2024-04-18 GnuCash IRC logs

01:51:05 *** fell has quit IRC
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03:06:09 <Simon> fell: weblate doesn't notify me properly, and then some person who thinks they're helping translates en_GB only
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03:09:47 <Simon> it just causes me much more work to review their translations and then do the others :|
03:13:43 <Simon> and they've broken the clipboard translations I did
03:13:57 <Simon> that really needs to be fixed in the source
03:18:51 <Simon> "Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template or edit the Scheduled Transaction that current transaction was created by."
03:19:01 <Simon> I've added a comment for that one..
03:19:23 <Simon> although it could also be "this transation" instead of "that THE current transaction", which is shorter
03:20:13 <Simon> argh
03:20:22 <Simon> they're also s/dialog/dialogue/-ing
03:20:46 <Simon> that gets very inconvenient very fast and isn't really required
03:21:55 <Simon> although it looks like the rest of the translations do actually do that
03:31:10 <Simon> I really hate weblate for this because it's quite stressful having to slow down in order to not be blocked for translating "too fast"
03:33:49 <Simon> https://english.stackexchange.com/a/59655 <-- "dialogue" is somewhat non-standard but I've updated the translations to be consistent
03:34:31 <Simon> https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=dialog+box%2Cdialogue+box&year_start=1980&year_end=2019&corpus=en-GB-2009&smoothing=3
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07:52:51 <henk> hi, I’m trying to figure out why gnucash starts with some "dark" gtk theme. I have two machines: schnurri and frustcomp. running gnucash on schnurri directly starts it with the configured "adwaita" theme. when I connect from frustcomp to schnurri with `ssh -X` and start gnucash, it starts with some dark theme. running `gtk-query-settings gtk-theme-name` on schnurri locally gives
07:52:53 <henk> "adwaita". running it on frustcomp locally gives "adwaita" as well. running it in `ssh -X` from frustcomp to schnurri gives "Material-Black-Blueberry". anyone know why that is? and how to make it also use adwaita in that case?
07:56:57 <warlord> initial guess is the context within SSH is different than local.
07:58:16 <henk> warlord: what context?
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09:02:01 <warlord> henk, who knows? GTK/X context is black magic to me.
09:02:35 <henk> right
09:03:27 <warlord> Adding ssh remote access to that is even more esoteric.
09:09:42 <henk> yeah, I’m doing totally wild and bleeding edge things here …
09:24:27 <warlord> LOL
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11:22:14 *** Kaligula has joined #gnucash
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11:33:42 <Kaligula> What the hell is happening on weblate that many strings are outdated in a way that local string is completely different than the source string?
11:34:08 <Kaligula> It seems like it was translated well but now the strings are switched or shuffled.
11:35:23 <Kaligula> It's like Sisyphean task, IYKWIM
11:42:53 <warlord> Botched git merge?
11:44:52 <Kaligula> I have no idea what ur talking about :D I use weblate to translate, if that's what u mean.
11:49:05 <warlord> Weblate uses git in the backend to pull code updates.. It's possible that the git merge failed.
11:49:13 <warlord> fell would know better.
11:52:18 <Kaligula> But this happenend not for the 1st time. It's been happening since I started translations 1,5 years ago
11:53:00 <Kaligula> The whole translation is becoming pointless if the strings get shuffled around… :(
11:54:23 <fell> Kaligula,some strings were improved by appending a full stop.
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11:55:11 <fell> Unfortunatly thecommitter did not patch the po files.
11:55:37 <Kaligula> Yeah, but changing the full stop in strings changes neither their sequence nor their position ‍ ¯\_(°∩°)_/¯
11:56:13 <fell> Tell anexample
12:02:17 <Kaligula> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/pl/?checksum=9a9fa8cdc27c8d4a
12:02:17 <Kaligula> source string: "Missing QIF investment action for transaction dated 1~a."
12:02:17 <Kaligula> local string: "Brak daty transakcji" which means "Missing transaction date." and is from https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/pl/?checksum=642796633cf5514f
12:12:52 <fell> msgmerge is not always very smart in guessing new messages.
12:13:18 <Kaligula> :(
12:13:24 <Kaligula> Is there any other way to do that?
12:14:50 <fell> But by the green marking shows the part, which was inserted in the other msg.
