
333  * based on the loaded settings.
334  */
335  std::copy_n (settings.m_column_types.begin(),
336  std::min (m_settings.m_column_types.size(), settings.m_column_types.size()),
337  m_settings.m_column_types.begin());
339 }
341 bool GncTxImport::save_settings ()
342 {
344  if (preset_is_reserved_name (m_settings.m_name))
345  return true;
347  /* separators are already copied to m_settings in the separators
348  * function above. However this is not the case for the column
349  * widths in fw mode, so do this now.
350  */
351  if (file_format() == GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH)
352  {
353  auto fwtok = dynamic_cast<GncFwTokenizer*>(m_tokenizer.get());
354  m_settings.m_column_widths = fwtok->get_columns();
355  }
357  return;
358 }
360 void GncTxImport::settings_name (std::string name) { m_settings.m_name = name; }
361 std::string GncTxImport::settings_name () { return m_settings.m_name; }
369 void GncTxImport::load_file (const std::string& filename)
370 {
372  /* Get the raw data first and handle an error if one occurs. */
373  try
374  {
375  m_tokenizer->load_file (filename);
376  return;
377  }
378  catch (std::ifstream::failure& ios_err)
379  {
380  // Just log the error and pass it on the call stack for proper handling
381  PWARN ("Error: %s", ios_err.what());
382  throw;
383  }
384 }
397 void GncTxImport::tokenize (bool guessColTypes)
398 {
399  if (!m_tokenizer)
400  return;
402  uint32_t max_cols = 0;
403  m_tokenizer->tokenize();
404  m_parsed_lines.clear();
405  for (auto tokenized_line : m_tokenizer->get_tokens())
406  {
407  auto length = tokenized_line.size();
408  if (length > 0)
409  {
410  auto pretrans = std::make_shared<GncPreTrans>(date_format(), m_settings.m_multi_split);
411  auto presplit = std::make_shared<GncPreSplit>(date_format(), currency_format());
412  presplit->set_pre_trans (std::move (pretrans));
413  m_parsed_lines.push_back (std::make_tuple (tokenized_line, ErrMap(),
414  presplit->get_pre_trans(), std::move (presplit), false));
415  }
416  if (length > max_cols)
417  max_cols = length;
418  }
420  /* If it failed, generate an error. */
421  if (m_parsed_lines.size() == 0)
422  {
423  throw (std::range_error (N_("There was an error parsing the file.")));
424  return;
425  }
427  m_settings.m_column_types.resize(max_cols, GncTransPropType::NONE);
429  /* Force reinterpretation of already set columns and/or base_account */
430  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_settings.m_column_types.size(); i++)
431  set_column_type (i, m_settings.m_column_types[i], true);
432  if (m_settings.m_base_account)
433  {
434  for (auto line : m_parsed_lines)
435  std::get<PL_PRESPLIT>(line)->set_account (m_settings.m_base_account);
436  }
438  if (guessColTypes)
439  {
440  /* Guess column_types based
441  * on the contents of each column. */
442  /* TODO Make it actually guess. */
443  }
444 }
447 struct ErrorList
448 {
449 public:
450  void add_error (std::string msg);
451  std::string str();
452 private:
453  StrVec m_error;
454 };
456 void ErrorList::add_error (std::string msg)
457 {
458  m_error.emplace_back (msg);
459 }
461 std::string ErrorList::str()
462 {
463  auto err_msg = std::string();
464  if (!m_error.empty())
465  {
466  auto add_bullet_item = [](std::string& a, std::string& b)->std::string { return std::move(a) + "\n• " + b; };
467  err_msg = std::accumulate (m_error.begin(), m_error.end(), std::move (err_msg), add_bullet_item);
468  err_msg.erase (0, 1);
469  }
471  return err_msg;
472 }
475 /* Test for the required minimum number of columns selected and
476  * the selection is consistent.
