2023-07-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:07 <AdrienM> I'm noticing slow startup times with 5.3 compared to 5.1 on Monterey. I see the tracefile is complaining about duplicate GUIDs for some reports and then some ice-9 messages. Any ideas?
00:01:29 <AdrienM> By slow, I mean 37 seconds instead of 1 or 2 seconds.
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00:04:23 <chris> AdrienM: pastebin the tracefile output?
00:04:44 <AdrienM> Just a moment...
00:05:13 <chris> do u have custom reports?
00:06:55 <AdrienM> First time using pastebin, I think this should work: https://pastebin.com/mi9rjgkg
00:07:30 <AdrienM> Yeah, I should comment those out and try again for sure. Give me a minute.
00:08:05 <chris> looks like you have customised invoice report
00:08:49 <chris> these are guids for printable+easy+fancy
00:12:29 <AdrienM> I just commented them out of config-usr.scm, and while that cleaned up the tracefile to blank, startup time didn't change. As well, even after an official 'Close Gnucash' I get a lockfile messsage. (the startup time is after the 'open anyway' selection)
00:13:49 <AdrienM> I normally don't shut down Gnucash except for updates. (which I just did several times recently) I tried closing all open tabs for a clean open, but that showed no improvement.
00:14:30 <chris> dunno. you're gonna bisect using flatpaks from https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/stable/
00:16:40 <AdrienM> Will do. Not tonight though. Thanks.
00:22:23 <AdrienM> Did the icon pack change with 5.3? Suddenly they look different. Some, but not all, are high-contrast outlines instead of the usual set. Strange.
00:23:13 <AdrienM> This changes seems to be just on report tabs.
00:24:30 <chris> Not in the code.
00:27:22 <AdrienM> Interesting.
00:28:03 <chris> jralls: the GncOption error is from IFRS report -- try change any of the accounts Proceeds/Dividend/Capgains to an appropriate account == error logged
00:28:06 <chris> * 12:27:16 WARN <gnc.engine.gnc-option> [>()] No set_value handler: get_value returns PK9account_s, value_type is PK13QofInstance_s
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03:31:45 <giuseppef> One more translation issue: "Void transaction" versus "Cancel transaction". I think Cancel can be used just on a still non tentered transaction while writing it. Is it right?
03:32:55 <giuseppef> Cancel is for a transaction not entered yet?
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05:19:55 <Simon> "Cancel Transaction" will discard a new transaction or discard changes to an existing transaction
05:20:14 <Simon> not quite sure exactly what "Void Transaction" will do
05:20:56 <Simon> oh that's interesting
05:22:04 <Simon> Voided transactions become read-only, the amounts are hidden and have no effect on the account balances, the reconcile column changes to a "v" and you can enter a reason which is a tooltip on the "v"
05:22:21 <Simon> You can then unvoid it because the amounts are still there, they're just not used
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05:48:17 <fell> In some countries like DE exists a rule: You must never change an existing transaction. In that case void the incorrect transaction and enter the correct transaction.
05:53:06 <Simon> that makes sense on paper or in some integrated environment where it goes into a database for auditing, but in GnuCash it's a bit unnecessary
05:53:38 <Simon> it could be useful when Amazon void an order though
06:10:15 <giuseppef> I understand what Void does: it is an alternative to write an opposite transaction to revert a mistake, keeping track of what you did.
06:11:26 <giuseppef> The question was just about how to translate Void versus "Cancel". I wonder if "Cancel" does something on a posted transaction or not. It seems it does not, but the menu entry is active, so I would like to be sure of this
06:19:29 <Simon> it discards your changes
06:19:46 <Simon> if you edit something and then decide you don't want to save it, you can use Cancel Transaction
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09:01:31 <warlord> @tell chris try to ssh manually once; it should connect and then disconnect (due to limited allowed operations)
09:01:31 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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09:44:05 <warlord> .
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12:29:23 <AdrienM> fell, (or whomever) why do we have both 'Void Transaction' and 'Add Reversing Transaction' if they do the same thing? (or are they indeed different)
12:29:44 <warlord> They are diferent.
