2023-12-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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14:22:20 <markspace> I seem to be stuck here; https://pastebin.com/RE2RKLHK
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15:09:27 <jralls> markspace apt install libdbd-sqlite3. That should have been installed with apt-get build-dep gnucash. Did you not use that to set up your env?
15:10:48 <markspace> jralls, I used this (wrote myself); https://pastebin.com/MdAJW8if
15:12:27 <markspace> kind of trial and error (more error-prone)
15:12:32 <jralls> Which obvs isn't enough. Use apt-get build-dep, it uses the Debian gnucash package's dependency list to get everything you need to build GnuCash, including the dev packages.
15:14:10 <markspace> k
15:14:12 <markspace> ty
15:16:06 <jralls> Oh, I didn't see that you did call build-dep at the end, so you can bilge the long list of other deps. Was there an error in the output that you missed?
15:31:11 <markspace> i didn't see one. I usually catch them because this is often the hardest part
15:31:37 <markspace> so, I'll build and test and recycle until I find the 'right' set of packages.
15:38:55 <markspace> jralls, that fixed it, thank you sir!
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21:11:53 <markspace> ...when one door closes, another door opens. Other than that, it's a good car. Merry Christmas!
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22:37:35 <tmrsm> hi guys.
22:38:05 <tmrsm> I have a question about about stock assistant.
22:41:39 <chris> go ahead
22:50:31 <tmrsm> My local curreny is TWD, but I also use USD buying stock, is there
22:51:32 <tmrsm> but it seems I can only use TWD in the stock transaction.
22:51:58 <tmrsm> could I use USD in the stock transaction?
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23:22:54 <hades> I don't know about the stock assistant, but with stock accounts your base currency is the currency of your parent account
23:24:24 <hades> so maybe you need to create two placeholder accounts "stocks USD" and "stocks TWD" and set currencies respectively, you could make the stock assistant work with your currencies correctly?