2025-01-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:31:26 <strk> hello, coming back to GNUCash after a few years. I think what made me stop using it was the long time it took to do data entry, is there anything new related to OpenBanking API who is today implemented by at least european banks ?
03:39:42 <strk> oh, btw, I've found that irc.gimp.org didn't work for me (it connected to the libera chat network) - irc.gimp.ca did work, if this is not a temporary issue the wiki page might be worth updating: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/IRC
07:18:33 <warlord> it's irc.gimp.net
07:19:14 <warlord> GnuCash has several import mechanisms. Not being in EU myself, I don't really pay attention to the current mechs.
07:19:36 <warlord> Also, personally, I don't import data. When you import, you lose the ability to find a bank error.
07:20:53 <strk> for some reason connecting to irc.gimp.net sent me to libera... maybe it was some error on my side
07:21:13 <warlord> irc.gnome. definitely goes to libera
07:22:17 <warlord> Looking at DNS, irc.gimp.net == irc.gimp.org and irc.gnome.org == irc.libera.chat. They have different IPs
07:22:26 <warlord> Are you sure you didn't try irc.gnome.org?
07:23:14 <strk> not sure now, no
07:23:34 <strk> but I'm sure I'm now using irc.gimp.ca
07:24:18 <warlord> fair.
07:24:57 <warlord> Anyways, I know GnuCash does support a bunch of EU protocols through AqBanking. I am unaware of "OpenBanking API" specifically.
07:38:58 <strk> AqBanking is interesting, pity that the development community seem to be only for German
07:43:27 <warlord> strk, Martin in German. But I'm pretty sure there are other devs in EU. There was certainly one in BE for a while.
07:52:24 <strk> does martin ever joins this channel ?
07:52:48 <warlord> strk, rarely. it happens, but maybe a couple times a year. He does reply to email, however.
07:55:31 <strk> I read PSD2 is the code name for that thing (OpenBanking), there are some references to it on trac but it's all in german, hard to read: https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/projects/aqbanking/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&scope=&issues=1&q=PSD2
08:01:00 <warlord> Email Martin
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15:03:12 <fell> strk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_Services_Directive
15:13:14 <fell> PSD[1] was the EU directive to implement SEPA. PSD2 to allow also third parties (fintechs) to access your account.
15:15:57 <fell> All implementations like the german FinTS had to adopt that rules.
15:22:01 <strk> fell: so do you know if AqBanking supports that ?
15:22:12 <strk> I've yet to decide if I'll use GnuCash again or not
15:22:37 <strk> I'm tempted, to keep an eye on all heritage from a central "owned" place with free software (sounds great)
15:23:00 <strk> but I'm scared about what could come up with that
15:23:06 <strk> the learning curve was steep, I remember
15:23:20 <strk> maybe I should just learn some new tricks to simplify things
15:25:21 <strk> GnuCash 4.13 here, I'm happy to start it now to get a renewed feeling
15:26:00 <strk> if it's not an annoyance I can log here my experience
15:28:45 <strk> "Please choose the currency to use for new accounts": the pull-down menu doesn't even open (empty?)
15:29:08 <strk> is that normal ? I wrote "EUR" manually and hit next, I was allowed to do so
15:31:39 <strk> what's the technical difference between Assets and Equity ?
15:39:31 <strk> upon restarting fresh the pull-down menu does work
15:40:01 <strk> a Note tells me that all account except "Equity" and placeholder accounts can have an opening balance, what is Equity account used for then, exactly ?
15:57:00 <fell> IMHO FinTS is the best implemntation in aqbanking. EBICS is usually only offered to business clients in contries around weatern Alps. So Martin has no good test base. DirectOFX and Paypal can only download statements not upload orders.
15:59:31 <fell> For your first steps in Gnucash, I woudl start with an account hierarchy template.
16:00:37 <fell> Equity =assets - liabillities = your net worth
16:02:26 <fell> Have a look in the guide, either over Gnucash's Help menu or at https://www.gnucash.org/docs.phtml
16:11:28 <strk> ah, ok, I've started with no liabilities, but I already feel that'd be my next step
16:11:31 <strk> ie: texes
16:11:33 <strk> *taxes
16:11:38 <strk> those are liabilities, right ?
16:11:51 <strk> and would love if GnuCash could automate those for me
16:12:15 <strk> the template I've used only had Assets, Equity, Expenses, Income
16:13:30 <strk> I've added starting balances for a set of Assets, didnt' do any liability yet, but I already know about some
16:13:57 <strk> so could be good to fill them in somehow, although taxes are mostly a guess so far
16:16:05 <strk> oh, another liability: I've made an offer for buying an appartment so I owe the seller a given amount of money before a given date, is that something that I should encode as a liability ?
16:16:42 <strk> it will eventually be estinguished
16:23:19 <strk> ok I tried adding a Liabilities group, BUT when I have to enter "due" amount, how do I do that ?
16:23:47 <strk> so far I've transferred the due amount from Equity:OpeningBalanced , increasing the "tax" account
16:23:58 <strk> but as a result the Equity grew instead of reducing
16:24:02 <strk> what am I doing wrong ?
16:24:43 <strk> ah, "account type", good
16:28:00 <strk> I don't see all account types listed in https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-guide/chapter_accts.html when I edit an account
16:28:19 <strk> did I have to enable them at file creation time ? Can I add them now ? Like, the A/Payable is of interest for me at the moment
16:28:40 <strk> A/Receivable, sorry
16:29:39 <strk> ah, it's actually there, just had to enlarge the viewport
16:51:41 <strk> one thing now I remember about GnuCash is that it tended to drag me in so I kept adding things
16:51:55 <strk> like now, I'm adding invoices (A/Receivable) and all of a sudden I wonder WHEN/WHERE to stop
16:52:12 <strk> is it better/easier to keep separated ledgers for business and personal ?
16:52:30 <strk> mine ss a one-man company so I don't really have that kind of separation
17:14:47 <strk> is there no correlation between the Business menu (invoices) and A/Receivable ?
17:15:06 <strk> I mean, I've added an invoice but it didn't automatically result in a record in A/Receivable
17:30:19 <fell> A/R & A/P are explainned in https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-guide/chapter_bus_features.html
17:33:23 <strk> how do I *delete* invoices ? I've created a couple ones that were done wrong
17:34:07 <strk> the error was that I didn't set the customer's currency, which defaulted to USD (how do I change those defaults, btw ?)
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18:41:59 <fell> See "Billing Information - Currency" in https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-manual/busnss-ar-customers.html#busnss-ar-custnew
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21:09:46 <Cyberstorm> Hello, I didn't notice any mention in documentations, but is there a way to get access from other computers, any cloud storage or backup support?
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21:46:42 <CDB-Man> warlord: I rebalanced my entire portfolio!
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