12:17:54 <fell> None that I know.
12:28:34 <fell> IIRC "Missing QIF investment action for transaction dated ~a." is one of the rare new msgsin recent changes.
12:28:51 <fell> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/stable/po/pl.po#L20657-L20661
12:29:53 <Kaligula> There was a time I translated many strings, but if I see corectly the translated % falls over time – and I don't mean only updated source strings (that need updated local strings, that's normal), but also the shuffled translations on weblate :(
12:30:46 <Kaligula> Then, I wanted to translate everything, but I lost motivation when I saw the weblate shuffle.
12:31:23 <fell> and msgmerge saw "at least a few words are the same as in 'Missing transaction date.'"
12:33:53 <Kaligula> ah :(
12:34:53 <Kaligula> Does it use Levenshtein? Doesn't look like, after what you said now.
12:37:34 <fell> No,there you have a wrong impression.
12:37:53 <fell> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/b33b864c2fa0ba72d1940465e7fa962dd36833c9
12:43:23 <fell> Oh,that isnot the introduction,but https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/f7e3038e38ea963525a6beff3782d8cdaca2bdcc
12:46:32 <Kaligula> Yeah, but you may be right, that the recent movement is the cause of the mismatch
12:46:35 <fell> So with the last string freeze the message wasintroduced .
12:49:39 <fell> No, Bug 799262 will only appear as a changed line number..
12:50:43 <fell> And in Bug 799225 the message was introduced.
12:53:52 <fell> msgmerge saw another message with the same strart and hoped to help you by inserting that as old message.
12:56:03 <henk> solution: 'schnurri' had an xsettings daemon (xfconfd) that told GTK which theme to use. 'frustcomp' does not have one. so gtk uses the fallback in .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini from schnurri
12:56:44 <fell> ???
12:57:03 <henk> fell: my problem from 5h ago
12:57:34 <fell> ah, thanks!
14:14:16 <Simon> Kaligula: one option would be to go back and re-merge it with the full stop changes
14:15:03 <Simon> weblate will take .po files
14:18:45 <Simon> that really is quite a mess :/
14:19:10 <Simon> some of them are ok
14:20:26 <Simon> I think it may just be a lot of new strings too, because it does appear to have lots of them correct
14:20:37 <Simon> although maybe someone has already fixed them
14:21:09 <Kaligula> I already fixed some in weblate today
14:21:48 <Kaligula> As of you first sentence – I don't mean to fix only this one thing. THis's been happening for months, if not longer
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16:57:25 <fell> To append the missing full stop in de.po, i recentlyy used weblate's Zen mode., which was quicker than standard mode.
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17:58:51 <Kaligula> fell, it's possible for locale strings, but AFAIK source strings can be corrected only via github?
18:03:49 <fell> right, see e.g. https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/1903#discussion_r1566036470
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18:18:05 <Kaligula> thx, fell.
18:18:05 <Kaligula> Does it mean, that my PR https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/1895 ideally should also contain fixing full stops in all other languages?
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18:23:34 <chf> Not having read it, Kaligula, I think any error report should at least contain information about EVERYTHING you consider to be wrong.
18:25:26 <chf> Hm, sounds like bad english to me, my last sentence, I think you understand the meaning.
18:26:46 <Kaligula> chf: Well, I don't… <thinking>
18:27:02 <Kaligula> I'm just not sure what you're refering to
18:27:08 <Kaligula> the PR?
18:27:51 <fell> If it is easy for you to do, that would be nice, but in a separate commit (in the same PR)
18:27:52 <chf> Yes, I think: include everything in the text you are worrying about.
18:29:01 <fell> chf we are fixing missing full stops in thetooltips.
18:29:02 <chf> Ideally, make 1 PR for each subject.
18:29:15 <chf> Oh, I see, fell.
18:30:06 <Kaligula> I understand. Separate commit for every language or for all locale together?
18:30:06 <chf> We don't want to miss one, I think.
18:32:55 <fell> Commit 1 improve souces, commit 2 "preparing patch of.po fles. after applying themI willrun msgmerge.
18:33:20 <Kaligula> thx
18:41:25 <Kaligula> If I add a full stop to source string – do I have to add a full stop the `msgid "Make a copy of the current transaction"` in *.po files, too?
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