2023-12-21 GnuCash IRC logs
01:02:22 *** NoobAlice has quit IRC
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02:28:05 <fell> jralls since a week the win32build failed, recently with: Error during phase configure of gnucash-git: ########## Error running cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/c/gcdev64/gnucash/stable/inst -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$MSYS2ROOT -DPERL_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/perl -DGNC_DBD_DIR=$PREFIX/lib/dbd -DGTEST_ROOT=$SRCROOT/googletest/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug /c/gcdev64/gnucash/stable/src/gnucash-git *** [12/
02:28:06 <fell> 14]
02:34:24 <fell> It starts already with "Changes not staged for commit:"
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04:59:21 <Tommybear> Hi all, i'm not to GNUcash and IRC. But I think I managed to get in. So this is my Hello World message. I Already have a question. Setting up GNUcash it seems to crash when trying to display the Example Graph (got Dutch language, not sure what name of report is in English. But I'd like to create bar / line / pie charts, but seems to crash. Any tips?
05:19:59 <Tommybear> Ok. After searching some I found a site regarding bugs in GNUcash (bugzilla). And found that it's a problem with latest version. Moved to 5.4.1 and the GNUcrash seems to be solved. So, I don't need an answer. But I would like an acknowlegdement back. So i know this is the way to use IRC.. new to this..
05:20:48 <Simon> yes this is IRC, it's fairly quiet
05:21:11 <Simon> and you may need to wait hours for people in other time zones to respond
05:25:49 <Tommybear> Thanks Simon, yes i've read this. And ofcourse fine with waiting on slower chat. But needed to make sure my message gets to the other end. Which it has. Now going to find out to have somekind of forecast in GNUcash. It seems you can add scheduled bookings, which hopefully show up in the 'future' chart. Do you know of any good links to get a "savings mortgage" properly implemented? (Spaarhypotheek
05:25:49 <Tommybear> in Dutch). Currently have the value of the saving on the Assets side and the loan component on the Liabilities side. Paid Interest for the loan section will be kind of easy, since it's constant. But the interest on the savings belonging to that mortgage will change based on the value of the savings.
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08:13:56 <warlord> .
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09:24:05 <Tommybear> Question, if I like to forecast within GNUcash.. (1) Should I use the Scheduled Transactions? (2) Or should I use some other (better) method? (3) If I create and execute a Scheduled Transaction, how will that cooperate/interfere with imports of banktransactions, will they me "merged"? (4) If I create Scheduled Transactions the Account (homepage) show the value after all scheduled transactions,
09:24:05 <Tommybear> rather than the "Now" state. How can I change it to display the "Now" state?
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09:47:31 <Simon> 1. yes; 3. I do my own scripted imports so I don't know; 4. enable the "Present" column
09:48:22 <Simon> but it's not so much "forecast" as in "these things will happen" but "these things will have happened" because it will create the transactions in advance
09:48:50 <Simon> so you have to manually change the ones it has already created
09:49:13 <Simon> which means you shouldn't create them automatically too far in advance - I do mine 90 days in advance
09:50:52 <Simon> you can use an amount of 0 and edit it after creation, or insert a variable and it'll ask you when it gets created (this is one way it's intended to be used if you're not doing them in advance)
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09:51:56 <Simon> there's a Preferences option at the bottom of the Register tab to move the future transactions after the "blank transaction"
09:52:25 <Simon> which I find useful otherwise it ends up way off at the end 3 months later
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10:34:18 <Tommybear> Simon, i've found the present option.. Thanx
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13:57:49 <jralls> fell, I know about the Win32 problems. Something broke cmake on the 15th (great timing, just before the release). Updating MSYS fixed that but broke WebKit so I have to build a new one, always a tedious undertaking. I've been working on it since Monday and so far don't know how long it's going to take.
15:06:51 <fell> Ok
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15:55:47 <Simon> now I remember why it's still a draft...
15:56:03 <Simon> I need someone to comment on https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/1657#issuecomment-1575177938
15:57:14 <Simon> the preference is currently not usable in the UI and I'm not going to implement 5 different versions so I need to know which one is the preferred way of doing this
15:58:00 <Simon> so I can mark it as ready but the UI doesn't actually work so it won't be good if you merge it
16:00:31 <Simon> I don't like using ints because there's no way to remove or re-order the options, and I don't like using bools because it leads to UI slowdown because multiple preference changes are required for every change... although I think that may now be limited to 2 changes
17:31:49 <jralls> Simon, that's too bad, because GtkRadioButtons only work with booleans and GtkComboBoxes only work with ints. You can write wrapper classes to do the enums, but under the hood you have to work with Gtk the way it's written.
17:33:52 <jralls> If you really want to go the wrapper route make sure you look carefully at Gtk4, we're probably going to have to convert to that in the next 2-3 years and you'll want your wrappers to migrate with a minimum of work.
17:37:51 <Simon> would you suggest using bools instead? I don't really like the way that works
17:39:38 <jralls> It's not suggest: It's how GtkRadioButtons work so that's what you have to use.
17:40:11 <Simon> so you'd just implement the pref as 3+ booleans?
17:40:30 <Simon> I was intending to try and do an enum wrapper on them
17:41:06 <Simon> the other problem with radio buttons is that it doesn't scale when other options are added
17:41:20 <Simon> so while there are 3 options now there could be many more
17:41:46 <jralls> I'd probably write an enum wrapper because it will make the rest of the preference code clearer.
17:42:02 <Simon> ok to use a combo box for it?
17:42:12 <Simon> doing an enum wrapper as radio buttons would become a problem in the future when more options get added
17:42:41 <Simon> and realistically a radio button wrapper is likely to throw up more problems itself because it's multiple widgets
17:43:08 <jralls> "there could be many more" is the first step on the road to cruft. And no, a list box (combos are list boxes with a free-text entry option) with only 3 choices is poor UX.
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17:44:29 <Simon> ok, but this will impose the requirement to rewrite the wrapper for combo boxes on whoever adds a 6th option
17:44:34 <jralls> No, that's not a realistic objection. That's plain old composition, a bedrock of programming.
17:44:57 <jralls> Like I said, the first step on the road to cruft.
17:47:06 <jralls> Also list boxes in Gtk are complicated, they're itty-bitty GtkTreeViews with all of the complexity that goes with them. Writing a generic enum wrapper wouldn't be easy.
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