12:32:09 <chris> If you write a check with a unique Num, you can void it thereby leaving a paper/electronic trail
12:32:09 <gncbot> chris: Sent 3 hours and 30 minutes ago: <warlord> try to ssh manually once; it should connect and then disconnect (due to limited allowed operations)
12:33:30 <chris> warlord: I am setting up a newer laptop... was failing to set it up. Now it's ok by copying the whole .ssh/ folder
12:42:00 <warlord> yes, you need that :)
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12:56:15 <NoobAlice> AdrienM: Void transaction is remove all the amounts for use as chris said. Reversing transactions are an accounting thing for something to be done but just as of a certain date. So, I might make an entry December 31 "To accrue big bill for December utility service" when the bill is actually dated January 10. Then on January 1 (or January 10), I make a reversing transaction and enter the bill properly.
12:58:00 <NoobAlice> AdrienM: Reversing transactions tend to be used more in accrual-basis accounting. Another example would be "To record as a prepaid expense [asset] six months of insurance" when you paid a year's worth of insurance in June. The last six months of that cost belong in the next year, so you record a prepaid entry on Dec 31 and a reversal Jan 1. Now all the expenses are in the right years.
12:58:56 <NoobAlice> *paid in July, sorry, I can't math on weekends
12:59:07 <NoobAlice> *paid for July - June
13:07:41 <AdrienM> NoobAlice, chris, & warlord - thanks for the explanation - roger that.
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14:44:22 <jralls> Simon, fell, void is for modelling the voiding of paper paper checks.
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15:00:26 <H> im tryng to sey my first gnucash istance, reading the manual. Im tryng to create standard account as main level as said at page 37 (https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v4/it/gnucash-guide.pdf)
15:00:36 <H> but i dont find in the account type menu "Capital" label
15:01:15 <H> thanks
15:03:57 <jralls> H, Unfortunately the Italian documentation hasn't been updated in over 10 years. You really should use the English, German, or Portuguese one.
15:05:45 <H> Hi Jralls! Thanks fot the answer... yes is as you say.... maybe after then i learn how to to use it i will contribute to improve the translation...
15:06:33 <H> now i see that gnucash is using the deafult system language...
15:06:48 <H> can u suggest me how to use english first, please?
15:06:54 <jralls> That would be wonderful. Unfortunately the way the previous translator did it isn't very editable so I think you'd have to start from scratch.
15:07:35 <jralls> H. https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-guide.pdf
15:08:26 <Simon> I think they're asking how to make GnuCash use English
15:08:38 <Simon> what OS are you using?
15:09:32 <jralls> Oh, sorry, you want to make GnuCash use English. See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_I_want_to_use_GnuCash_in_my_own_language
15:09:57 <H> OK jralls, once I learn I will start from the beginning. Hi Simon! Yes it is as you say, I was asking how to change the language in gnucash
15:10:11 <H> Now im on Osx 12.4
15:10:26 <jralls> In that case https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_I.27m_a_Mac_user_and_I_want_to_use_Gnucash_in_a_language_different_from_my_system_settings.
15:12:27 <H> I understand that I have to change the system language... maybe I misunderstood?
15:14:02 <H> sorry i find the right chapter... :P
15:15:14 <H> thanks guys
15:15:18 <H> it works! :D
15:16:05 <jralls> \o/
15:34:37 <H> are there any Italian members in the chatroom who might be interested in collaborating on the translation?
15:37:33 <H> or at least to better explain to me some of the logic of the software that is a little more difficult to understand in English?
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15:42:57 <Simon> giuseppef has been updating the Italian translations
15:43:10 <NoobAlice> H: There are only 50 or so people in this chat. You might get more responses in the general mailing list or the one for Italian. https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Getting_Help
15:44:08 <NoobAlice> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it
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15:51:14 <H> Great Giuseppef! I realise it is a time-consuming job, in any case thank you. It would be nice to chat when you're there. Thanks Simon! Thanks NoobAlice you had a great idea, I appreciate it.
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