477  * @param An ErrorList object to which all found issues are added.
478  */
479 void GncTxImport::verify_column_selections (ErrorList& error_msg)
480 {
482  /* Verify if a date column is selected and it's parsable.
483  */
484  if (!check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::DATE))
485  error_msg.add_error( _("Please select a date column."));
487  /* Verify if an account is selected either in the base account selector
488  * or via a column in the import data.
489  */
490  if (!check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT))
491  {
492  if (m_settings.m_multi_split)
493  error_msg.add_error( _("Please select an account column."));
494  else if (!m_settings.m_base_account)
495  error_msg.add_error( _("Please select an account column or set a base account in the Account field."));
496  }
498  /* Verify a description column is selected.
499  */
500  if (!check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::DESCRIPTION))
501  error_msg.add_error( _("Please select a description column."));
503  /* Verify at least one amount column (amount or amount_neg) column is selected.
504  */
505  if (!check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::AMOUNT) &&
506  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::AMOUNT_NEG))
507  error_msg.add_error( _("Please select a (negated) amount column."));
509  /* In multisplit mode and where current account selections imply multi-
510  * currency transactions, we require extra columns to ensure each split is
511  * fully defined.
512  * Note this check only involves splits created by the csv importer
513  * code. The generic import matcher may add a balancing split
514  * optionally using Transfer <something> properties. The generic
515  * import matcher has its own tools to balance that split so
516  * we won't concern ourselves with that one here.
517  */
518  if (m_multi_currency)
519  {
520  if (m_settings.m_multi_split &&
521  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::PRICE) &&
522  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::VALUE) &&
523  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::VALUE_NEG))
524  error_msg.add_error( _("The current account selections will generate multi-currency transactions. Please select one of the following columns: price, (negated) value."));
525  else if (!m_settings.m_multi_split &&
526  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::PRICE) &&
527  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::TAMOUNT) &&
528  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::TAMOUNT_NEG) &&
529  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::VALUE) &&
530  !check_for_column_type(GncTransPropType::VALUE_NEG))
531  error_msg.add_error( _("The current account selections will generate multi-currency transactions. Please select one of the following columns: price, (negated) value, (negated) transfer amount."));
532  }
533 }
536 /* Check whether the chosen settings can successfully parse
537  * the import data. This will check:
538  * - there's at least one line selected for import
539  * - the minimum number of columns is selected
540  * - the values in the selected columns can be parsed meaningfully.
541  * @return An empty string if all checks passed or the reason
542  * verification failed otherwise.
543  */
544 std::string GncTxImport::verify (bool with_acct_errors)
545 {
546  auto newline = std::string();
547  auto error_msg = ErrorList();
549  /* Check if the import file did actually contain any information */
550  if (m_parsed_lines.size() == 0)
551  {
552  error_msg.add_error(_("No valid data found in the selected file. It may be empty or the selected encoding is wrong."));
553  return error_msg.str();
554  }
556  /* Check if at least one line is selected for importing */
557  auto skip_alt_offset = m_settings.m_skip_alt_lines ? 1 : 0;
558  if (m_settings.m_skip_start_lines + m_settings.m_skip_end_lines + skip_alt_offset >= m_parsed_lines.size())
559  {
560  error_msg.add_error(_("No lines are selected for importing. Please reduce the number of lines to skip."));
561  return error_msg.str();
562  }
564  verify_column_selections (error_msg);
