2024-01-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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16:06:52 <Robert847> Hi. I am running release 4.8 on a Linux machine. I just discovered that I have a SX that has been creating register transactions in an account that looks like a GUID instead of an actual existing account. It just created one with today's date when I ran the SLR, and it has appeared in the list of created transactions. Since I do not have an account with such a name, will this transaction disappear cleanly when I save the file and cl
16:06:52 <Robert847> ose the program, or do I need to do something special to purge it? Also, this has probably happened several times before without my noticing. Is there some garbage somewhere in my data file?
16:11:17 <Robert847> That happened on a different computer that cannot communicate directly with this one and it would be very difficult to show you the transaction.
16:11:57 <Robert847> unless I send myself an email
16:28:36 <Simon> I don't know why you're expecting transactions to disappear on their own
16:28:49 <Simon> if you want the transaction to go away you'll need to delete it
16:28:59 <Simon> if you want the SX to stop creating transactions you'll need to disable/delete it
16:29:24 <Simon> it is an unusual failure mode for it to be creating an account named a the GUID... when we know it returns an error if the account doesn't exist
16:29:55 <Simon> you might have found a way to get it to think there's an account named with that GUID but I don't understand how...
16:32:24 <jralls> Robert847 Have you examined the offending transaction in the other account's register?
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18:21:39 <Robert847> Simon, I am here because this transaction appeared out of the blue, it does not have any accounts from my COA but it is in the list of created transactions. If I close that register, where will that transaction go, how will I be able to find it so I can delete it?
18:32:12 <Robert847> That SX has been firing monthly for several years. Where did all the other transactions go? If none of the split lines have account names that are in the COA for this file, I will not be able to examine it from a different account perspective. I can say that the transaction does not appear in the date sorted portion of the General Journal. However, Ctrl-G without choosing a different date takes me to the end of the register instead
18:32:12 <Robert847> of to today's date within the list.
18:34:10 <jralls> Robert847, do you have a register open with the errant transaction, maybe a general journal that shows multiple accounts?
18:42:16 <Robert847> The transaction only appeared at the end of the register that was created by the SLR. The SX was supposed to create a transaction dated March 20 with 3 split lines to various accounts, which did not have any value or formula entries. That may be what messed it up, but now I am wondering how big this mess is and how do I fix it
18:45:52 <jralls> Is that register open now?
18:46:58 <Robert847> yes, I have not closed it yet
18:47:53 <jralls> OK. Select the transaction and click the split button so you can see the splits.
18:49:34 <Robert847> I have made a screen print. the split accounts are already visible showing the account names that look like guids instead of accounts
18:50:16 <jralls> OK, select one of the splits and click the jump button. What happens?
18:52:57 <Robert847> I get the warning tha the account zzzzzz does not exist. Would you like to create it?
18:54:11 <Robert847> Of course zzzz is not that string
18:55:38 <jralls> Right, it's some GUID. Hmm. Is there a blank transaction? Maybe this weird one isn't committed yet.
18:57:15 <Robert847> so I suppose that transaction is not committed. That could mean that I may not be able to save the file either. There is a blank transaction below that transaction in that register
18:58:54 <Robert847> all three split lines have the same string
19:00:29 <jralls> Well, since you selected a split it now has an open edit on it, but you can click the blank transaction and it will abort the edit. Since there's no value in any of the splits the transaction probably just gets discarded.
19:01:59 <Robert847> I suppose that uncommitted edits eventually disappear when some action allows them to be deleted
19:03:17 <Robert847> that is just what you said while i was typing
19:05:54 <Robert847> the next question then is should I create a bug report if I think the cause was having a SX with no values or formulas?
19:05:55 <jralls> Uncommitted edits are either committed or rolled back when you exit the transaction either by clicking on another transaction or pressing Enter. If you didn't change anything then the rollback happens silently, otherwise it prompts you to save or discard.
19:08:36 <Robert847> I could create a test case easily for that scenario.
19:09:00 <jralls> Or valid accounts. I suppose this is a memorandum transaction of some sort, intended to insert the description into the three accounts registers. What happens if you edit the SX to use actual accounts? Does it work then?
19:10:47 <Robert847> I actually did add values but the next entry date is April 20 and I didn't go to the trouble to try it that far out
19:13:14 <jralls> I *think* the values are less important than the accounts. You obvs. don't want SXes with non-existent accounts.
19:13:23 <Robert847> yes it is a reminder transaction for an unusual case that I rarely see.
19:14:43 <Robert847> yes. I use transactions without values frequently to keep various notes
19:16:28 <Robert847> I actually have a few accounts to aggregate certain types of notes
19:19:10 <jralls> You might grep your book file for those GUIDs to see if they belong to real accounts. It would be a bug if you renamed an account and the GUID saved in the SX didn't take care of it, that's why it's a GUID instead of a fullname.
19:20:32 <Robert847> ok i will learn how to do that
19:21:28 <jralls> Just save the file uncompressed, then open a terminal and say `grep GUID /path/to/file` substituting the obvious and leaving off the backticks.
19:21:38 <Robert847> it's about time I learned that particular skill
19:24:51 <jralls> Past time. ;-) The fun part is that you can use a regular expression instead of a plain string, but most of the time just a string is sufficient.
19:35:30 <jralls> gtg, time to make dinner.
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