2024-05-20 GnuCash IRC logs

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05:35:33 <henk> so, I imported transactions from a CSV and erroneously marked the column with the "original value", i.e. what was paid in the original currency EUR as "price". I’m not sure this is the reason for the following issue but I wanted to mention it. the issue is that now I have these transactions in my account and the "other" account is currently "Imbalance-EUR" which I need to change,
05:35:35 <henk> obviously. but the account I change it to is a CHF account, so gnucash wants to convert the currency and asks me for exchange rate with a popup. I enter in "to value" some value and that value actually turns up. but it seems that gnucash for whatever reason thinks there is a remainder and adds another line with that value, which is often kinda absurd: e.g. it was 3.60 EUR, I tell it
05:35:37 <henk> to convert to 3.60CHF and it does but another line is added with 9.29EUR. it kinda seems like there is "hidden information" associated with that transaction, like some factor multiplying the values I enter, which is why I’m thinking it might be the "price". how can I check for that? any other ideas what might be happening? how to fix it? the conversion between EUR and CHF works
05:35:39 <henk> just fine with a manually entered transaction.
05:42:12 <henk> yeah, if I reimport the transaction in question without the price column in use, I can "balance" it just fine. how can I edit the associated info about price for the originally imported transactions?
05:45:24 <Simon> the hidden thing is the currency of the transaction
05:45:49 <Simon> I think it will be the currency of the account you create the transaction in?
05:50:17 <henk> hm, that account is CHF. the transaction’s original value was EUR … oh, and that is also something I specified during import: "transaction commodity" …
05:52:00 <henk> I guess together with "price" being assigned to the column of the "original value", i.e. the value in the original currency, this creates some sort of problem. but how to fix it without deleting the affected transactions and reimporting them? because that seems like it would be more tedious than fixing the affected transactions …
05:52:27 <henk> is there some "detail view" of all information associated with a transaction?
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05:54:08 <henk> setting the "transaction commodity" seems right so that it could potentially be booked to an account with the correct commodity/currency but assigning "price" to the "original value" column was probably a stupid mistake I’d like to correct now.
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20:54:29 <Viper> I have created a new year by importing my accounts into the new blank file. When I import an OFX file the account associations are missing for the reconcile column. Is there a way to get the Import Log Data into my new file so that the account assignments will autocomplete and I don't have to use
20:54:29 <Viper> manual assignmet for each transaction?
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23:29:53 <AdrienM> Viper, I'm pretty sure those are 'per book'. (which would be a reason *not* to start a new file each year) Is there a compelling reason to start over rather than just continue using the same file?