
From GnuCash
Revision as of 20:11, 28 March 2010 by Cstim (talk | contribs) (Random Notes)
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Christian Stimming. More Info on . Current Involvement in GnuCash: HBCI online banking, translations, evangelism, German mailing list and user support.

Turns out I've been contributing code to GnuCash since r2757 [1], with various pauses in between.

Links that are interesting for myself:


Cstim is known for visiting and presenting at various conferences. Here are some pictures from those occasions:

LinuxTag 2010

Content moved to LinuxTag_2010

Random Notes

When arriving at Hamburg-Altona by long-distance train ("Fernbahn"): Exit the train and continue on the platform in the driving direction of the train. When you arrive at the end of the platform (this is a dead-end station), turn left. At the end of the station building, you will notice the "Intercity hotel" building, right next to the last train track. Pass the hotel building and turn left into the street "Präsident-Krahn Straße". Follow that street (which runs in parallel to the train tracks) for approx. 400 meters. After having passed one small street, you will arrive at an intersection with traffic light where you have the street "Julius-Leber-Straße" on your right, and a very dirty tunnel under the train tracks on your left. At that intersection, pass straight on over the street "Julius-Leber-Straße". Then turn slightly right into the street "Haubachstraße" - it starts behind a road block. Walk down Haubachstraße for another 100 meters. The next street on your right is the street "Goetheallee". Our place is "Goetheallee 30" which is the white building directly on the corner of Goetheallee and Haubachstraße. Our door bell is clearly labeled "Anne & Christian Stimming".

In case your train connection gets changed, you might end up in another train that stops only at Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof (Hbf) but not at Hamburg-Altona. In this case, in Hamburg-Hbf you change to the Underground train ("S-Bahn") and use that to get to Hamburg-Altona. When you arrive at Hamburg-Altona by S-Bahn (i.e. underground), exit the underground station by following the signs to the long-distance trains ("Fernbahn"). When you stand right in front of the long-distance train tracks, turn right towards the "Intercity hotel" building. Continue as above.