2023-04-09 GnuCash IRC logs

01:19:53 *** NoobAlice has quit IRC
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04:20:00 <Simon> I think the prices are normally inserted as 12:00:00
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09:07:05 *** Simon has quit IRC
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13:27:10 <jralls> Simon, it depends. If the price comes from Finanace::Quote and has a timestamp that isn't midnight on the date then GnuCash will use that timestamp. Unfortunately it's rare for quotes with timestamps to have time zones so GnuCash will use UTC as the timezone. If there's no time GnuCash will use 10:59Z, and if there's no *date* at all GnuCash will use 10:59Z on today's local date. There's a gnucash-user thread about this from a couple of weeks ag
13:27:10 <jralls> o: https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2023-April/106166.html
13:38:50 *** NoobAlice has joined #gnucash
13:41:57 <Simon> right but the quote is still for a date, not a date and a time
14:37:36 <jralls> From GnuCash's pov yes,
14:37:38 <jralls> .
15:42:52 *** palerider has joined #gnucash
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