2023-11-21 GnuCash IRC logs
00:32:24 *** bertbob has joined #gnucash
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12:37:16 <raghukamath> hey people
12:37:48 <raghukamath> I am trying to import transaction of a bank account via csv file but I am not getting withdrawl and deposit in the dropdown
13:16:07 *** ArtGravity has joined #gnucash
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14:19:21 <Simon> you want "Amount" instead of "Deposit" and "Amount (negated)" instead of "Withdrawal"
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16:32:27 *** gjanssens has quit IRC
17:15:10 *** ArtGravity has quit IRC
18:28:24 *** NoobAlice has joined #gnucash
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23:26:59 *** Robert847 has joined #gnucash
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23:37:08 <Robert847> Hello. I have a question about how Gnucash works in 'with Subaccounts" view. It seems that there is a bug present in the calculation of the running totals. I am currently running release 4.8 in various flavors of Linux. I have a certain bank account with a sub-account to represent a special status of certain funds within the checking account. Gnucash daily totals in the with Subaccounts" view match the bank's daily totals until I c
23:37:09 <Robert847> hange the sort to something other than Standard sort, then they do not match the bank ever again until I close and restart GnuCash. My question is: Do I have to go to that exterme to get correct daily totals when the sort method is standard order?
23:41:46 <Robert847> Or is there another way to completely refresh the computation to a 'virgin' state of standard sort?