566  update_skipped_lines (std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt);
568  auto have_line_errors = false;
569  for (auto line : m_parsed_lines)
570  {
571  auto errors = std::get<PL_ERROR>(line);
572  if (std::get<PL_SKIP>(line))
573  continue;
574  if (with_acct_errors && !errors.empty())
575  {
576  have_line_errors = true;
577  break;
578  }
579  auto non_acct_error = [](ErrPair curr_err)
580  {
581  return !((curr_err.first == GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT) ||
582  (curr_err.first == GncTransPropType::TACCOUNT));
583  };
584  if (!with_acct_errors &&
585  std::any_of(errors.cbegin(), errors.cend(), non_acct_error))
586  {
587  have_line_errors = true;
588  break;
589  }
590  }
592  if (have_line_errors)
593  error_msg.add_error( _("Not all fields could be parsed. Please correct the issues reported for each line or adjust the lines to skip."));
595  return error_msg.str();
596 }
605 std::shared_ptr<DraftTransaction> GncTxImport::trans_properties_to_trans (std::vector<parse_line_t>::iterator& parsed_line)
606 {
607  auto created_trans = false;
608  std::shared_ptr<GncPreSplit> split_props;
609  std::tie(std::ignore, std::ignore, std::ignore, split_props, std::ignore) = *parsed_line;
610  auto trans_props = split_props->get_pre_trans();
611  auto account = split_props->get_account();
613  QofBook* book = gnc_account_get_book (account);
614  gnc_commodity* currency = xaccAccountGetCommodity (account);
615  if (!gnc_commodity_is_currency(currency))
616  currency = gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent (account);
618  auto draft_trans = trans_props->create_trans (book, currency);
620  if (draft_trans)
621  {
622  /* We're about to continue with a new transaction
623  * Time to do some closing actions on the previous one
624  */
625  if (m_current_draft && m_current_draft->void_reason)
626  {
627  /* The import data specifies this transaction was voided.
628  * So void the created transaction as well.
629  * Attention: this assumes the imported transaction was balanced.
630  * If not, this will cause an imbalance split to be added automatically!
631  */
632  xaccTransCommitEdit (m_current_draft->trans);
633  xaccTransVoid (m_current_draft->trans, m_current_draft->void_reason->c_str());
634  }
635  m_current_draft = draft_trans;
636  m_current_draft->void_reason = trans_props->get_void_reason();
637  created_trans = true;
638  }
639  else if (m_settings.m_multi_split) // in multi_split mode create_trans will return a nullptr for all but the first split
640  draft_trans = m_current_draft;
641  else // in non-multi-split mode each line should be a transaction, so not having one here is an error
642  throw std::invalid_argument ("Failed to create transaction from selected columns.");
644  if (!draft_trans)
645  return nullptr;
647  split_props->create_split (draft_trans);
649  /* Only return the draft transaction if we really created a new one
650  * The return value will be added to a list for further processing,
651  * we want each transaction to appear only once in that list.
652  */
653  return created_trans ? m_current_draft : nullptr;
654 }
656 void GncTxImport::create_transaction (std::vector<parse_line_t>::iterator& parsed_line)
657 {
658  ErrMap errors;
659  std::shared_ptr<GncPreSplit> split_props = nullptr;
660  bool skip_line = false;
661  std::tie(std::ignore, errors, std::ignore, split_props, skip_line) = *parsed_line;
662  auto trans_props = split_props->get_pre_trans();
664  if (skip_line)
665  return;
667  // We still have errors for this line. That shouldn't happen!
668  if(!errors.empty())
669  {
670  auto error_message = _("Current line still has parse errors.\n"
671  "This should never happen. Please report this as a bug.");
672  throw GncCsvImpParseError(error_message, errors);
673  }
675  // Add an ACCOUNT property with the default account if no account column was set by the user
676  auto line_acct = split_props->get_account();
677  if (!line_acct)
678  {
679  // Oops - the user didn't select an Account column *and* we didn't get a default value either!
680  // Note if you get here this suggests a bug in the code!
