2021-04-22 GnuCash IRC logs
00:11:34 *** angel has quit IRC
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00:23:52 <jralls_laptop> chris, re custom-reports-2.8 parser, I have a simple one in my c++options branch and a writer too, but I'm not very confident about the quality. I may set them aside, haven't decided yet.
00:25:18 <jralls_laptop> chris, timely comment though, I've about cleared away enough other work to have a week or three for that.
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19:45:20 <chris> CDB-Man_ any idea if the gnucash stock account has enough metadata to calculate capgains a-la https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/shares-and-capital-gains-tax-hs284-self-assessment-helpsheet/hs284-shares-and-capital-gains-tax-2021
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21:58:41 *** NoobAlice has joined #gnucash
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22:09:00 <NoobAlice> Hello, wondering if anyone else is having a similar issue or if I've done something stupid. I picked a currency, BAM, to use not as a currency but for "points" for my credit card, store memberships, etc. that can be used as cash on a 100pts-$1 basis. (So I am not downloading conversion rates for this.) I have done this for a few years now with no issues. I also use Trading Accounts. Ever since the GnuCash update to 4.5 (via t
22:09:00 <NoobAlice> h Linux repos), new transactions including these BAM/points have been trying to create a new Trading account. So I have Trading > Currency/NYSE > all my stocks and old BAM transactions, and a separate tree Trading > Currencies > BAM. This does not happen when I create new stock transactions, just new BAM/points transactions. I can replace the points split with a dollar account, delete the BAM and USD splits, close the transacti
22:09:02 <NoobAlice> en reopen and create BAM/USD splits manually in a second step, but going into the bad transaction and switching from one BAM to the other BAM has no effect.
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23:06:52 *** ArtGravity has quit IRC
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