2023-02-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:10:35 <fell> ralls, I fear the PHP8 adjustments have broken language selection. viewdoc.phtml returns now always the german version for me. I can no longer use e.g. &lang=C to get the english version.
00:19:56 <fell> Selecting "englsh;HTML" in docs returns "german HTML"; then have to select englich from the header to fix it.
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12:59:45 <evit> Can one change the default invoice to be fancy?
13:00:40 <evit> Under style sheets there is no invoice either
13:01:19 <evit> https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v4/C/gnucash-help/busnss-ar-invoicechange.html
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13:32:21 <evit> soo quiet
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13:41:08 <evit> I don't understand how to format invoices correctly
13:41:30 <evit> Docs are a bit crusty or for an older version
13:46:13 <warlord> evit, Edit -> Preferences -> Business
13:46:20 <warlord> "Report for Printing"
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13:56:46 <evit> Do you mean I should go to Reports > General > Invoices > Reports for Printing and switch to Fancy
13:57:08 <evit> Does that set it to the default report formatting/style?
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14:05:08 <evit> When I click, save config prior to finalizing it doesn't seem to save
14:06:17 <evit> Not sure what I'm doing wrong
14:13:27 <evit> warlord, how do I get it to properly save the changes I am making to templates and I save config it doesn't let me save over the default and make that the default template
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14:19:06 <warlord> evit, "Do you mean I should go to Reports > General > Invoices > Reports for Printing and switch to Fancy" --- No, I mean go to Edit -> Preferences -> Business and you can set the default report you get when you print.
14:21:55 <evit> warlord, thanks for clarifying that. How do I permanently customize a report?
14:26:52 <warlord> It depends on the report and what you are trying to do .. but in the report page there is a Save Config and Save Config As, which I /believe/ lets you save a report configuration.
14:27:04 <warlord> HOWEVER, you cannot set the "default invoice" to a "saved report"
14:37:17 <evit> warlord, so there is no way to save report customizations once? Do I have to change them every time?
14:43:52 <warlord> evit, sorry, I need to head out. You can absolutely save report customizations for any report -- you just cant set that as a default invoice report.
14:44:16 <warlord> For invoices, your best bet is to configure your report and leave the report open.
14:44:35 <warlord> Then when you need to print a new invoice, go into the open report, go to the report options, and then select the new invoice to print.
14:45:13 <warlord> gotta run.
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15:02:36 <evit> Is there a way to configure invoices to a consistent format?
15:02:48 <evit> Looks like I have to redo it every time
15:04:29 <jralls> evit, in 4.x you have to set up an invoice report the way you want it and save that as a saved report configuration. To print it for a new invoice you use Reports>Saved Configurations and select your saved invoice, then change the invoice number in the report options.
15:05:37 <jralls> 5.x will have a new feature that will print a selected invoice report, including a saved config, with the print invoice button on the invoice's tab.
15:13:18 <evit> It seems very counter intuitive
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15:24:18 <evit> jralls, The vids I found on Youtube only confused me more and there are no real up to date books.
15:26:42 <jralls> evit, Dunno who made the YouTube videos. It wasn't any of the core devs nor AFAIK any of the regular contributors on the mailing list. Only one book author ever has approached us about anything and that's the only book I know aobut; it's the one on the web site. That was at least 10 years ago, maybe longer.
15:27:18 <evit> Yeah, I got that book and it was for 2.4
15:27:23 <evit> Good but dated
15:29:18 <jralls> As for the manual and guide, they're a pain to maintain because docbook so they tend not to be. That leaves the wiki and mailing list archives as the best source of how-to. Plus of course the mailing list itself: There's a bunch of very helpful and experienced users who hang out there and patiently answer questions from less experienced users.
15:32:33 <evit> I really appreciate your insights. My first day off Quickbooks, just getting my feet wet in GC
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