681  auto error_message = _("No account column selected and no base account specified either.\n"
682  "This should never happen. Please report this as a bug.");
683  PINFO("User warning: %s", error_message);
684  auto errs = ErrMap { ErrPair { GncTransPropType::NONE, error_message},};
685  throw GncCsvImpParseError(_("Parse Error"), errs);
686  }
688  /* If column parsing was successful, convert trans properties into a draft transaction. */
689  try
690  {
691  /* If all went well, add this transaction to the list. */
692  auto draft_trans = trans_properties_to_trans (parsed_line);
693  if (draft_trans)
694  {
695  auto trans_date = xaccTransGetDate (draft_trans->trans);
696  m_transactions.insert (std::pair<time64, std::shared_ptr<DraftTransaction>>(trans_date,std::move(draft_trans)));
697  }
698  }
699  catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
700  {
701  auto err_str = _("Problem creating preliminary transaction");
702  PINFO("%s: %s", err_str, e.what());
703  auto errs = ErrMap { ErrPair { GncTransPropType::NONE, err_str},};
704  throw (GncCsvImpParseError(err_str, errs));
705  }
706 }
717 {
718  /* Start with verifying the current data. */
719  auto verify_result = verify (true);
720  if (!verify_result.empty())
721  throw std::invalid_argument (verify_result);
723  /* Drop all existing draft transactions */
724  m_transactions.clear();
726  m_parent = nullptr;
728  /* Iterate over all parsed lines */
729  for (auto parsed_lines_it = m_parsed_lines.begin();
730  parsed_lines_it != m_parsed_lines.end();
731  ++parsed_lines_it)
732  {
733  /* Skip current line if the user specified so */
734  if ((std::get<PL_SKIP>(*parsed_lines_it)))
735  continue;
737  /* Should not throw anymore, otherwise verify needs revision */
738  create_transaction (parsed_lines_it);
739  }
740 }
743 bool
744 GncTxImport::check_for_column_type (GncTransPropType type)
745 {
746  return (std::find (m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
747  m_settings.m_column_types.end(), type)
748  != m_settings.m_column_types.end());
749 }
752 void GncTxImport::update_pre_split_multi_col_prop (parse_line_t& parsed_line, GncTransPropType col_type)
753 {
754  if (!is_multi_col_prop(col_type))
755  return;
757  auto input_vec = std::get<PL_INPUT>(parsed_line);
758  auto split_props = std::get<PL_PRESPLIT> (parsed_line);
760  /* All amount columns may appear more than once. The net amount
761  * needs to be recalculated rather than just reset if one column
762  * is unset. */
763  for (auto col_it = m_settings.m_column_types.cbegin();
764  col_it < m_settings.m_column_types.cend();
765  col_it++)
766  if (*col_it == col_type)
767  {
768  auto value = std::string();
769  auto col_num = static_cast<uint32_t>(col_it - m_settings.m_column_types.cbegin());
771  if (col_num < input_vec.size())
772  value =;
773  split_props->add (col_type, value);
774  }
775 }
777 void GncTxImport::update_pre_trans_props (parse_line_t& parsed_line, uint32_t col, GncTransPropType old_type, GncTransPropType new_type)
778 {
779  auto input_vec = std::get<PL_INPUT>(parsed_line);
780  auto trans_props = std::get<PL_PRETRANS> (parsed_line);
782  /* Reset date format for each trans props object
783  * to ensure column updates use the most recent one */
784  trans_props->set_date_format (m_settings.m_date_format);
785  trans_props->set_multi_split (m_settings.m_multi_split);
787  if ((old_type > GncTransPropType::NONE) && (old_type <= GncTransPropType::TRANS_PROPS))
788  trans_props->reset (old_type);
789  if ((new_type > GncTransPropType::NONE) && (new_type <= GncTransPropType::TRANS_PROPS))
790  {
791  auto value = std::string();
793  if (col < input_vec.size())
794  value =;
796  trans_props->set(new_type, value);
797  }
799  /* In the trans_props we also keep track of currencies/commodities for further
800  * multi-currency checks. These come from a PreSplit's account property.
