2021-07-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:59:45 *** storyjesse has joined #gnucash
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16:58:33 <melas0nos> Hi everyone, new to gnucash. I was hoping someone could shed some light on something. I have all my accounts set up in envelope style. So When I get paid from salary account, i split and deposit funds into each of my envelopes, for rent, bills etc. The thing I'm wondering now, is there a way to see the current available funds? For instance, I have payments scheduled in the future, and an unallocated envelope in assets,
16:58:34 <melas0nos> but it will show the balance from the future. I want basically to be able to do a checkbook, and the envelope system. I hope this makes sense. Like I want to be able to have a ledger with all the transaction that I put in every day . I'm not sure I'm making sense...
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17:39:06 <Simon> you can open multiple subaccounts, so if you put those under a parent account that represents where the money actually is you could then open all of them in one register
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20:27:42 <melas0nos> Simon, that's what I was hopoing I could do, like I have all the "envelopes" under "envelopes" accounbt, but when I open that it doesn't show all the transactions of all sub categories
20:29:12 <melas0nos> Ah. Nevermind, I found the "open subaccounts"...easy 'nuf
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