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The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files metrics for the GnuCash development project. Note that not all of the code is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and and are not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various translators, addons and utilities.
Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor even that wc is a good way of counting KLOC's. Much better measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the number of math operators per each statement. Maybe someday we'll run one of those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.
Table 1. Historical Development Stats
Version | engine | register | ledger | motif | gnome | scheme | docs | txt | Total | Languages |
xacc-0.9 Sept 97 | - | - | - | 34 files (7.5+0.9) | - | - | 5 files (0.4) | 1 file (0.1) | 40 files (8.8) | 1 |
xacc-0.9w Dec 97 | - | - | - | 51 files (13.8+1.5) | - | - | 9 files (0.8) | 1 file (0.1) | 61 files (16.2) | 1 |
xacc-1.0.17 Feb 98 | - | - | - | 52 files (14.8+1.8) | - | - | 12 files (1.4) | 4 files (0.3) | 68 files (18.3) | 1 |
gnucash-1.1.15 Aug 98 | 24 files (6.2+1.5) | 31 files (6.1+1.7) | 5 files (1.4+0.4) | 30 files (7.4+0.7) | 17 files (3.4+0.5) | 3 files (0.3) | 16 files (1.9) | 17 files (1.8) | 159 files (34.7) | 1 (0.17) |
gnucash-1.2.2 Aug 99 | 41 files (10.2+3.6) | 28 files (5.5+1.7) | 14 files (2.4+0.6) | 26 files (8.7+0.5) | - | 14 files (1.4) | 30 files (2.6) | 15 files (1.8) | 168 files (39.0) | 3 (0.54) |
gnucash-1.3.6 April 2000 | 41 files (12.9+4.0) | 32 files (6.8+2.1) | 19 files (4.0+0.8) | - | 78 files (32.2+3.0) | 74 files (4.0+0.7+12.3) | 33 files (7.8) | 25 files (4.5) | 302 files (95.1) | 5 (4.3) |
gnucash-1.4.6 Sept 2000 | 43 files (13.0+3.6) | 27 files (5.9+2.0) | 24 files (5.4+1.8) | - | 82 files (33.8+3.0) | 68 files (4.0+0.7+15.5) | 36 files (9.3) | 36 files (4.8) | 316 files (101.9) | 7 (6.0) |
gnucash-1.5.2 Sept 2000 | 46 files (14.9+3.7) | 29 files (6.3+2.0) | 25 files (5.7+1.8) | - | 83 files (35.8+2.9) | 73 files (4.6+0.8+16.8) | 37 files (10.7) | 48 files (8.2) | 341 files (114.2) | 8 (7.8) |
gnucash-1.6.0 June 2001 | 139 files (42.8+8.3) | 28 files (5.7+2.0) | 23 files (10.1+1.5) | - | 132 files (60.0+4.2) | 102 files (6.2+0.8+27.3) | 64 files (12.1) | 69 files (12.9) | 455 files (193.9) | 11 (18.7) |
Each cell displays the following: number of *c and *.h files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h) (or KLOCS of *.txt or KLOCS of *.scm as appropriate)
where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by wc.
engine -- contents of the src/engine and the include directories
register -- contents of the register directory
ledger -- *.c, *.h files in the src directory only
motif -- contents of src/motif directory
gnome -- src/gnome plus src/register/gnome
scheme -- scheme and guile code -- src/scm plus src/guile -- in parenthesis is *.c + *.h + *.scm
docs -- english-only user documentation (html or sgml)
Languages -- the number of languages that the application messages have been translated to. In parenthesis, the number of messages in the message files grep msgstr *.po |wc, in thousands.
txt -- internal README, *.txt and *.texinfo documentation files in all subdirectories,
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