801  * If that's the property that we are about to modify, the current
802  * counters should be reset. */
803  if ((old_type == GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT) || (new_type == GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT))
804  trans_props->reset_cross_split_counters();
805 }
807 void GncTxImport::update_pre_split_props (parse_line_t& parsed_line, uint32_t col, GncTransPropType old_type, GncTransPropType new_type)
808 {
809  /* With multi-split input data this line may be part of a transaction
810  * that has already been started by a previous parsed line.
811  * If so
812  * - set the GncPreTrans from that previous line (which we track
813  * in m_parent) as this GncPreSplit's pre_trans.
814  * In all other cases
815  * - set the GncPreTrans that's unique to this line
816  * as this GncPreSplit's pre_trans
817  * - mark it as the new potential m_parent for subsequent lines.
818  */
819  auto split_props = std::get<PL_PRESPLIT> (parsed_line);
820  auto trans_props = std::get<PL_PRETRANS> (parsed_line);
821  /* Reset date format for each split props object
822  * to ensure column updates use the most recent one */
823  split_props->set_date_format (m_settings.m_date_format);
824  if (m_settings.m_multi_split && trans_props->is_part_of( m_parent))
825  split_props->set_pre_trans (m_parent);
826  else
827  {
828  split_props->set_pre_trans (trans_props);
829  m_parent = trans_props;
830  }
832  if ((old_type > GncTransPropType::TRANS_PROPS) && (old_type <= GncTransPropType::SPLIT_PROPS))
833  {
834  split_props->reset (old_type);
835  if (is_multi_col_prop(old_type))
836  update_pre_split_multi_col_prop (parsed_line, old_type);
837  }
839  if ((new_type > GncTransPropType::TRANS_PROPS) && (new_type <= GncTransPropType::SPLIT_PROPS))
840  {
841  if (is_multi_col_prop(new_type))
842  {
843  split_props->reset(new_type);
844  update_pre_split_multi_col_prop (parsed_line, new_type);
845  }
846  else
847  {
848  auto input_vec = std::get<PL_INPUT>(parsed_line);
849  auto value = std::string();
850  if (col < input_vec.size())
851  value =;
852  split_props->set(new_type, value);
853  }
854  }
855  m_multi_currency |= split_props->get_pre_trans()->is_multi_currency();
857  /* Collect errors from this line's GncPreSplit and its embedded GncPreTrans */
858  auto all_errors = split_props->get_pre_trans()->errors();
859  all_errors.merge (split_props->errors());
860  std::get<PL_ERROR>(parsed_line) = std::move(all_errors);
861 }
864 void
865 GncTxImport::set_column_type (uint32_t position, GncTransPropType type, bool force)
866 {
867  if (position >= m_settings.m_column_types.size())
868  return;
870  auto old_type = m_settings.m_column_types[position];
871  if ((type == old_type) && !force)
872  return; /* Nothing to do */
874  // Column types except amount and negated amount should be unique,
875  // so remove any previous occurrence of the new type
876  if (!is_multi_col_prop(type))
877  std::replace(m_settings.m_column_types.begin(), m_settings.m_column_types.end(),
878  type, GncTransPropType::NONE);
880 (position) = type;
882  // If the user has set an Account column, we can't have a base account set
883  if (type == GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT)
884  base_account (nullptr);
886  /* Update the preparsed data */
887  m_parent = nullptr;
888  m_multi_currency = false;
889  for (auto& parsed_lines_it: m_parsed_lines)
890  {
891  update_pre_trans_props (parsed_lines_it, position, old_type, type);
892  update_pre_split_props (parsed_lines_it, position, old_type, type);
893  }
894 }
896 std::vector<GncTransPropType> GncTxImport::column_types ()
897 {
898  return m_settings.m_column_types;
899 }
901 std::set<std::string>
902 GncTxImport::accounts ()
903 {
904  auto accts = std::set<std::string>();
905  auto acct_col_it = std::find (m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
906  m_settings.m_column_types.end(), GncTransPropType::ACCOUNT);
