2023-08-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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16:11:46 <jwhite> naive programmer trying to diagnose an qif import issue. My first baby step is to add some gnc:warn lines and see if I can figure out what's happening. Question: where does gnc:warn output go?
16:28:29 * Simon just printfs
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16:55:19 <jwhite> ah, so I've assumed poorly about what gnc:warn does? (My knowledge of scheme/guile is near zero). So something like (display "blah")?
16:56:32 <Simon> I think it will log something, but printf is available, so...
16:57:38 <jwhite> check, (display "blah") seems to do something; I'll explore printf when I get there in the guile tutorial :-). thanks.
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