2024-04-11 GnuCash IRC logs

01:57:31 *** fell has quit IRC
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07:16:45 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
07:41:14 <englishman> Hi, longtime gnucash user. I recently upgraded to macos 14.4.1 and finance::quote stopped working. Looks like the perl version was bumped so needed a reinstall. Using the following command:
07:41:15 <englishman> sudo ARCHFLAGS='-arch arm64 -arch arm64e -arch x86_64' /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update
07:41:59 <englishman> about 20 minutes later, it unfortunately failed. Checking the terminal output, it looks like it goes bad around when a https dependency gets installed
07:42:26 <englishman> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/d6qO8i6D
07:42:44 <englishman> i can post the full terminal output if it helps
07:43:18 <englishman> but from my unexperienced view, could be this package pulls from homebrew and homebrew doesn’t have the required arch
07:43:29 <englishman> however any other tips i’d be happy to try
07:44:33 <englishman> i don’t remember using these arch commands in previous gnucash versions but that was a while ago
07:47:06 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
07:47:10 <warlord> englishman, you may need to wait for jralls to wake up.
07:47:31 <englishman> no worries
07:47:34 <englishman> and no rush
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10:03:25 *** evit has joined #gnucash
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10:06:12 <evit> hello everyone
10:06:36 <evit> Is there a way to customize the P&L statement to show details of income in hours vs. Materials?
10:07:04 <warlord> Do you have different Income accounts for hours vs materials?
10:07:52 <evit> I don't believe so
10:11:56 <warlord> Well if you want to report on it separately, you should record them separately.
10:12:30 <warlord> The reports can combine numbers easily, but separating them is a lot harder.
10:17:28 <evit> Are there any other reports that would allow me to identify hours vs. materials?
10:28:43 <warlord> How do you know that a particular item is hours or materials? How do you mark them?
10:29:25 <evit> I specified it under 'Action' on my invoices
10:31:05 <warlord> When you posted the invoice, did you uncheck the "Accumulate Splits" checkbox?
10:31:27 <evit> I'm not sure
10:32:06 <warlord> It would be easy to see by opening up one of the posted transactions and seeing if you see an entry per line-item or only one entry per account.
10:32:55 <warlord> But the short answer to your question is no, there will be no report that currently exists that will tell you how much of "Income:Sales" came from invoice entries with Action X vs Action Y.
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10:35:52 <evit> Ugh, I have hours of manual work to account for them
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10:36:16 <warlord> You should have put them into separate accounts, Income:Sales:Hours and Income:Sales:Materials
10:36:37 <evit> Well I didn't know that
10:36:55 <warlord> Sorry.
10:37:23 <evit> It's been a while since I took an accounting class, and it looks like I need to.
10:38:18 <warlord> Like all tools, you kinda have to know how to use it in order to use it effectively. Unfortunately that only comes with training or experience.
10:38:44 <evit> And there isn't a LOT for Gnucash
10:40:25 <warlord> Actually there is.. There are tons of documentation, the tutorial and guide... but this is more a general accounting question: how do I record transactions in order to get the reports I need later.
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10:44:10 <evit> The docs are OK but incomplete in most cases IMHO. Most of the tutorials are lacking on YT and there is only 1 published book which I wish the author would update.
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10:49:51 <evit> Don't get me wrong, the software is awesome
10:56:27 <evit> @warlord thanks for your help
10:56:27 <gncbot> evit: Error: "warlord" is not a valid command.
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12:48:55 <jralls> englishman, It's telling you that it's not using the Homebrew libs because they don't support x86_64. That should be OK and it will use the system's libcrypt instead. What's the actual failure message?
12:57:34 <jralls> gjanssnes Have you had a chance to look into verification on flathub?
13:01:27 <jralls> gjanssens ^^^
13:03:25 <gjanssens> jralls: I had a first look. After logging in with my github account I can see GnuCash in the list of applications to verify. I didn't do that part yet though as that would put my name as verified publisher, which is not really correct. You are publishing.
13:03:25 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, and 21 minutes ago: <CDB-Man> chris I have bracket negatives in my Gnucash reports
13:03:26 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 2 weeks, 2 days, and 18 hours ago: <fell> uninstalling gnucash-docs returns on each element: Uninstalling PATH/TO/ELEMENT
13:05:07 <gjanssens> jralls: note GnuCash didn't appear right away. I have been clicking around on the flathub website for some time before it showed up in the Developer Portal
13:05:21 <gjanssens> I don't know why.
13:05:47 <jralls> How do you even get to the developer portal? When I tried last week I couldn't find it.
13:06:16 <gjanssens> The link provided in the bug report doesn't show the correct info.
