2024-01-06 GnuCash IRC logs
01:16:25 *** fell has quit IRC
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12:52:09 <twunder> Using Build ID 5.5+(2023-12-16) on an up to date Fedora 39, when trying to use the Since Last Run dialog, the status picker fails to change status for the desired transaction. Although, if I select a second Transaction and try to change its status, the first transaction status changes. Tried unsinstalling gnucash and reinstalling. same issue. Issue exists on Plasma and Gnome.
13:14:28 <twunder> problem does not exist on the downgraded version of gnucash (Build ID: 5.3-412-g53245caebf+(2023-09-23))
13:18:51 <twunder> FWIW, this has been reported, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2256091 with an upstream bug reference of https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799179
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17:04:38 <jralls> twunder, there's a PR with a fix, https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/1846.
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19:44:56 <acolomb> Hi! Since release 5.5, I noticed a problem with the SLR wizard. Some transactions have action "To-Create" and require an amount input for the formula used in the scheduled transaction. It reads "(Need Value)", but whatever I input there is discarded and simply replaced with the same text again. Doesn't matter whether I press ENTER or click OK on the dialog. Known problem?
19:45:35 <acolomb> GnuCash 5.5, installed from Flathub. It works when reverting to the previous 5.4.1(?) release.
19:46:50 <acolomb> Hi! Since release 5.5, I noticed a problem with the SLR wizard. Some transactions have action "To-Create" and require an amount input for the formula used in the scheduled transaction. It reads "(Need Value)", but whatever I input there is discarded and simply replaced with the same text again. Doesn't matter whether I press ENTER or click OK on the dialog. Known problem?
19:52:30 <twunder> @acolomb, https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799179
19:52:30 <gncbot> twunder: Error: "acolomb," is not a valid command.
19:52:50 <twunder> acolomb: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799179
19:53:30 <twunder> you can downgrade gnucash to have a functional SLR
19:56:17 <acolomb> Alright, thanks for the quick response, twunder. I'll be watching that bug report closely then to see what new version will work again.
19:58:27 <twunder> acolomb: I had the problem this morning myself and came on here to see if i could find help - then went about searching the googles, where I stumbled upon the fedora bug which referenced the gnucash bug. Just happened to come back to my computer and saw your comment.
19:58:58 <twunder> also figured out how to downgrade on Fedora to get a working version
19:59:06 <acolomb> Wow, that's coincidence ;-) I had looked for open bug reports, but didn't see that one.
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20:01:10 <acolomb> In my case, instructions to downgrade the Flatpak were just one Google hit away. Pretty easy.
20:01:52 <acolomb> Thank you very much, but I need to get some sleep now. Bye!
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23:29:48 <ericlb> Does anyone know where GnuCash log file documentation can be found? I cannot find it in the wiki nor on the web page.
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23:49:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v NoobAlice
23:49:19 <NoobAlice> ericlb: Do you mean this https://gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-guide/basics-backup1.html or this https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Logging