Scheduled Transactions provide the ability to have reminders scheduled or transactions scheduled to be entered at a specified date. This is combined with the Since Last Run assistant (Section 8.2, “Since Last Run Assistant”) to review and enter the transactions. The Mortgage & Loan Repayment assistant (Section 8.3, “Mortgage & Loan Repayment Assistant”) is used to setup a scheduled transaction to repay a compounding interest loan. The Scheduled Transaction Editor (Section 6.13, “Edit Scheduled Transaction Window”) is used to create and edit transactions that are to be added to the register in an automated way.
The easiest way to setup a scheduled transaction is to use an existing transaction in an account register as a template. Select the transaction you wish to use as a template and then either select the Toolbar or go to → . This will bring up the Make Scheduled Transaction dialog.
icon on theName: Enter a name to use for the scheduled transaction. This will be used in the Description field of the transaction.
Frequency: Choose the time period you want between scheduled entries. The dates that the transactions will be entered will show in the mini calendar pane to the right.
Start Date: Choose a date for the scheduled transaction to start.
Never End: This scheduled transaction has no finish date.
End Date: Choose a date for the scheduled transaction to end.
Number of Occurrences: Enter the number of times you wish the scheduled transaction to be added to the register.
The Advanced... button brings up the Scheduled Transaction Editor’s dialog to Edit the Scheduled Transaction. This is described in the section Scheduled Transaction Editor. Section 6.13, “Edit Scheduled Transaction Window”
The Scheduled Transactions Window is used to access the list of scheduled transactions and create, edit or remove them. It also provides a calendar which displays upcoming scheduled transactions. Clicking on the calendar view and hovering over any date will pop up a small dialog that shows the transactions scheduled for that day. The yellow highlight in the calendar indicates which days have scheduled transactions. To dismiss the hover dialog click once more.
The top pane of the Scheduled Transaction Window contains the list of scheduled transactions that are currently setup. This window lists the Name of the transaction, if the transaction is enabled for scheduling, the Frequency (month and day) that the transaction is to be entered, the last time the transaction was entered and the next time the transaction will be entered.
The right side of this pane contains a down arrow button that when clicked will pull-down a window to allow selection of the characteristics displayed in the list. Unchecking the appropriate box will remove the characteristic from the display.
The Toolbar of this window contains three buttons to create, delete and edit scheduled transactions. and buttons opens the Edit Scheduled Transaction dialog. removes the selected scheduled transaction. The same options are available thru → , from the Scheduled Transaction Tab.
Below the list of scheduled transactions is the Upcoming calendar. This calendar displays up to the next year and highlights the dates that the scheduled transactions are scheduled to occur so it is easy to see when the transactions are scheduled. Clicking on a date in the calendar brings up a list of scheduled transactions for that date. Moving the mouse over other dates changes to the list of transactions on those dates. Clicking once more on the calendar removes the transaction list.
The Scheduled Transaction Window is activated from the Account tab or the Transaction Register via
→ → .