Chapter 10. Multiple Currencies

Table of Contents

10.1. Basic Concepts
10.2. Account Setup
10.3. GnuCash Currency Support
10.4. Setting International Preferences
10.5. Recording/Updating Currency Exchange (How-To)
10.5.1. Manually Updating Exchange Rates
10.5.2. Automatic Updating Exchange Rates (How-To)
10.5.3. How to disable currency retrieval
10.6. Recording Purchases in a Foreign Currency (How-To)
10.6.1. Purchase of an asset with foreign currency
10.6.2. Purchasing foreign stocks
10.7. Tracking Currency Investments (How-To)
10.7.1. Purchasing a currency investment
10.7.2. Selling a currency investment
10.8. Reconciling Statements in a Foreign Currency (How-To)
10.9. Putting It All Together (Examples)
10.9.1. Basic scenario
10.9.2. Configure Accounts
10.9.3. Opening Balance
10.9.4. Purchase a house
10.9.5. Stock Purchasing
10.9.6. Get the online quotes
10.9.7. Lending money to a friend
10.9.8. Buying property in New Zealand with a loan from Japan
10.9.9. Whats next?

This chapter will show you how to setup your GnuCash accounts to use multiple currencies.