3.1. Running GnuCash for the first time

The very first time you run GnuCash you will be presented with the Cannot find default values display with three choices; Quit, Skip, Setup. The following table describes the contents of the menu.

Table 3.1. First time running GnuCash options

Option Button

Action Description


Exit from GnuCash without any setups.


Continue into GnuCash without any setups.


Create a new set of default settings.

The first screen of the Update GnuCash Configuration Data process describes the process. While the data on the screen will change, the three buttons at the very bottom of the screen will not change throughout the process.

The second screen allows you to Choose a Method of setting gconf configuration for GnuCash. The screen describes the options, "Update Search Path" and "Install in Home Directory", and the impact of each. The Update Search Path button will modify .gconf.path in the user's home directory. The Install in Home Directory button on this screen will install the configuration files in the .gconf directory in the user's home directory.

After making your selection press the Forward button for the next screen.

If you selected "Install in Home Directory" the next screen presents you with three options;

  1. GnuCash will install the data.

  2. You will install the data yourself.

  3. The data has already been loaded.

If you selected "Update Search Path" the next screen presents you with three options;

  1. GnuCash will update search path.

  2. You will update search path yourself.

  3. The update search path has already been updated.

The final screen has the usual three buttons, with the difference that the Forward has changed to Applyguilabel>. Pressing the Apply button will commit your selections, and will complete the initial defaults.

After the initial defaults are completed you will be presented with the Welcome to GnuCash! menu with three choices. The following table describes the contents of the menu.

Table 3.2.

Menu Item


Create a new set of accounts

Runs the New Account Hierarchy Setup Assistant.

Import my QIF files

Runs the Import QIF Files Assistant.

Open the new user tutorial

Opens the GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide.

This menu is intended for you to use to get up and running quickly.

You can either use a preset hierarchy of accounts, import Quicken files (QIF files) or view the GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide. Each of these choices will be explained in more depth in the following sections.

It is possible to run these items after you have made a choice here but this Welcome to GnuCash! menu will not reappear. To try one of the other choices later, use the following sections to start the other items from the GnuCash menu.