2024-06-22 GnuCash IRC logs

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13:06:45 *** Kaligula has joined #gnucash
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13:10:27 <hades> Kaligula: hey, I'm hades from github btw ^_^
13:19:25 <Kaligula> hi, hades! '\0_.
13:19:25 <gncbot> Kaligula: Sent 1 day, 18 hours, and 15 minutes ago: <fell> Offer your banks the transactions in a file format which Gnucash can import?
13:26:26 <Kaligula> @tell fell Yes, my bank lets me download CSVs.
13:26:26 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:27:07 <Kaligula> Simon: How do you use Python? You use GnuCash on Linux and Python Bindings?
13:32:27 <Kaligula> @tell fell I know I can import CSVs downloaded from my bank, but:
13:32:27 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:32:36 <Kaligula> @tell fell 1) that doesn't solve cash operations and paying in prepaid apps (e.g. for parking or tickets) and
13:32:36 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:32:40 <Kaligula> @tell fell 2) requires to login with 2FA, then generate, download and import CSV.
13:32:40 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:36:26 <Kaligula> @tell fell For 1) I can make a website on my server for entering transactions (while on trip/vacation), that lets me either download a file ready to import to GnuCash, or lets me connect to it directly via "online banking" if it's possible.
13:36:26 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:40:21 <Kaligula> @tell fell For 2) Oh, well, CSVs are inevitable in banks that don't support API.
13:40:21 <gncbot> Kaligula: The operation succeeded.
13:43:03 <Kaligula> hades: Replying to you GitHub comment. Your Python app writes to GnuCash SQL database or XML file? You use Linux (with Python bindings) or Windows? I use Windows… :l
13:44:17 <hades> XML file; however it should also be able to write to a SQL database, I just never tested it
13:44:36 <hades> I use Linux with bindings, yes. Are there no bindings available for Windows?
13:44:42 <hades> we can fix that :)
13:45:50 <hades> worst case you could use Docker on windows to run Python code with Gnucash bindings
13:46:03 <Kaligula> I use XML also. And as I read on wiki there are no Python bindings on Windows by default, I'd have to build GnuCash by myself. (And I have trouble doing this, I've tried for a few months :P )
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13:52:07 <hades> did you ask about this on the mailing lists somewhere, or here on IRC? I can take a look later today or tomorrow
14:35:16 <Kaligula> hades: About building GnuCash on Windows?
14:36:14 <hades> yeah
14:36:23 <Kaligula> hades: I asked here multiple times. As wiki states, it is difficult to set this up on Windows. Devs here helped me a lot, but there were still some errors. Now I have less time so I abandoned it for now.
14:37:14 <Kaligula> hades: If you are able to build on Windows I'd be glad for your help someday :)
14:43:15 <hades> sure, I'll let you know
15:56:32 <Simon> I have a script that automates pulling stuff from banking websites using selenium too
15:57:00 <Simon> 2FA isn't a problem because it opens a browser window
15:57:48 <Simon> You don't need a GUI to use the python bindings so I'd suggest a Linux VM with access to the file
15:58:05 <Simon> I know it's inconvenient but so is windows development
16:00:58 <Kaligula> Simon: I got various VMs for such purposes, that's not a big deal.
16:02:25 <Kaligula> I don't know what Docker is (hades mentioned it), but if that would allow me to automate the process, I'd be glad, too.
16:09:41 <hades> well, you don't really need a VM if you just want to run headless Linux software
16:09:48 <hades> you can use WSL
16:10:44 <hades> Docker is a tool to run containers, you can think of containers as very lightweight VMs
16:11:09 <hades> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
16:11:38 <hades> https://www.docker.com/get-started/
16:53:03 <Kaligula> Thx, hades :) I'll read those in my free time
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