2021-07-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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17:23:41 <accuser> hi
17:24:38 <accuser> i have a CSV file with the following data: Date, Description, Shares amount and USD price paid for each share
17:26:03 <accuser> i also have an account for these stocks, and another USD account i want to credit for those shares at the rate specified in the CSV
17:27:01 <accuser> how can i import these transactions from the CSV file correctly?
17:30:23 <jralls> accuser, I doubt that you can. Multi-commodity importing from CSV doesn't work very well.
17:32:00 <accuser> jralls: i can but it debits the same amount in shares that credits in the USD account, which is wrong. tried to add another column with the exchange rate and select it as "price" but doesn't seems to have any effect.
17:32:37 <jralls> So you can't, because you specified "correctly" and it isn't importing correctly.
17:35:32 <accuser> that's a pity. i'll see if i can do something to implement this.
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18:10:41 <jralls> accuser there are several csv->OFX and csv->QIF tools out there. Several users over the years have reported success using one and importing the resulting file into GnuCash.
18:13:10 <accuser> jralls thanks, i'll take a look. for the moment i'm reading the python bindings docs and see if i can write something to import my transactions
18:20:24 <accuser> "Python bindings have been added to gnucash in 2008 or earlier. There is still very little documentation and probably few people would know how to use it. "
18:20:29 <accuser> great haha
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18:29:10 <NoobAlice> accuser: I think there has been some mailing list discussion about this topic fairly recently. Here's a searchable archive of the mailing list: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
18:35:28 <accuser> NoobAlice related to my problem or about the python bindings lack of docs?
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18:37:09 <NoobAlice> About importing CSV/CSV converted to QIF and about python bindings, but possibly not together. I just recall seeing similar types of discussion recently.
18:38:42 <accuser> i'll take a look. but fortunately i found a python lib called piecash which looks very promising
18:38:59 <NoobAlice> Haha, that's been in the mailing list recently, too. :)
18:41:15 <NoobAlice> Linked in a recent thread, this *might* help, but I have no experience with it, just saw it: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GNC-Tracking-cash-flows-with-balanced-transactions-td4721056.html
18:45:51 <NoobAlice> ...also, I am just a noob user, and jralls is an actual dev, so his advice is best.
18:55:19 <accuser> i only have the option for saving with XML format, i don't have SQLITE or POSTGRESS as i can see in the docs. should i install something to enable support for this?
19:14:54 <NoobAlice> accuser: On my distro, libdbi-drivers for saving in SQL-type formats is an optional dependency.
19:15:53 <accuser> NoobAlice which distro is it? i'm on debian
19:16:16 <NoobAlice> Arch. It looks like Debian has it under the same name.
19:16:24 <NoobAlice> https://repology.org/project/libdbi-drivers/versions
19:18:48 <NoobAlice> Oh wait, there's a list? https://packages.debian.org/stable/source/libdbi-drivers
19:18:59 <NoobAlice> Sorry, I don't know other distros well.
19:21:03 <accuser> NoobAlice yes, it works by installing libdbd-sqlite. thanks!
19:21:11 <NoobAlice> :D
19:25:00 <NoobAlice> accuser: If something is wrong with Debian's packaging, do tell Debian so they can fix it and other users don't run into the same problem. I see "adep: libdbd-sqlite3" on the page https://packages.debian.org/stable/source/gnucash , but somehow you didn't have it installed? Anyway, you're the best judge of whether/how to report. :)
19:25:59 <accuser> not sure what "adep" means
19:26:14 <accuser> but i installed libdbd-sqlite3 and the option showed up in gnucash
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