2023-06-04 GnuCash IRC logs
01:42:51 *** gandalf has joined #gnucash
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04:30:58 <iHorse> hello
04:31:28 <iHorse> Anyone here?
06:06:18 *** Aussie_matt has joined #gnucash
06:17:54 <Simon> There are 34 bugs that reference images on imgur.com
06:18:16 <Simon> imgur are going to delete anonymous content soon, which is probably all of those images: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/04/hosting-site-imgur-will-remove-explicit-and-anonymous-content-next-month/
06:18:42 <Simon> there are 2 old bugs that reference images on imageshack.us that have lost their images for the same reason
06:22:33 <Simon> I'm going to go through those bugs and attach the images to the bug, which is going to generate a load of email...
06:24:38 <iHorse> Hello. I set up a simple set of accounts with SGD as base curency. I try to import transactions from my bank. There is no longer a withdrawal and deposit column to choose from in the transaction import assistant -- only amount and negated amount. What am I doing wrong?
06:25:26 <iHorse> It seems the "deposit" and "withdrawal" column is no longer there when important transactions
06:26:28 <iHorse> Is Amount and Amount (negated) the same as Deposit and Withdrawal?
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06:45:03 <Simon> iHorse: yes
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06:46:44 <Simon> @tell gjanssens the documentation hasn't been updated for changes made in https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=782141, see https://code.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-help/trans-import.html
06:46:44 <gncbot> Simon: The operation succeeded.
06:46:54 <Simon> @tell gjanssens it's confusing people: https://www.reddit.com/r/GnuCash/comments/13gpnoe/withdrawal_vs_negated_amount_in_new_import/
06:46:54 <gncbot> Simon: The operation succeeded.
07:17:21 <chris> warlord: looks like stripe likes scripting languagues more than low level ones
07:30:11 * Simon finishes generating lots of bug notification emails
07:32:18 <Simon> CDB-Man: imgur are going to automatically delete [anonymous] images in the future, so it would be a good idea to attach them when they're referenced in bug comments
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07:37:06 <chris> It would be nice to have some network connectivity other than AqBanking and F::Q
09:04:25 <warlord> chris, what does the stripe api give you/us?
10:10:04 <Simon> "%s balance is %s, subceeds limit of %s."
10:10:16 <Simon> I have never seen that word used before
10:10:18 <Simon> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/subceed
10:10:59 <Simon> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/exceed "There is no established opposite to the word exceed, and it is quite often suggested that one is needed."
10:12:08 <Simon> "below limit" would be better than "subceeds limit" (comment added to Weblate)
10:12:29 <Simon> it's not even recognised by Firefox's dictionary
10:12:54 <Simon> subceed and deceed aren't in /usr/share/dict/*
10:16:05 <Simon> the only place this exists is on wiktionary
10:18:13 <Simon> absolutely no other dictionary has it, they all autocorrect to succeed
10:20:08 <Simon> people are apparently using it in ways that can be cited by wikitionary but it doesn't exist online in any form except discussions around the antonym of exceed: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatstheword/comments/84bqjj/is_there_a_proper_antonym_for_exceeded_and_if_not/
10:20:55 <chris> Simon: you're probably right, I didn't research it too much. What do you think is an appropriate wording?
10:21:21 <chris> warlord: I guess we can create send details (including customer email) to stripe and they send & collect payment.
10:21:23 <Simon> "below limit"? I don't know the full context
10:21:57 <chris> Simon: it's about balance limit. If you want an alert if your savings account is not between $3000 and $10000 then you set them in the account properties page
10:22:14 <chris> There'll be an unobtrusive arrow in the account tree.
10:22:58 <chris> I wanted it because I have a couple Suspense accounts and wanted a warning when it's not zero :)
10:23:06 <chris> Bob created a full upper/lower limit mechanism
10:23:10 <Simon> ok, so "Savings balance is $12000, exceeds limit of $10000" and "Savings balance is $1000, below minimum of $3000"
10:23:21 <Simon> not quite sure how this should work for negative balance accounts
10:23:31 <Simon> the language might need to swap around
10:23:39 <chris> IIUC negative balance is handled.
10:23:55 <Simon> "Debt balance is $12000, exceeds limit of $10000" and "Debt balance is $1000, below minimum of $3000"
10:24:11 <Simon> so "exceeds limit" and "below minimum"?
10:24:15 * chris thinks the words should be opposites... minimum vs maximum, or exceed vs ...?
10:24:26 <Simon> sure, "above maximum" is fine too
10:24:28 <chris> but you're probably more anglo than me
10:24:45 <Simon> well to me, "exceeds limit" implies something is wrong
10:24:55 <Simon> and "above maximum" is just a statement of fact
10:24:58 <chris> or "under/over balance limits"
10:25:23 <chris> It's an arbitrary limit set by the user, to get a soft warning
10:25:49 <chris> warlord: stripe API can also potentially match payments to invoices
10:25:58 <Simon> the concept of it being a "limit" when the balance is *under* it seems a bit odd to me
10:26:25 <chris> I think bob's idea was the savings account shouldn't be too low
10:26:38 <Simon> (it may make sense for a debtor account where they're paying you in advance before you settle it)
10:28:25 <Simon> "below minimum" and "above maximum" are probably best for not implying any positive/negative meaning to it
10:32:09 <Simon> these things would appear in banking with terms like "minimum balance", "credit limit" and "overdraft limit"
10:32:49 <Simon> "as long as you don’t exceed the Maximum Balance Limit"
10:33:05 <chris> well, wdyt would be the best pair of sentences?
10:33:12 <Simon> so it's usual to use "exceed" with a "limit" and then "minimum"
10:33:43 <Simon> either "exceeds limit"/"below minimum" or "above maximum"/"below minimum"
10:33:53 <Simon> I don't think "below limit" reads well
10:35:24 <chris> "balance is ... and is below/above minimum/maximum balance of ..."?
10:35:39 <Simon> sure
10:35:53 <chris> \o/
10:36:03 <chris> let's PR it for more bikeshedding
10:36:50 <Simon> oh, it doesn't need "and is"
10:37:07 <Simon> "balance is ..., below/above minimum/maximum balance of ..." is fine
10:37:37 <chris> "balance is ..., should be zero" too?
10:37:41 <Simon> doesn't need the second "balance either"... which is mostly back to the original string
10:37:49 <Simon> "balance is ..., below/above minimum/maximum of ..."
10:38:16 <Simon> "balance is ... but should be zero"
10:40:15 <Simon> I guess you can do it with a comma too, just not ", and" which is too many ands
10:41:31 <Simon> is there some secret way to make a Draft PR on GitHub?
10:42:39 <Simon> aah, it's an option when you create it
10:43:00 <Simon> a *hidden* option :|
10:44:11 <Simon> there's a link to change it to draft... they really need to work on their UI
10:48:08 <chris> @tell jralls if stripe integration was possible (send invoice for payment, and add payment details or perform the payment&invoice matching), which language would you think is best
10:48:08 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
10:55:32 <chris> @tell or use libcurl ...
10:55:32 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
10:55:38 <chris> @tell jralls or use libcurl ...
10:55:38 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
10:55:41 *** chris is now known as or
10:55:42 <or> .
10:55:42 <gncbot> or: Sent just now: <chris> use libcurl ...
10:55:45 *** or is now known as chris
11:09:47 <chris> or perl :-O
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11:24:03 <Simon> @tell chris: what you need is a C/C++ library that does REST; Everything else is more effort to link with on every platform
11:24:03 <gncbot> Simon: The operation succeeded.
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