2023-04-08 GnuCash IRC logs
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19:55:33 <CDB-Man> chris: multicolumn income statement is showing the FX I have for 2020-12-30 instead of 2020-12-31. the legacy IS report shows the 31st rate correctly. jralls does this have something to do with the timezone change you mentioned a month ago?
19:57:13 <CDB-Man> weird that its only doing it for my 2020 year end values, not 2021. the 30th and 31st prices for 2020 and 2021 are both FQ downloaded rates
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20:01:41 <chris> CDB-Man: I'd bet it's TZ yes
20:02:38 <chris> if you were to open the datafile in XML, look for a <price> near 2020-12-30 cf 2021-12-31 and report the TZ info
20:02:59 <chris> <price:time>
20:03:22 <CDB-Man> how can I unpack the .gnucash file?
20:23:34 <chris> you could copy to .zip !
20:32:48 <CDB-Man> like rename the extension to .zip?
20:36:37 <chris> yes
20:38:45 <chris> assuming you're using xml rather than sql
20:40:34 <CDB-Man> well a straight rename didnt work
20:40:59 <CDB-Man> i vaguely remember someone saying something about compressed save files
20:42:39 <chris> then try Edit > Preferences > General > compress [false]
20:42:58 <chris> ok it's likely .gz rather than .zip
20:43:12 <CDB-Man> no compression did not work, will try gz
20:43:30 <CDB-Man> .gz did not work
20:43:33 <CDB-Man> .tar.gz ?
20:43:49 <CDB-Man> nope
20:44:47 <chris> save as > xml
20:45:43 <CDB-Man> looks like uncompressed i can open in notepad++
20:48:09 <CDB-Man> <ts:date>2020-12-31 22:09:54 +0000</ts:date>
20:48:14 <CDB-Man> <ts:date>2020-12-30 23:46:32 +0000</ts:date>
20:52:30 <chris> yeah not sure what time the exchange converter is picking up
20:52:56 <CDB-Man> actually, i think i quoted the wrong stamp
20:53:27 <CDB-Man> nope, that's the right one
20:54:10 <CDB-Man> jralls had explained it at one point. if there's something i could change it to, or perhaps even just changing the Dec 30th price from an FQ price to a manual price
21:10:01 <chris> the dilemma is whether we'd consider the canonical datafile to be incorrect; and whether the report should adapt to it, or the datafile should be scrubbed
21:10:20 <chris> IIRC the F::Q was fixed fairly recently
21:10:27 <chris> to store more reliable datetimes
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21:12:54 <CDB-Man> [2023.04.08 21:10:20] <chris> IIRC the F::Q was fixed fairly recently <-- yes, jralls and i had talked about it in this channel.... back in January or so
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