2021-08-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:27 <chris> warlord: more effort than you'd think. if we're iterator in reverse to reverse only once at the end, the iterator will return reversed lists which means the list will be built in the non-reversed order
00:08:53 <chris> the fold version should work well. pity glib doesn't have fold.
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13:27:10 <warlord> chris, I am saying do you a() { res = b(); return g_list_reverse(res) } ; b() { res = x; res += b() ; return res; }; Then a() is the main function but all the processing is in b().
13:27:32 <warlord> .. and you only reverse once.
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16:14:56 <warlord> .
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22:51:22 <chris> jralls: #1101 now requires testing gnc_account_lookup_by_opening_balanc
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