2024-01-13 GnuCash IRC logs
01:09:01 *** fell has quit IRC
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10:38:35 *** sunyibo has joined #gnucash
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10:44:15 <sunyibo> let's say I want to update two accounts. I import the transactions from the bank. Then the transactions between the two accounts will be double.
10:45:14 <sunyibo> yes, if I use the import function it identifies doubles, but I find that window not very helpful, because I can't consult gnucash other views simultaneously. is there a workaround?
10:54:02 <warlord> You need to perform matching during the import. What import method are you using? If using QIF, then you can load both accounts simultaneously and, provided you perform the correct QifAccount->GNCAccount matching, the importer should detect the dups during import.
10:54:13 <warlord> (well, you don't NEED to, but you probably should/want to)
10:57:58 <sunyibo> i'm using aqbanking with mt940
10:58:26 <sunyibo> I find it less sophisticated than the qif
10:58:56 <warlord> The generic importer is better is some ways and weaker in others.
10:59:17 <warlord> Note that while you have the Txn Matcher up, nothing says you can't open up the account register to see what's already there.
10:59:29 <sunyibo> I found it easier to import everything and to correct the accounts later. But the duplicates are bothersome
10:59:32 <warlord> The importer DOES try to give you a hint that there is a duplicate.
11:00:04 <sunyibo> yeah, the duplicate matcher is a positive
11:00:27 <sunyibo> there's something about the importing window that I don't like. I'll give it another shot
11:01:07 <warlord> Good luck.
11:01:13 <sunyibo> thanks
11:01:18 <warlord> (I don't import anything, so do not have any direct experience)
11:01:32 <sunyibo> you do it manually?
11:02:16 <warlord> Yeah. I enter in the receipts manually when they come in, and then reconcile at the month end
11:03:19 <warlord> If I just import, then I would never catch a bank error.
11:03:26 <warlord> (and I HAVE caught a bank error before)
11:04:01 <sunyibo> probably less than what I do in typing errors...
11:05:44 <sunyibo> my problem is that gnucash overwhelms me and then I slack off due to life for a few months. If I kept all the receipts I would despair
11:06:07 <warlord> I understand.
11:06:25 <sunyibo> hence the more automation, the better.
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12:14:41 <lmat> How do I sum up all the debits against a liability account for a specific time period?
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13:04:20 <warlord> lmat, a transaction report? Or due a View -> Filter by ... date range and then run an account transaction report?
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15:24:39 <lmat> warlord: Thank you, I'll give that a shot. Currently I'm trying to answer the question: How much money was withheld from an employee's paycheck.
15:35:01 <warlord> lmat, got it. Yeah, filtering down to just the numbers you want and running a report will give you the sum
15:35:16 <lmat> warlord: Sweet!
16:45:24 *** gjanssens has quit IRC
19:12:44 <fell> Warlord, did you ever see mails to gnucash-zh@gnucash.org?
19:13:31 <fell> The address isin our zh.dtd, but I hope not used in the docs.
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23:45:04 <warlord> fell, no, I do not see emails to that address.