Stack Trace

From GnuCash
Revision as of 10:29, 24 January 2006 by Cstim (talk | contribs) (How to obtain a Stack Trace)
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What is a Stack Trace?

If GnuCash terminates abnormally (i. e. it crashes), then a stack trace is a very helpful information for the developers to figure out the program error that caused this crash.

How to obtain a Stack Trace

Other explanations on how to obtain stack traces:

Attach gdb to running process

The program "gnucash" itself is not an executable but a script. Therefore it cannot be called directly by the gdb debugger. We propose to "attach" the gdb to the running gnucash process instead.

To attach to the running gnucash process:

  1. Start gnucash normally
  2. Use "ps afx" to find out the process number (PID) of the running gnucash process; it might be called "gnucash" or "guile", I'm not sure. Say the PID is 12345.
  3. Start gdb by typing "gdb"
  4. Attach to the running process by typing "attach 12345"; gdb will temporarily stop the program
  5. Continue program execution by typing "continue" at the gdb prompt
  6. Provoke the crash; type "backtrace" or shorthand "bt" at the gdb prompt.

Please submit the backtrace together with the instructions on how to reproduce this crash as a new bug report into Bugzilla. Thank you for your contribution.