2021-08-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:26:27 <JeffQ> Hi all, I would like to ask something about automatic currency conversion using alhpavantage api, can I?
09:28:40 <JeffQ> The command "gnc-fq-dump currency GBP EUR" gives (twice) the error "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/Finance/Quote/CurrencyRates/AlphaVantage.pm line 64.
09:28:40 <JeffQ> "
09:29:54 <JeffQ> I added the key via the gnucash settings. It worked before, but I reinstalled my OS and now it does not work anymore
09:36:31 <JeffQ> Any ideas on what could be going on?
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11:10:22 <chris> jralls: not sure another pair of eyes will be of great benefit to #1124, it adds comprehensive tests (but doesn't test kvp data) to all of #1117 changes and fixes to ensure the tests confirm pre-1117 behaviour is reinstated.
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11:31:15 <chris> I'll merge it in.. otherwise some account kvp don't get retrieved (there's no dataloss)
11:36:39 *** ArtGravity has joined #gnucash
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12:06:43 <jralls> chris: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development ;-)
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13:37:21 <fell> JeffQ: "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/Finance/Quote/CurrencyRates/AlphaVantage.pm line 64." sounds like a bug in your F::Q version. Did yu try gnc-fq-update? See wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes
13:40:25 <JeffQ> fell: Thanks for the reply. Yes it's up to date. Maybe missing perl libraries? It seems to me like F::Q is unable to retrieve the key, somehow. Can I manually check the file/db where Gnucash stores the key to verify it's saved succesfully?
13:41:57 <fell> Edit->Preferences->Online Quotes?
13:43:01 <fell> For missing libraries: gnc-fq-check
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14:06:49 <jralls> For commandline you need to set an environment variable, ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY, with the key: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes#Source_Alphavantage.2C_US
14:07:35 <jralls> The preferences setting is for the GnuCash GUI.
14:13:50 <JeffQ> gnc-fq-check gives the correct output as in the wiki
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14:14:28 <JeffQ> I've set the env variable via the GUI, thought the other way was deprecated, but will try that than
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14:28:13 <JeffQ> Ok setting the key directy in an environment.local file (in same directory as environment file) does not work either. I would suspect gnc-fq-dump error, but it works when using yahoo_json to retrieve stocks. Somehow it can't find the key.
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15:45:58 <jralls> JeffQ, your shell environment can't see anything in GnuCash, neither preferences nor the environment files. You have set the variable in the shell's environment. On Windows say set ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY xxxxxxx, on mac or linux say export ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY=xxxxxxx.
15:46:50 <jralls> JeffQ read the link I gave you.
15:47:38 <JeffQ> I just found this in your link. I was about to message you that it now works. Sorry for bothering you with this, but thanks for the help.
15:50:08 <jralls> np
15:56:43 <JeffQ> I've been using GNUCash for 9 months now and I love it. My parents are using it now for their finances as well. I will make donation for the team's hard work soon, it's a must. Good night
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