2022-01-12 GnuCash IRC logs

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03:38:31 <osopolar> what are connections with UK banks like?
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04:42:16 <Simon> The UK open banking API isn't open :)
04:53:15 <osopolar> :(
04:53:28 <osopolar> I thought it was the same as the EU
04:54:11 <osopolar> Didn’t all banks prior to Brexit have to adopt the new EU banking protocol ?
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05:45:16 <Simon> that doesn't mean it's open for individuals to use
05:46:58 <Simon> you'd have to find a third party service exposing the information with their own API
05:48:11 <Simon> Monzo have a read-only API for their own account so I automated importing transactions from there
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06:56:57 <fell> EU's PSD2 opens your account for FinTechs. Direct connections for clients like the german FinTS have become more complicated by it.
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08:15:17 <osopolar> is there a vendors / customers csv template ffor importing?
08:16:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
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08:17:34 <warlord> osopolar, There may be, in the documentation. You *do* get to assign columns to fields.
08:18:38 <osopolar> nope i have read the docs i would have thought a template would have been on there
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08:34:36 <warlord> Well, you can always supply a documentation update :)
08:34:48 <warlord> (this is a volunteer, open-source project after all)
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08:52:10 <osopolar> true
08:54:08 <warlord> I do not recall how hard-coded the importer is in terms of mapping columns to fields.
08:54:32 <warlord> I recommend you create an empty account and just try it! then document what you find.
08:54:44 <warlord> You can also try searching the gnucash-user list archives; I am sure it's been discussed there.
09:03:04 <osopolar> HI i wasn’t being critical it is just there is so much good documentation i would have thought you had a library of csv to help users with the correct format and avoid 100's of questions.
09:07:56 <warlord> I know you are not being critical.
09:08:04 <warlord> You're providing very useful feedback
09:14:53 <chris> warlord: #1248 :)
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11:05:34 <chris> #1248 has C fencepost error... budget period values are ok except for the last one.
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13:02:00 <osopolar> Any users in here using GC with eBay Managed Payments ?
13:03:08 <fell> Better ask that on the user mailinglist
13:03:33 <osopolar> How do I get to that ?
13:04:07 <fell> read https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists#User_Lists
13:05:37 <fell> jralls did you see sha256 for libofx?
13:05:51 <osopolar> Didn’t know this kind old stuff still exists
13:07:31 <fell> Some of use are slightly older and still using email, emacs …
13:09:11 <warlord> Only "slightly" older? ;)
13:16:35 <osopolar> ok whats the wait time like ?
13:17:03 <osopolar> To be accepted ?
13:29:48 <fell> The mod is an Aussie, but usually more than daily checking.
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13:38:06 <osopolar> ok
13:38:13 <osopolar> so in bed now
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14:34:44 <warlord> osopolar, if you subscribe then it's immediate; if you just email it and it goes into the moderation queue, usually 24 hrs.
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15:55:59 <osopolar> warlord nothing happened i didn’t use email
15:56:30 <osopolar> found it in spam
16:05:07 <osopolar> So can you remind me i email in and just hope somebody answers it! There is no way of viewing it ?
16:06:37 <osopolar> ignore i just seen the archieve page
16:12:02 <fell> Err:15 https://packages.microsoft.com/ubuntu/18.04/prod bionic/main amd64 Packages
16:12:03 <fell> File has unexpected size (231554 != 231335). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 443]
16:29:02 <fell> It seems, ^ that was a longer network hickup. In the 3. approach it succeeded.
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