33 #ifndef GNC_AB_UTILS_H 34 #define GNC_AB_UTILS_H 38 #include <aqbanking/banking.h> 39 #include <gwenhywfar/version.h> 48 #define AQBANKING_VERSION_INT (10000 * AQBANKING_VERSION_MAJOR + 100 * AQBANKING_VERSION_MINOR + AQBANKING_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL) 53 #define GWENHYWFAR_VERSION_INT (10000 * GWENHYWFAR_VERSION_MAJOR + 100 * GWENHYWFAR_VERSION_MINOR + GWENHYWFAR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL) 55 # define GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC 56 # define GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC_LIST AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC_LIST 57 # define GNC_AB_JOB AB_TRANSACTION 58 # define GNC_AB_JOB_LIST2 AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2 59 # define GNC_AB_JOB_LIST2_ITERATOR AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2_ITERATOR 60 # define GNC_AB_JOB_STATUS AB_TRANSACTION_STATUS 61 # define GNC_GWEN_DATE GWEN_DATE 63 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_AQBANKING "dialogs.import.hbci" 64 #define GNC_PREF_FORMAT_SWIFT940 "format-swift-mt940" 65 #define GNC_PREF_FORMAT_SWIFT942 "format-swift-mt942" 66 #define GNC_PREF_FORMAT_DTAUS "format-dtaus" 67 #define GNC_PREF_USE_TRANSACTION_TXT "use-ns-transaction-text" 68 #define GNC_PREF_VERBOSE_DEBUG "verbose-debug" 78 #define AWAIT_BALANCES 1 << 1 79 #define FOUND_BALANCES 1 << 2 80 #define IGNORE_BALANCES 1 << 3 81 #define AWAIT_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 4 82 #define FOUND_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 5 83 #define IGNORE_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 6 236 gboolean execute_txns,
284 #if (AQBANKING_VERSION_INT >= 60400) 292 gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_new_from_ref_accounts (GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *ab_acc);
308 const char* importer_name);
gchar * gnc_ab_create_online_id(const gchar *bankcode, const gchar *accountnumber)
Creates an online ID from bank code and account number.
gchar * gnc_ab_get_remote_name(const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans)
Retrieve the merged "remote name" fields from a transaction.
GList * gnc_ab_imexporter_list(AB_BANKING *abi)
Retrieve the available AQBanking importers.
gchar * gnc_ab_get_purpose(const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, gboolean is_ofx)
Retrieve the merged purpose fields from a transaction.
gchar * gnc_AB_VALUE_to_readable_string(const AB_VALUE *value)
Print the value of value with two decimal places and value's currency appended, or 0...
gchar * gnc_AB_JOB_ID_to_string(gulong job_id)
Return the job_id as string.
gchar * gnc_ab_memo_to_gnc(const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans)
Create the appropriate memo field for a GnuCash Split by the information given in the AB_TRANSACTION ...
gboolean gnc_ab_ieci_run_matcher(GncABImExContextImport *ieci)
Run the generic transaction matcher dialog.
GNC_AB_JOB_LIST2 * gnc_ab_ieci_get_job_list(GncABImExContextImport *ieci)
Extract the job list from data.
GWEN_DB_NODE * gnc_ab_get_permanent_certs(void)
get the GWEN_DB_NODE from AqBanking configuration files
gchar * gnc_ab_description_to_gnc(const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, gboolean is_ofx)
Create the appropriate description field for a GnuCash Transaction by the information given in the AB...
Account handling public routines.
Transaction * gnc_ab_trans_to_gnc(const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, Account *gnc_acc)
Create an unbalanced and dirty GnuCash transaction with a split to gnc_acc from the information avail...
gchar * gnc_AB_JOB_to_readable_string(const GNC_AB_JOB *job)
Return the job as string.
AB_BANKING * gnc_AB_BANKING_new(void)
If there is a cached AB_BANKING object, return it initialized.
GList * gnc_ab_imexporter_profile_list(AB_BANKING *abi, const char *importer_name)
Retrieve the available format templates for an AQBanking importer.
gint gnc_AB_BANKING_fini(AB_BANKING *api)
Finish the AB_BANKING api.
void gnc_AB_BANKING_delete(AB_BANKING *api)
Delete the AB_BANKING api.
void gnc_GWEN_Fini(void)
Finalize the gwenhywfar library.
GncABImExContextImport * gnc_ab_import_context(AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *context, guint awaiting, gboolean execute_txns, AB_BANKING *api, GtkWidget *parent)
Import balances and transactions found in a AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT into GnuCash.
GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC * gnc_ab_get_ab_account(const AB_BANKING *api, Account *gnc_acc)
Get the corresponding AqBanking account to the GnuCash account gnc_acc.
void gnc_GWEN_Init(void)
Initialize the gwenhywfar library by calling GWEN_Init() and setting up gwenhywfar logging...
guint gnc_ab_ieci_get_found(GncABImExContextImport *ieci)
Extract awaiting from data.