2021-02-27 GnuCash IRC logs

00:38:26 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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05:44:31 <grepular> Apologies for what is probably a basic question: I just sold a rowing machine for £100. Would I put this into GnuCash as "Income"
05:45:20 <grepular> This is just an item that I had lying around
05:45:26 <grepular> * This is just an item that I had lying around, unused
05:53:46 *** bindash has joined #gnucash
05:53:54 <bindash> hello world :)
05:56:04 <bindash> I'm trying to make a nice footer for invoices. The Stylesheet's -> General -> Footer field doesn't allow me to put the footer at the very bottom of the page. Is there a way to fix this?
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07:31:06 <chris> grapular: I'd say yes Income:Sale of Personal Items
07:32:12 <chris> grapular: how did you acquire rowing machine? you must have bought it Bank->Expense:Exercise; if you had OCD you'd record as Bank->Asset:HomeEquipment
07:32:27 <chris> then Asset:HomeEquipment->Bank upon sale
07:33:05 <chris> Most ppl wouldn't inventory their house for saleable items
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10:46:51 <noregret> i'm kinda confused on how to enter a split transaction with a salary, because it contains income and taxes.
10:47:31 <noregret> should I start with a total deposit of the amount before taxes and then split the taxes as withdrawal?
10:48:55 <noregret> hmm, the amount left stayed in withdrawal
11:02:22 <noregret> ok, i was misunderstanding this, I should start with the amount after taxes and then deposit the taxes
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11:14:29 <noregret> where would I put the amount transfered to a broker for stock trading?
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11:15:29 <noregret> Asset:Broker?
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13:43:26 <jralls> fell, is Esme Lottering one of your gnucash-de users?
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13:47:57 <jralls> noregret, since your bank account doesn't see the amount withheld for taxes you'd normally transfer it directly from income:salary to expense:income tax withheld, though to be strict it would go to assets:prepaid income tax; you'd then use that to offset the final tax owed when you do your taxes.
13:49:31 <jralls> noregret, whatever you use for your brokerage cash account. A lot of people leave the broker account as a placeholder and have a child cash account.
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13:54:13 <jralls> bindash, that's not something that HTML is very good at. If you're fluent with CSS you could try using the CSS stylesheet to place the footer.
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13:55:11 <jralls> @tell td No, there's no export for securities or prices.
13:55:11 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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14:14:23 <bindash> thanks jralls, I can try to play with CSS, yes. I though that a "footer" field would stick to the bottom of the page, do you know where is this built in gnucash code? it might be fixable
14:14:57 <bindash> btw, I've tried to use <footer> html tag, but of course, it's not enough :)
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14:21:33 <jralls> bindash, the stylesheet code is in share/guile/2.2/gnucash/report/styleheets and the html construction code is in report/html-*.scm. For browsing the code you'll probably find https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/tree/maint/gnucash/report easier.
14:24:27 <jralls> You can use the export button on the report page to save the html to a file and open it in your browser. From there you can use the developer console to explore the structure and style of the document. That will make it much easier to work out if you can place the footer with CSS and if so what you'd need to do.
14:25:12 <bindash> thanks, I'll check it now... did you consider using html + markers? (e.g. every books option like company_name, company_address, contact_person, ... can be put in the html template, then replaced at generation time)
14:25:33 <bindash> it could allow a highly customizable invoice/pdf generation :)
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14:36:18 <jralls> I've no idea what was considered, nor what was available, 20 years ago when that code was written. We've batted around a few ideas for redesign but we have more urgent priorities.
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14:55:50 <bindash> looks like the CSS trick works, I've used: .footer { position: fixed; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; } and put my footer content in <div class="footer">HERE</div>
14:56:30 <bindash> generating the PDF of the invoice fails producing the expected result, but exporting the HTML then printing it from the browser works fine
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16:38:28 <noregret> jralls: so what I did is split the amount after taxes (goes in teh deposit column, same with taxes)
16:38:54 <noregret> jralls: and the total will be before taxes in teh withdrawal column
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16:39:19 <noregret> does that sound right?
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18:01:41 <jralls> noregret, Assuming the withdrawal column is for Income:Salary and the deposit lines are Assets:Bank and Expenses:Income Tax, yes.
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18:32:10 <noregret> great, thanks
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