13:06:28 <gjanssens> What I did was go to https://flathub.org
13:06:44 <gjanssens> Then on the right hand side, log in. I used my github account
13:07:22 <gjanssens> Once logged in, my gravatar image is visible in that corner. Clicking on it will show "Developer Portal".
13:07:28 <jralls> I did that. Ah! Click on my mugshot.
13:07:58 <gjanssens> There is also a link to the Developer Portal at the very bottom of the page once you are logged in.
13:09:16 <gjanssens> I think gnucash showed up when I clicked that bottom link after some time. It may purely be coincidental though that the bottom link worked and the one under my mugshot didn't. I suspect some behind-the-scenes processing was still going on which was responsible for the delay.
13:09:22 <jralls> Interesting. I see that now but it wasn't there when I logged in last week. That might well have been the first time I'd ever logged in to flathub, I had to tell Github it was OK to use my auth token.
13:09:37 <gjanssens> Same for me.
13:11:48 <jralls> Anyway, now I'm in the Dev Portal and GnuCash is displayed. It's telling me I need to fiddle a page on gnucash.org. That resolves to Linas's server, so let's hope putting it on www.gnucash.org works.
13:13:03 <gjanssens> @tell chris CDB-Man I think it's fine to have brackets in reports. However I doubt the debit and credit fields in the register can handle it. Those fields parse calculations and I don't know the code is clever enough to distinguish between brackets for negative numbers and brackets for prioritizing certain operators.
13:13:03 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
13:13:59 <gjanssens> jralls: Yea, I read that too. And I wonder how we'll do this. I don't think putting the token in our github repo would be a good idea. It's supposed to be a private proof of identity...
13:14:37 <gjanssens> So linas may had to put it there manually, unless linas has granted you direct access to the web directory by now ?
13:14:58 <gjanssens> Anyway, I have to leave. Hope you figure something out
13:15:28 <jralls> Like this: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs/commit/84d476f90610fc9ee240aae651d825e17bcf87c4
13:15:59 <gjanssens> @tell fell I don't know offhand what the cause could be there...
13:15:59 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
13:16:13 <gjanssens> jralls: so much for private :)
13:16:47 <gjanssens> Bye for now!
13:16:52 <jralls> Later!
14:37:38 *** CWehli has joined #gnucash
14:59:22 <englishman> jralls: i'm not sure that's the failure message then, I
14:59:35 <englishman> I'll post the entire terminal output here, in a little bit
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15:27:08 <fell> warlord, what bhappened with -devel on https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo?
15:27:08 <gncbot> fell: Sent 2 hours and 11 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I don't know offhand what the cause could be there...
15:29:05 <fell> see also complain https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2024-April/111413.html
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15:59:36 <warlord> fell, no clue..
16:04:36 <warlord> Going to the listinfo page directly works.
16:06:01 <warlord> Although the links in it are somewhat broken!
16:14:26 <warlord> fell, fixed.
16:14:36 <warlord> Somehow the configuration got messed up.
16:19:15 *** starman2 is now known as starman
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16:19:59 <starman> jralls, gjanssens, I can see now that Gnucash shows as verified in Flathub :). I have also noted that I have have an "update" for the Gnucash flatpak, although same version. Is this update expected due to the new verified status? This is my suspicion as I cannot see any changes on the gnucash repo or the flathub manifest...
16:20:52 <jralls> starman, no idea but your hypothesis is plausible.
16:32:53 <englishman> jralls: terminal output .txt is 37mb, i’m actually not sure how to transmit this lol, text snippet sites won’t accept it nor irccloud as an upload
16:36:02 <jralls> englishman And I'm not terribly interested in trying to analyze a 37M text dump. I take it that the OpenSSL messages you posted earlier are somewhere in the middle. What does it say at the very end?
16:37:00 <englishman> at the end of the terminal output?
16:37:08 <englishman> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WpFvmzes
16:38:22 <englishman> and the beginning
16:38:31 <englishman> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KHLWyQwX
16:43:59 <jralls> A bit odd that it tried to test F::Q in spite of LWP::Protocol::https failed, odder still that there's 37M of output between F::Q and JSON::Parse.
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16:47:02 <jralls> But there is a line about finding the Homebrew OpenSSL in the build of LWP::Protocol::https so maybe that is a problem after all. Try removing /opt/homebrew from all you your environment paths and run gnc-fq-update again.
16:54:05 <englishman> Thanks I’ll try that tonight.
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23:58:14 <kern_proc> hello, folks
23:58:48 <kern_proc> i'm using gnucash on my macs, version 4.13 currently. I'm using MariaDB for the database, on a separate server
23:59:27 <kern_proc> when i connect to the database, of late every time i do so i get a warning that i cannot obtain a lock on the database, but can click on "open anyway" and it works
23:59:54 <kern_proc> i'd like to sort out why i'm not getting the lock, and if anyone can tell me why, i'd appreciate it