2021-11-16 GnuCash IRC logs
01:07:02 *** jervin has quit IRC
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07:53:51 <warlord> .
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11:05:13 <gjanssens> .
11:25:08 *** andreas^ has joined #gnucash
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11:41:55 <andreas^> I'm using Gnucash 4.8, Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28). when Gnucash starts, the last book is not loaded automatically anymore. the green background is gone in transaction windows, replaced by white. my net assets are replaced by this https://pic.infini.fr/jE3F6VJN/umnB0Z2T.png
11:42:25 <andreas^> negative numbers are no longer red.
11:43:27 <andreas^> this is how small cash flow's fonts are now: https://pic.infini.fr/SvVgWllz/zzzCk5j5.png
11:44:58 <fell> andreas^, sounds like your prefs were not properly migrated. Flatpak, or which OS?
11:45:20 <andreas^> fell: Parabola GNU/Linux-libre x86_64.
11:50:04 <fell> dconf dump org.gnucash and change it to load as org.gnucash.GnuCash
11:55:07 <andreas^> error: dconf dir must begin with a slash
11:55:09 <andreas^> fell: ^
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11:57:15 <fell> dconf dump /org/gnucash/
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11:57:55 <fell> redirect it to a file, …
11:58:13 <andreas^> what should I do with the file?
11:58:20 <fell> gnucash should be closed.
11:59:58 <andreas^> fell: I don't understand what to do after dump.
12:02:00 <fell> It is an ini file: [Key]\nValue\n…
12:02:47 <fell> remove the current GnuCash entries
12:04:20 <fell> then 'dconf load /org/gnucash/GnuCash/ < filename'
12:08:35 *** Pegasus_RPG1 has joined #gnucash
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12:09:38 <andreas^> fell: which section in the file do you mean that I should remove?
12:10:06 <andreas^> the [general] ones?
12:10:46 <fell> Ini format is: [Section]\nkey=value\n…
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12:11:41 <fell> There are Sections [GnuCash/…] from your last run.
12:11:57 <fell> Remove them
12:12:00 <andreas^> fell: I don't have any of those.
12:12:11 <andreas^> no [Gnucash/] sections.
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12:13:43 <fell> The rest [dialogs…], [general…] are from your previous Version.
12:14:56 <andreas^> fell: do you mean I should remove [dialogs...] and [general...]?
12:15:38 <andreas^> https://paste.debian.net/1219757/
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13:57:00 <andreas^> I still don't know what to do...
14:04:32 <andreas^> I loaded in the config unmodified. problem still exists.
14:17:11 *** field^Zzz3 has joined #gnucash
14:28:03 <fell> Sorry, I was summoned downstairs.
14:28:39 <jralls> andreas^ have you ever had GnuCash installed via flatpak?
14:28:43 <andreas^> I'm here.
14:28:59 <fell> Do not remove dialogs, general … that are your previous prefs.
14:29:04 <andreas^> jralls: I install via pacman but I've run self compiled binaries.
14:29:29 <andreas^> fell: I didn't remove anything at all. just loaded that config in.
14:29:39 <fell> you dumpeed them from /org/gnucash/
14:29:44 <andreas^> yes fells.
14:29:46 <andreas^> fell.
14:30:05 <fell> now load them to /org/gnucash/GnuCash/
14:30:12 <andreas^> fell: already done.
14:30:17 <andreas^> I still have issues.
14:31:16 <andreas^> https://paste.debian.net/1219764/
14:33:05 <fell> You should not dump /org/gnucash/GnuCash/, but /org/gnucash/ only!
14:33:18 <andreas^> fell: I just wanted to show you that config.
14:33:24 <andreas^> I have dumped from /org/gnucash/
14:33:31 <andreas^> and loaded into /org/gnucash/GnuCash/
14:33:44 <fell> OK
14:34:08 <andreas^> I have to go in ten minutes.
14:35:50 <fell> So after dconf load start gnucash again.
14:36:00 <andreas^> fell: I did. it was still broken.
14:36:05 <andreas^> all the same still.
14:37:07 <fell> Then it it something else e.g. some of the GTK.css
14:38:14 <fell> See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GTK3
14:39:52 <andreas^> have to go.
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23:30:08 *** KipITOne has joined #gnucash
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