2025-01-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:43:52 <strk> I've a pair of bank operations + and - of the same amount from the same credit card (looks like some form of error) would AccountantsGod punish me if I omit it from the GnuCash ledger ?
05:51:02 <strk> there's something fishy about report (pie chart)
05:53:01 <strk> selecting a subtree of accounts and 2 level of depths I see one node (call it A) taking 56% of the whole, but when picking "all levels" the sum of slices for subcategories of node A accounts for way more than 56% (43% one of them, 41.4% the other) -- how can this be ?
05:54:24 <strk> oh, I was missing selection of some subcats, it now makes much more sense
06:45:31 <strk> could it by my attempt to import from QIF wiped out all data ? (it looks like it did)
07:01:21 <strk> if I change the path of a datafile all the reports break, is that expected ?
08:04:54 <strk> "Others" slice in pie chart hunts me... how do I know where "others" come from ? I've requested "all" as "Levels of Subaccounts"
08:46:48 <strk> figured: I had a limit on number of slices
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16:07:17 <strk> I tried writing invoices, but upon making an error I'm now left with a spurious invoice which I cannot delete, is that by design ?
18:24:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
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18:24:09 <warlord> strk, it is by design that you cannot delete it, yes.
18:24:22 <warlord> However, you can reuse it.. You can even assign it to another Customer.
18:53:12 <strk> I cannot change invoice ID, apparently. What's the rationale for forbidding removal ?
19:35:57 *** Cyberstorm has left #gnucash
20:22:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Dolda
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20:23:45 <Dolda> Does someone know how to make corrections for changing exchange rates when using Trading accounts?
20:24:16 <Dolda> I used to be able to do this by registering a transaction with 0 for one currency and the correction for the other currency, but since some versions back, Gnucash doesn't seem to let me do that.
20:24:41 <Dolda> The split with the trading account just automatically goes to the Imbalance account instead when I try to commit the transaction.
20:25:50 <Dolda> Was I doing it wrong the whole time? :)
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