2023-11-13 GnuCash IRC logs
00:29:24 <aj> i just connected to irc.acc.umu.se instead of irc.gimp.org
00:39:37 <aj> oh wow, there's still a netsplit too
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03:00:21 *** axiopisty is now known as foo
03:00:29 <Simon> it's fairly complex to do LE certs across admin boundaries if you don't know how to do it
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03:02:27 <Simon> I suppose you could run a webserver on each ircd, but I do it with DNS CNAMEs
03:02:40 <Simon> there aren't any set up for gimpnet hostnames
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03:04:43 <Simon> or I suppose if you're doing it improperly you just copy the private key around
03:05:21 <Simon> irc.eagle.y.se has the expired cert for DNS:irc.gnome.org, DNS:gimpnet-services.gimp.org, DNS:irc.accum.se, DNS:irc.eagle.y.se, DNS:irc.gimp.ca, DNS:irc.gimp.org, DNS:irc2.acc.umu.se, DNS:irc2.accum.se, DNS:irc4.acc.umu.se, DNS:irc4.accum.se
03:05:41 <Simon> they must have paid Gandi for that but now there's no one in gnome doing the admin for it
03:06:55 <Simon> the servers probably can't connect to each other either because of this
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07:02:01 <fell> Simon, you should discuss it in #opers
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10:14:40 <aj> i asked in #opers yesterday and Stric said they're trying to resolve the situation
10:14:48 <aj> not sure if they're looking for help or not
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21:20:14 <aj> the netsplit should be resolved since the delinked server was removed from DNS: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/Infrastructure/-/issues/1188
21:20:22 <aj> cert issue still outstanding