907  uint32_t acct_col = acct_col_it - m_settings.m_column_types.begin();
908  auto tacct_col_it = std::find (m_settings.m_column_types.begin(),
909  m_settings.m_column_types.end(), GncTransPropType::TACCOUNT);
910  uint32_t tacct_col = tacct_col_it - m_settings.m_column_types.begin();
912  /* Iterate over all parsed lines */
913  for (auto parsed_line : m_parsed_lines)
914  {
915  /* Skip current line if the user specified so */
916  if ((std::get<PL_SKIP>(parsed_line)))
917  continue;
919  auto col_strs = std::get<PL_INPUT>(parsed_line);
920  if ((acct_col_it != m_settings.m_column_types.end()) &&
921  (acct_col < col_strs.size()) &&
922  !col_strs[acct_col].empty())
923  accts.insert(col_strs[acct_col]);
924  if ((tacct_col_it != m_settings.m_column_types.end()) &&
925  (tacct_col < col_strs.size()) &&
926  !col_strs[tacct_col].empty())
927  accts.insert(col_strs[tacct_col]);
928  }
930  return accts;
931 }
CSV Import Settings.
gboolean gnc_commodity_is_currency(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Checks to see if the specified commodity is an ISO 4217 recognized currency or a legacy currency...
time64 xaccTransGetDate(const Transaction *trans)
Retrieve the posted date of the transaction.
Destructor for GncTxImport.
bool save(void)
Save the gathered widget properties to a key File.
#define PINFO(format, args...)
Print an informational note.
Definition: qoflog.h:256
std::tuple< StrVec, std::string, std::shared_ptr< GncImportPrice >, bool > parse_line_t
Tuple to hold.
void base_account(Account *base_account)
Sets a base account.
Class to convert a csv file into vector of string vectors.
Exception that will be thrown whenever a parsing error is encountered.
Class to import transactions from CSV or fixed width files.
void load_file(const std::string &filename)
Loads a file into a GncTxImport.
GncTxImport(GncImpFileFormat format=GncImpFileFormat::UNKNOWN)
Constructor for GncTxImport.
#define PWARN(format, args...)
Log a warning.
Definition: qoflog.h:250
void multi_split(bool multi_split)
Toggles the multi-split state of the importer and will subsequently sanitize the column_types list...
bool preset_is_reserved_name(const std::string &name)
Check whether name can be used as a preset name.
void xaccTransVoid(Transaction *trans, const char *reason)
xaccTransVoid voids a transaction.
std::multimap< time64, std::shared_ptr< DraftTransaction > > m_transactions
map of transaction objects created from parsed_lines and column_types, ordered by date ...
void encoding(const std::string &encoding)
Converts raw file data using a new encoding.
Enumeration for file formats supported by this importer.
std::unique_ptr< GncTokenizer > m_tokenizer
Will handle file loading/encoding conversion/splitting into fields.
void file_format(GncImpFileFormat format)
Sets the file format for the file to import, which may cause the file to be reloaded as well if the p...
void create_transactions()
This function will attempt to convert all tokenized lines into transactions using the column types th...
void tokenize(bool guessColTypes)
Splits a file into cells.
void xaccTransCommitEdit(Transaction *trans)
The xaccTransCommitEdit() method indicates that the changes to the transaction and its splits are com...
gnc_commodity * gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent(const Account *account)
Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a Transaction&#39;s currency.
Definition: Account.cpp:3358
Class convert a file with fixed with delimited contents into vector of string vectors.
gnc_commodity * xaccAccountGetCommodity(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s commodity.
Definition: Account.cpp:3351
gint64 time64
Most systems that are currently maintained, including Microsoft Windows, BSD-derived Unixes and Linux...
Definition: gnc-date.h:87
std::vector< parse_line_t > m_parsed_lines
source file parsed into a two-dimensional array of strings.