2023-11-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:44:17 *** NoobAlice has quit IRC
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08:06:22 *** Robert847 has joined #gnucash
08:06:23 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Robert847
08:10:21 <Robert847> Hello. I think that I have found a bug but I am running release 4.8 so I would like to find a volunteer to test in release 5.4.
08:20:35 <Robert847> In a window of the type 'With Subaccounts" if a user wishes to replace a portion of the text contents in the Number field by using the mouse to select a portion of the text and type Ctrl-V to replace the contents with the contents of the clipboard, the unselected portion of the number field disappears as the clipboard contents replaces it. In a window of the simple account type the unselected portion of the Number field remains as expe
08:20:35 <Robert847> cted.
08:23:15 <Robert847> I happen to be using release 4.8 in two different Linux machines, one Ubuntu 22.04 and the other is either Mint 21.1 xfce or Linux Lite 6.0.
08:27:51 <Robert847> In Action fields the result differs slightly. I think that the unselected characters are correctly retained but it may depend on whether the pasted characters are positioned before or after the unselected characters.
08:29:49 <Robert847> I believe that the other fields behave as expected in text/numeric input boxes.
08:35:40 <Robert847> I may leave this session unattended for a few hours...
08:40:34 <Robert847> I know that pressing the plus or minus keys give interesting results in the number field, and I hope that works as expected in 'with subaccounts' windows.
09:39:41 <Simon> Take a video of it with simplescreenrecorder
10:05:55 <Simon> I can reproduce it in 5.4
10:06:17 <Simon> the amount overwritten appears to vary based on the number of characters selected
10:07:14 <Simon> +/- doesn't work at all with subaccounts opened
10:37:59 *** Aussie_matt has quit IRC
10:57:44 *** palerider has joined #gnucash
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16:35:24 *** gjanssens has quit IRC
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23:23:13 *** Robert847 has left #gnucash
23:39:17 *** AdrienM has quit IRC
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