2024-07-08 GnuCash IRC logs

00:27:20 *** chris has joined #gnucash
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00:37:32 <chris> CDB-Man: thx. don't forget to test the "TRansaction Breakdown Report" too.
00:37:32 <gncbot> chris: Sent 2 hours and 36 minutes ago: <CDB-Man> had a chance today to test the new report, so far everything works as expected
00:42:48 <CDB-Man> is tht a new one chris?
00:44:58 <CDB-Man> hmm, this is pretty interesting
00:45:01 <CDB-Man> I like the concept
00:45:11 <CDB-Man> it reminds me of an old school accounting "worksheet"
00:46:23 <CDB-Man> suggestion: it would be helpful to have a cross total that shows it cross-adds to $0.00 as expected
00:58:50 <chris> huh...
00:59:50 <chris> (tip it handles forex or stock just fine!)
01:12:39 <chris> it's also pretty good for "Income:PAYE" with all the deductions and emplyer contribs
01:20:41 <CDB-Man> i built a custom income statement by filtering for certain accounts to achieve a PAYE reconciliation
01:20:47 <CDB-Man> going to try it now with this new report
01:21:34 <CDB-Man> error too many accounts
01:22:13 <CDB-Man> ah, needed to increase the column count to 20
01:22:50 <CDB-Man> suggestion: in addition to default alphabet sort of columns, also have the option to sort by ascending or decending value, where value is the subtotal at the bottom
01:47:34 *** chris has quit IRC
02:00:58 *** fell has quit IRC
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07:34:38 <warlord> .
09:09:08 *** chris has joined #gnucash
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09:10:30 <chris> CDB-Man: too much complexity to sort value-wise. how would you value the accounts in descending order if they're in different currencies? I'm not keen to make it a fully fledged balsheet type report.
09:11:37 <chris> sorting is currently multilevel ie A<L<Eq<Exp<Inc then alpha
09:12:38 <chris> you can tell (and warlord knows) i like my clicky links everywhere
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10:49:53 <chris> jralls - https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/blob/master/release/binaries/lib/dependencies.py#L628
10:50:34 <chris> ^ I don't think there's much need to upgrade to guile-3 on windows, but lilypond devs have published their set of patches and guile compilation options
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13:18:34 <jralls> @tell chris "lilypond devs have published their…guile compilation options" in a python file. lol. Getting all platforms to guile-3 would at least get rid of the conditional in CMakeLists.txt.
13:18:34 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
15:03:15 *** amanda has joined #gnucash
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15:18:49 <amanda> I'm just getting started with Gnucash and I have a handful of little questions as I find my way.
15:20:20 <amanda> If I click through to an individual account (eg. "Expenses: Miscellaneous") I can see all relevant expenses in a tab, but there doesn't seem to be a way to move them to a different account.
15:21:46 <amanda> It seems reasonable that when I'm actually reviewing one account, I should be able to say "ahh, that doesn't belong here" and move the transaction.
15:25:59 <warlord> amanda, you can. Click on the (show) splits button. Then you can change the expense Split from Expenses:Miscellaneous to whatever other Expense account you want. Just be warned that the split will disappear from view as soon as you do that.
15:26:27 <warlord> Alternatively, you can click "Jump" to get to the other account and then change it from there.
15:48:18 *** panvera has joined #gnucash
15:59:41 <amanda> warlord: Thank you!
16:04:10 <warlord> amanda, you're welcome
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18:45:06 <AdrienM> per a list thread this afternoon, it was discovered that the preference for 'accumulate splits' overrides the related column in a CSV import of invoices. Is this intended behavior? If so, why can you specify to accumulate or not via import?
19:23:56 <jralls> AdrienM that question is for gjanssens, he designed and wrote the CSV importers. Absent any knowledge of the matter whatsoever it does seem that it would make more sense for the preference to be the default that the CSV column can override.
19:35:38 <AdrienM> Thanks. That's what I would guess too.
19:39:00 *** chris has joined #gnucash
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